Amy looked at Jessica's clean eyes and the purple crystal in her hand. She slowly clenched her fist, nodded her head and said with a smile, "I'll keep it, just like our friendship. It's always kept."

"Well." Jessica showed a happy smile on her face and nodded her head with the same force.

"Scott, Jessica has gained a precious friendship with the purple stone you gave her. Do you see it?" Rebecca smiles and looks at the two girls holding hands. Don't look over her head and wipe the corners of her eyes.

"I'm not late, am I?" A soft voice rang out, and Luna came here with a smile on her face.

"Miss Luna, you are not late. It happens that everyone is here and the party can start." Amy looked at Luna and said happily.

"Miss Luna, you're here, too!" Jessica looked at Luna with the same delight.

"Yes, Amy and Jessica are beautiful today." Luna looks at them with a smile, and conjures two bright red flowers on her hands, which are pinned on Amy's and Jessica's hair. "The teacher didn't prepare a gift, so I'll give you a little red flower."

"Miss Luna, I'm Jessica's mother. Thank you for taking care of Jessica and me all the time." Rebecca stepped forward and bowed to Luna, full of gratitude.

"It's very kind of you. Jessica is very lovely and obedient. I heard that you were in poor health some time ago. Are you better now?" Luna picked her up and asked with concern.

"Thanks to Mr. McGonagall's help, I'm almost in good health. I can go on working and Jessica doesn't have to go on the street." Rebecca nodded.

"Mr. McGonagall is a very kind man." Luna said with a smile. I don't know when MEG helped Jessica's mother, but Jessica doesn't have to beg in the street every day. That's good news. What a lovely little girl.

"Miss Luna!"

When they enter, Daphne and Ignaz greet Luna in surprise.

"Hello, Miss Luna." Pabol looked at Luna in surprise. His face was more embarrassed, but he still said hello.

"Daphne, Ignaz and Pablo, you are all here. Amy has invited all her good friends." Luna said with a smile, and then said hello to the parents and sat down with them.

"You see, this is a talking bird."

Two birdcages were placed on a table beside them. Amy waved to the children.

"Talking birds? Really? My neighbor's parrot can also talk, but it's just learning from my neighbor. It can't communicate with people. " Ignaz was the first to step forward and asked curiously.

"I've never seen a talking bird? And the bird is beautiful, and its feathers seem to shine Daphne looked at mung bean expectantly.

"Little bird! Little bird Pabol clapped his little hand and cried happily. He grabbed the chair beside him and wanted to climb up. Unfortunately, his hands were short and his feet were short. He didn't find a way to climb up for a while.

"How a bird can talk is a lie." Palmer looked this way and said with disdain.

"This is mung bean, this is black charcoal. Black charcoal has no face to see people, so it hides, but its voice can be heard." Amy heard Palmer's words, but didn't explain anything. Instead, she introduced mung bean and black charcoal.

"I'm not hiding because I have no face! And I'm not black charcoal. You can call me your highness Fama Odin Ben The voice of black charcoal came from the birdcage wrapped in black cloth, with some anger.

"I'm sonny. Although they usually call me mung bean, I prefer the name sonny." Mung bean spread his wings, said the voice ethereal, elegant action.

"Wow, I can really talk! And it's a conversation with us, not a fixed one. I've learned a few words! " Ignaz called in surprise.

"Listen to the sound, I also want to raise a lovely talking bird." Daphne looks back at guy.

"It's the first time I've seen a talking bird. If I see it later, I'll catch it for you." Guy was a little helpless and said that the chance of meeting a talking bird was very, very small.

"Bird... Hug." Pabol, with his little hand open, tried to grab the cage on the table, but the table was too high for him to reach even on tiptoe.

"It's really a talking bird. It's so cute. It's more lovely than our family's stupidity." As soon as Miranda's eyes brightened, she reached out and rubbed Palmer's hair with a smile. Looking at him, she said, "Palmer, you can't deny what you haven't seen in the future, or you will only appear shallow. This is not a man's quality. You can grow up to be a real man only if you are modest and polite."

"I know, mother." Palmer looked at Miranda, looked down in shame, but soon looked up again, looked into Miranda's eyes and said seriously, "I'll be a real man and a role model for my brothers."

"I believe you can, too." Miranda smiles and nods, her eyes full of encouragement.

Jergi just sat and looked at it with a smile. The little guy in his arms held out his little hand and grabbed it in the direction of the crystal lamp. Although he didn't catch anything, he still had a happy smile on his face.

"Come here, children." MEG came out of the kitchen and said with a smile.

"It's a great honor to invite you to the party. I hope you can have a good time today. Although it's a party, in the restaurant, you'd better order according to your preference. What you want to eat is unlimited except bean curd." After watching everyone sit down, MEG continued, and abelmia put a menu in front of everyone.

"Wow, there are a lot of dishes, honey. Are these all new dishes that come out today?" Miranda opened the menu, just looked at it and said.

"Maybe... Maybe... Maybe..." geerjee said awkwardly. I didn't expect that McGonagall was so straightforward that he would give the guests the menu directly and order casually.

"Is that so?" Miranda looked at jierji, who was a little embarrassed. Her eyes were full of smiles. After a while, she continued: "although the stewed chicken rice and Yangzhou fried rice are delicious, since there are so many new dishes, I'll try some new dishes, such as rougamo with wax sauce, Tiandou Putuo and spicy grilled fish..."

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