"Well, Xiaomi remembers that when Xiaomi grows up, he can defeat the villain himself!" Amy looked at Julian and nodded seriously.

Is it arrogant?

No, it's confidence.

The master and the apprentice have the same self-confidence.

When the demons and Dragons looked at Amy, they suddenly had an inexplicable premonition that this half elf girl, who seemed to be only three or four years old, might become a dazzling new star in the near future.

A person who can be selected as an apprentice by Julian and Krasu at the same time, who can make them compromise with each other, can never be a mediocre.

Fox gritted his teeth and held back the pain. He did not dare to see Amy and Julian. He was afraid that he could not control his emotions.

When I saw Julian many years ago, his powerful ice magic left a shadow in his heart. With his strength increasing, he thought that the gap between them was not big. He didn't wake up until he was slapped on the ground. Your uncle is your uncle after all. Although Julian's ice magic restaurant is not big, it's very exquisite, I'm curious why Lord Michael chose this as a meeting place Dracula was the first to walk into the restaurant.

"Welcome." Abemia said with a smile. After hearing jinx's words, she was in a better mood. It turned out that there was a dragon who didn't despise half race. If only her father was also a golden dragon.

Sally nodded slightly, although he did not like bloodthirsty vampires, but this just ready to help MEG and Amy, has been quite cultured, still left a good impression on her.

"Hello, beautiful lady, I finally know why Lord Michael chose to hold a meeting here. Besides the exquisite restaurant, what's more important is the elegant and beautiful waitress." Dracula looked at them, her eyes brightened, and she bowed with a smile.

After everyone entered the restaurant, Michael looked at McGonagall and said with gratitude, "Mr. McGonagall, thank you for what you did in the family area of the miners who died this morning. You have saved many people living in misery and removed a haze from the city."

"I just happened to see it. The removal of Urban Haze still depends on the Lord's mansion and the grey temple. But I hope the Lord of the city can give people living in the haze a chance to breathe and let them know that the haze is not a closed copper wall. They just need to reach out and someone outside the haze can grab their hand and pull them out." McGonagall looked at Michael and said seriously.

"What's your opinion on this?" Michael looked at McGonagall and asked with a serious expression. McGonagall's words brought back by brandley surprised him a lot. It wasn't just a cook who could say that.

McGonagall looked at Michael hesitated for a moment and said, "I don't think it's a good idea. It's just a personal opinion. I think the Lord's mansion and the grey temple may jointly establish a petition agency for all the residents of the chaotic city. If they suffer any unfair treatment or unbearable threat, they have a place to ask for help, Instead of waiting helplessly for death and life. Of course, the premise is that the grey temple and the city Lord's office can play the role of mutual independence and mutual supervision, otherwise it will only become a new patrol house. "

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