"Well?" Kandy was stunned. He followed Amy's eyes and looked into the kitchen. The skinny boss, who was seriously cooking, shook his head with a smile and said, "no, although the name may be the same, MEG Alex is a powerful and proud knight. He will never cook in the kitchen, and he has no daughter."

McGonagall shrugged in the kitchen. Kangdi was right. If he hadn't experienced that, he was indeed a powerful and proud knight. How could he cook if he didn't even enter the kitchen.

But listen to him full of worship say these words, how inexplicably feel a little... Dark cool?

"My father's Rainbow fried rice is delicious. Anyway, in my heart, my father is the best, no matter what." Amy looked up at Kangdi and said seriously.

"Well, I also believe that this boss's food will be delicious." Kangdi sat down again and said with a smile, without arguing with Amy.

"Well, yes." Amy was smiling again.

At the door, he thought of the bell again. Mobai pushed the door first, followed by two two two meter tall orcs, each holding a mace thick as an ordinary man's thigh.

"Boss Mo, when did you open such a beautiful restaurant next door? What's good to eat? " Habang, with a ring of animal teeth around his neck, asked in a loud voice that even McGonagall in the kitchen heard.

"It's just opened in the past two days. Of course, I'll bring you here to have a taste when there's something delicious. But first, I don't want to treat you." Mo Bai smiles mysteriously and says hello to McGonagall who turns around in the kitchen: "boss McGonagall, I'm here again."

"You are more picky about food than our brothers. If you say good food, it's not bad, as long as you can eat meat and drink wine." Ha Bang nodded and didn't think much. On one side, HAGA looks around curiously, with a simple and honest smile on his face. When Mobai and habang say ha, they just smile twice and don't speak.

"Welcome." McGonagall had just finished the ingredients, but the rice in the rice cooker was not ready. He went to the door and said with a smile, "please sit down first, three of you. There is a menu on the table."

McGonagall looked at the two orcs quietly. They were wrapped in fur aprons and fur cardigans, revealing the long black hair on their chest. They were taller than normal human beings, with more than one head, brown black skin and three centimeter long tusks in their mouth. McGonagall thought of the orcs in Warcraft at once.

Besides, the two orcs should be brothers, and their looks are seven or eight points similar. However, the one on the left with a compression Necklace seems to be a little grumpy, and the one on the right with a silly smile. Although they are orcs, they seem to make people feel very friendly.

"I don't have to look at it. Today's workload is a bit heavy. Three Yangzhou fried rice." Mo Bai said directly and sat down at the table he had made in the past two days. He looked at Amy and said with a smile, "good afternoon, little girl."

"How are you, Grandpa Mobai?" Amy nodded, pointed to Emperor Kangdi and said, "he's a new friend, a dragon slayer."

"Dragon Slayer?" Mo Bai looked at the young knight in surprise.

"Bang, what dragon slayer, I'm afraid he can't even beat the goblins." Ha Bang opened the chair opposite Mo Bai and sat down. Looking at Kang Di, he said with a sarcastic smile that although this human was wearing armor, he could not even see a few calluses in his sword hand. His face was white, but he was just a rich human.

"I'm determined to be a dragon slayer. I haven't had a fight with goblins, so there's no case that you can't beat goblins." Kangdi looked at habang with a smile on his face. He didn't seem to take habang's words to heart.

"So you think you can beat me?" Habang stood up, arched up with strong and exaggerated muscles, holding a strong mace and staring at Kangdi.

"We haven't played. Naturally, I don't think I can't beat you, but I won't fight you. My goal is dragon." Kangdi smiles and shakes his head. His eyes pass over habang's head and fall on the wallpaper behind him, where a huge dragon is spewing flames. "That's my opponent."

"You hypocritical knight, do you want to fight with me today?" Ha Bang put the mace on his shoulder and pointed to Emperor Kangdi.

"Two guests, this is the restaurant, not the arena. If there is any contradiction to be solved, please go outside the restaurant." McGonagall looked at the two men, and walked two steps forward.

McGonagall had ten thousand grass mud horses in his heart. The world without legal constraints was more chaotic than he imagined. If he didn't agree, he would fight on the spot. What if he broke the restaurant?

"Shut up Ha Bang turned back and yelled at MEG. This human must be with the knight in front of him.

"Ha Bang..." Mo Bai's face was not happy. He wanted to bring two guests to MEG to make Amy happy. Unexpectedly, as soon as he sat down, there was a conflict. He felt ashamed and wanted to ask the reckless guy to sit down.

HAGA, who was standing beside him, was also a little worried. He pulled his clothes and wanted to say nothing.

Meg's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't wait for him to speak.

"Don't kill my father!" Amy, who had been watching the conflict between the two sides, was still in a daze. She suddenly stood in front of McGonagall and protected him behind him. As soon as she stretched out her hand, a blue purple flame rose from her hand. The flame rose more than half a meter high, and the air was directly burned out of a white hole.

"It's so hot!" As soon as his face changed, he jumped back two steps. He took a look at the skin on his left sleeve, which was rolled up by the high temperature. Then he looked at the blue and purple flame rising in Amy's hand, and he couldn't help swallowing.

It's a terrible flame. The air temperature is so terrible. If it falls on you, I'm afraid it will be burned directly into coke, right?

The little girl looked at the little one. She didn't expect that she was still such a terrible magician. The speed of releasing fire was faster than those old magicians, and the hot temperature made him feel more terrible than the human magicians I had seen before.

Kangdi, who had already grasped the sword on the table, was surprised to see habang yelling at MEG. His eyes stayed on the flame in her hand for a while and put the sword down again. It seems that he doesn't need to do it today.

"Magic?" Mo Bai was also stunned. He didn't expect that Amy could do magic, and he was very powerful, which made ha Bang afraid.

"This is my father's restaurant. You have to be obedient. Otherwise, Xiaomi will lose you with a fireball." Amy was a little old and said, the flame in her hand slowly converged and turned into a little purple fireball. Her eyes fell on habang, showing her teeth, "I'm so fierce!"

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