As soon as shawnard's voice fell, all the eyes in the restaurant fell on him. With strong hostility, he joked that they would not be allowed to eat in the McMillan restaurant, which was a bitter hatred.

However, after eating so long in the Maimi restaurant, they heard for the first time that someone wanted to make a reservation, but only to clear up the market. I don't know what Mr. Julian thought when he was eating grilled fish with relish?

Thinking of this, people's eyes become a little funny when they look at shawnard. Young people don't do their homework well when they go out to pretend to be forced. Maybe his family is rich, but now there are probably no less than ten people who are as rich as his father, or even richer, and no less than 20 people who can call him out from the restaurant with a slap.

"I like to be quiet, too." Julian looked up at shawnard and agreed, but he didn't do anything. He continued to eat the big roast fish in front of him. The spicy feeling made him feel that his tongue seemed to have lost consciousness, but he could still clearly feel the wonderful taste.

Of course, what surprised him even more was that after swallowing the fish, the hot feeling spread all over his body. Because of the cold, his stiff legs were warm. The cold was constantly being squeezed out. The bent and deformed back also felt the same, and seemed to be straightened.

Julian has found many ways to dispel the cold. The bed he sleeps in at night is a ten thousand year old flint dug from the bottom of a lava lake. He has a glass of flame juice every day, but the effect is not so good. The cold accumulated over the years has gone deep into the bone marrow, which can not be removed by ordinary methods.

Anyway, there are not many years to live. Julian is too lazy to toss about this matter in recent years. However, the rougamo before gives him some hope. Today, boss Mai's new spicy grilled fish gives him the possibility to completely dispel the chill.

It's not a violent process, but he can clearly feel that the chill is abating, and the pain of his back and legs is eliminated.

As long as you continue to eat, before long, the chill in your body should be completely removed, and then your back may return to normal.

Although I can't live for a few years, if I can live more comfortably, why not? What's more, you just need to eat this delicious roast fish. I'll come to eat one every day in the future. That's settled.

Shawnard took a look at Julian. He didn't take the little old man with a hunchback to heart. He felt watching his eyes one by one. This feeling made him quite enjoy. Of course, in this chaotic city, it's not in lodu after all. He also knew that he should be restrained, so he just asked the boss to invite people, and he would give enough money for the private show.

He felt that he was gentlemanly and forthright enough. Vivian was the daughter of the Lord of the city. Of course, she couldn't eat with demons and dwarves. Thinking of having dinner with Vivian, Bernard couldn't help but feel a little bit agitated. She thought that she could make a good impression in her heart.

"Is this a fool?" Vivian looked up at shawnard. Originally, she just wanted to have a simple meal, but she didn't expect this guy to jump around in front of her like a clown.

What's more, she is now dressed in men's clothes, a man's dress, but this guy is very attentive to her, which makes Vivian feel a little strange and complicated. She takes her eyes away from Bernard and thinks: "does this guy like men?"

Thinking of this, Vivian felt a chill in her heart, and subconsciously wanted to stay away from this guy.

"How's it going?" Shawnard looked at abelmia contentedly, his voice improved a bit, and he wanted to be more powerful, so that the little girl of the half dragon man could play the film.

"This..." abelmia looked at shawnard a little at a loss. This situation has never happened, and she didn't know how to deal with it. The guest was very rich at first sight, so it's not good to offend him?

"I'm sorry, this guest. We don't have a reservation service in our restaurant." Just then, McGonagall came out with a plate of Yangzhou fried rice, put it on the table, walked up to abemia, looked at shawnard and said with a smile, "besides, our restaurant is very expensive, you may not be able to afford it."

When the guests heard McGonagall's words, their faces all showed a smile. Boss McGonagall was still boss McGonagall. Even the retorts sounded so comfortable. Yes, the mcmillagall restaurant is valuable.

Vivian looks up at McGonagall unexpectedly. Her eyes brighten. It seems that this is Robert's genius chef and Luna's interesting parent.

The half short brown hair is clean and neat, especially the two beards on the upper lip, which adds a bit of ruffian to the angular face. The chef's clothes are tailored and slim, which makes people feel very clean and comfortable instead of greasy.

"Well, it looks like something. This moustache is full of marks!" Vivian thought in her heart that, compared with MEG, who is mature in appearance and a little ruffian, shawnard, who is dressed in red and speaks childishly, is even more unattractive.

"I just made a little comment on my appearance and came to eat. I'm not interested in this man at all." Vivian takes her eyes back, but it's still cool to hear McGonagall tell Bernard. I didn't expect that there would be such a strange boss. When she heard that someone wanted to make a reservation, she refused, and added, "can't you afford it?" It's really an interesting guy.

"Are you the boss?" Hearing McGonagall's words, shawnard was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that his request would be directly rejected and ridiculed by this guy. If that's all, the image just set up in front of Vivian would collapse again. It's absolutely impossible!

Shawnard looked at McGonagall with a bad expression and said in a deep voice, "I may have more money than you think. Today, I'll make the deal. You can say how much it is."

Such a small restaurant on the edge of Aden square, even if there are more guests now, where can it be more expensive? It's a big deal that he has paid for the meal expenses of all the people present. Shonade thinks in her heart that his purse contains a lot of gold coins and dragon coins, which should be enough to cope with.

"Restaurants may also be a little more expensive than you think." McGonagall never liked this kind of showy boy. Looking at shawnard, who was gradually angry, McGonagall said with a smile, "do we have to pay at least twice the turnover for the private market? Evening is the main business hour of the restaurant, for which you need to pay 1000000 copper coins. To appease the guests, we should at least pay for the dinner and give them the same amount of appeasement? You have to pay 100000 copper dollars for this. As for the impact of private dining on the reputation of the restaurant, as well as the subsequent impact of the loss of regular customers, you need to pay about 100000 copper dollars, a total of 1200000 copper dollars in cash. "

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