"Of course, it's OK to interrupt appropriately. It's good for our harmonious relationship." The system is serious.

"Talk to people." McGonagall turned his mouth and didn't take it.

"Menu partition change" includes: 1 menu partition; 5 times of free addition of new dishes; A lifetime warranty card for menu quality, including but not limited to the 16 menus owned by the current restaurant. The host can also learn about the menu to change the VIP package: 1. Add new dishes for free forever; 2. Menu partition optional; 3. You can add pictures for each dish! Just 1998 coppers! " The system replied quickly.

"Add picture?" McGonagall's eyes brighten, which is a good suggestion. The existing dishes in the restaurant are very different from the dishes in the world. Just look at the dish name, the new guests are confused. If there are pictures, it's more intuitive. It can save a lot of trouble in explanation and improve efficiency to a certain extent.

"System, is that too high? If you don't give me a 50% discount, 998 will be fine. " McGonagall asked.

"Host! This is already the best price! Hematemesis sale! Do you have the heart to bargain? " The voice of the system was a little pathetic, and aggravated a little, and said: "moreover, even if it's a half fold, it's 999! How could it be 998? It's too much for you to erase a copper coin like this

"I said, how can you be a person who earns hundreds of thousands a day selling vegetables? A copper coin makes you so excited. Is it necessary?" Sometimes, McGonagall can't understand the greed of the system.

"Do you think selling vegetables really makes money? Let me tell you, we vegetable growers are the hardest in this industry chain. Do you want money for seed cultivation? High tech greenhouses cost nothing? Don't you want money? Free space transportation?

I can only earn one copper coin if I sell you ten peas with ten copper coins. It takes me several months to complete a round of harvest from seed cultivation, planting and harvest to cultivate such ten peas, and select high-quality peas for the restaurant.

In order to ensure the freshest quality, we use the high-cost space transmission technology to directly transfer the food materials from the origin to the host's refrigerator. I am lucky to earn every copper coin! So please don't look down on every copper coin! It's all the hard-earned money of our vegetable farmers! " The system meaning is the right word.

McGonagall almost felt guilty when listening to the excited voice of the system. He thought he was a unscrupulous businessman who squeezed vegetable farmers. However, when he thought about it carefully, he said with a strange expression: "I say the system... Although you grow the vegetables, and you raise the fish, shrimp, chicken and duck, you are not a vegetable farmer. You have never moved your hand, and you are crazy to complain here, I almost believed you. "

"Cough cough..." the system made a cough. After a while, it was a little embarrassed and said, "anyway, the VIP package is 1998 copper coins. Select the map, optimize the partition, and upgrade the menu to become more high-end and atmospheric. It can improve the quality of the restaurant and the dining experience of the guests. You only need a VIP package, and you can earn money if you buy it!"

"998, no more copper." McGonagall said decidedly that there was no room for discussion.

“999! No less! " The system gritted its teeth, as if to make a great concession.


“999!” The system still refused to compromise and said angrily, "host, you earn a million yuan a day cooking. Is it necessary to fight with me for a copper coin here? And do you know how many tasks the VIP package has? Taking and selecting photos, typesetting and increasing the number of menu pages, I packed everything, but you refused to put a copper coin! "

"It's all my hard-earned money. I didn't know it was so hard to earn money in my last life. Now I'm making money to support my family. I understand that I still can't spend it casually. So, 998, I can't have more than one copper coin." Macquarie said.

The system was silent for a long time, sighed and said: "host, you are cruel! 998, menu change, VIP package, take home

"Good system, you can start your show." McGonagall showed a happy smile on his face. Although he only lost a copper coin, he felt like he had made a million.

"You don't have to be too sad, I should be able to raise enough money to buy the second physical fitness point after the business is over tomorrow, and upgrade the restaurant level tomorrow." MEG comforted himself.

"Host, you made a wise choice." The sound of the system suddenly became active again.

"So, are you going to come with a menu change package?" McGonagall asked with a smile.

"Ding! 998 copper coin deduction success, menu change VIP package has been delivered, can't return The system's tone immediately rings.

McGonagall shook his head a little helplessly. The system was really in the eye of money. After looking at several menu templates in his mind, he opened them all and chose the simplest one, a small picture with a dish name and price, without adding any special effects or descriptions.

"Ding! The menu template is selected successfully. The menu is being customized and can be delivered in five minutes! " The system prompts that the sound is on.

"All right." MEG nodded, got up and began to set up the meeting place for tonight.

The ideal state of course is that round table talks will be more compelling, but the rental price of 10000 copper coins in the system makes McGonagall lose interest directly, and the high cost goes against his idea of making money.

Standing in the middle of the dining room for a moment, MEG arranged the tables in five groups about two meters apart, and put a table at the front for the moderator.

The simple and practical arrangement ensures that each participant has a table, while sitting opposite each other is also very suitable for negotiation. A proper distance of two meters can give each other a little space for calm thinking. Other tables and chairs are moved to the corner by McGonagall, and the overall appearance is very open and comfortable.

"This should be no problem. I hope the process of their talks will be more elegant and not cause any damage to the restaurant." MEG clapped his hands, thinking a little worried.

A dragon, a devil, this is not a good race, if not a word fight, the restaurant can not stand their toss.

Setting the table, MEG went into the kitchen and began to prepare the ingredients for the evening meeting.

Michael is not a freewheeling City Lord. He will choose the McMillan restaurant as the place of the meeting, and promise him so many conditions. It's not just because his roast fish has relieved his daughter's illness, but because he thinks the McMillan restaurant can promote the meeting.

And what Maimi restaurant has is only delicious food, which MEG knows very well.


As the setting sun falls to the west, a hundred meter long golden dragon slowly glides over Aden square. The setting sun falls on it, reflecting a dazzling golden light. People in Aden square look up and squint at it, and their faces are full of surprise.

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