
Xixi said softly.

The wind and sand stopped immediately, retreated, and all of them retreated into the small box. The colorful light on the small box gradually faded away. The green light lit up from her hand. In a flash, the box and the world tree disappeared.

"Well, from today on, you are the great Druid hee." Fariodin looked at Xi Xi, full of appreciation and gratification said.

"Xixi... How can Xixi be qualified to be a great Druid? No, Xixi can't." Xi Xi's head shakes like a rattle, a little flustered.

"The recognition of the world tree is the only standard to become a great Druid. You are doing better than me at that time." Fariodin said with a smile: "moreover, compared with the deer with a single brain, you should be more suitable."

Xi Xi looks up at Lu Lu, who is also full of encouragement. He looks at her giggle. His heart, which was not at all at all, suddenly has confidence. He feels the excited world tree in his body. He looks up at fariodin and nods his head solemnly. "I will make it grow well and grow into a towering world tree again."

"I believe you can do it, and I believe you can make the night elves return to Nolan one day, but druids will continue to breed." Fariodin nodded with a smile, and his body began to become more and more illusory. He turned and looked at Julian, and said with a smile, "Julian, look, I said you would be old too. Don't you believe me, but now you are old enough to be called old?"

"At least I'm still alive, old man. You've been dead for more than 100 years." Julian curled his lips, a little uncomfortable.

"Speaking of this, I really envy you young people. But if you die, you'll die. Anyway, you've been tired of living for hundreds of years. It's quiet when you die." Fariodin was not angry either. After a pause, he looked at Julian and solemnly said, "before I die, please look at them for me. I, the Druids, can't perish."

"It's up to them how much they can produce." Julian curled his mouth.

"Hahaha, kid, it's the same skin as before." Fariodin laughs and disappears.

The magic potion shop fell into silence.

Hee hee looked up at the ceiling, Lulu put her hand on her shoulder, also did not speak.

Julian slowly leaned back to the reclining chair with a blank face, but his eyes seemed to be looking back on the past. At that time, he was still young, liked to wander around, and had not become a legend. He met many interesting people and did many interesting things.

"You can mix magic potion in my shop, as long as you don't think the salary is low." The silence lasted for a long time, and Julian looked up at hee hee.

"Really?" Xi Xi Leng for a while, the face immediately showed the color of surprise, some excited said.

Although the werewolves were captured yesterday and should not be able to get out for a long time in the future, the werewolves are very powerful and there are more than those in the family. They will certainly continue to track them, so they can't stay in the city of chaos.

But now they have just found a way to restore the world tree, repair their body and regain their fertility. If they want to leave the chaotic city, they will never eat the stewed chicken rice made by boss Mai again, which is unacceptable to them.

But if Julian accepts them to help in the shop, it means that he will protect them. The protection of Julian, the legendary magician and Lord of frost, means absolute safety in the city of chaos.

"Then... What about Lu Lu? Can he stay?" Xi Xi hesitated for a while, and asked a little nervously again.

"I don't need to be too clumsy." Julian shook his head, looked at Xi Xi with a broken expression, and then said, "the room in the upstairs is for you. You can live with a few people. Your man, you can make money."

"Thank you, Lord Julian." Hee hee's face brightened and bowed to Julian.

"Thank you." Lu Lu also showed a smile on his face and bowed deeply to Julian with gratitude.

Wandering on the continent of Nolan for more than 100 years, growing up from two children, they have experienced too many life and death departures. What they most desire is not how to revenge, but to have a place for them to stop and have a rest and really live.

They just want to have a lot of children, let the Druid inheritance continue here, and recreate the great race.

Yesterday, they saw the hope, then fell into the despair of death, and finally survived with the help of McGonagall. They thought they would continue to face the unknown future, and continue to run away and be hunted endlessly. Unexpectedly, it all ended like this.

"The store only sells magic potions, healing potions and recovery potions... As long as they are on the shelf, you will allocate one bottle for each bottle you sell. This is what you do every day. After deducting the cost, you take half of the money you sell, and there is no minimum wage." Julian pointed to all kinds of magic potions on one side of the shelf, got up, took out a black magic book from the counter, threw it on the counter, and said: "this is a guide to the deployment of magic potions. If you can't find it, you can read it yourself. Anyway, as long as you can't drink it, it doesn't matter what the effect is."

"But... If it's half done, there will be too many, my Lord. This is your shop after all." Xixi is a little embarrassed.

"Don't think there will be a lot. Half of it will be enough for you two to eat half a full day." Julian curled his lips and walked out of the shop, saying, "since you're OK, I'll start work today. This morning's dinner is on me."

"Is it the Mami restaurant? Thank you, Lord Julian Hearing the food, Xi Xi's expression suddenly brightened, and he didn't say anything more about the Commission, so he quickly went out.


There has been a long line outside the restaurant. Compared with a few days ago, this morning, the gunpowder between the sweet and salty parties is particularly strong. Many people are red faced and even roll up their sleeves. It seems that they will explode at any point.

"Heretics who eat sweet bean curd! I warn you, as soon as possible to stop the salt bean curd brain brush 1 star behavior! Don't your conscience hurt when you do such a thing? "

"Well! It is your party that should have a good introspection! The dignity of sweet bean curd can't be insulted, the ranking of 99 is shocking! Women will shed tears when they listen, while men will be silent when they listen! "

"Draw the sword, heresy!"

There was a roar from the crowd.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

Then, the restaurant door suddenly rang out a sound of sword!

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