In a quiet, the people happily ate their tofu, almost at the same time put down the bowl, looking at each other, a little less grumpy, a little more negotiation atmosphere.

"I didn't expect that a bowl of bean curd would promote the peace talks. The role of delicious food is really wonderful at some times." There was something unexpected in Michael's eyes. He was worried that the two sides would fight again because of bean curd. Now it seems that this kind of worry is totally unnecessary.

"So fast?" The two civil servants who took notes were also stunned. They quickly put the porcelain bowl aside and picked up the pen and paper again. The contents of the talks between the two sides still need to be recorded in detail.

"This is probably the first talk promoted by bean curd?" Sally's face is also a little strange. The talks between the two sides have always been very complicated. The process of testing each other's bottom line will be very long, and the dispute may not be able to come to a conclusion in the end, but now the two sides are ready to skip the step of testing.

"I don't think it's necessary to quarrel over these messy things. Anyway, no one can agree with each other. It's better to go out of the city and have a fight. Let's just open up. The purpose of this talk is to stop this meaningless battle, withdraw troops from both sides, and then decide the ownership of the island." Said kinks, looking across.

"That's what we mean here. Originally, it was just a few kids who found an island, and there was nothing precious on it. For no reason, they started fighting, and it became the current deadlock. Although we demons are not afraid of war, it is not a wise move to consume too much fighting power in such a war that we don't even know what the goal is. We also want to end this war. " Dracula also nodded and took out two maps from her arms. One of them was lost to the opposite side, and the other was spread out on the table in front of her.

"As for the dispute over this island, our top ten demons decided to give up the fight for its ownership after discussion. But at the same time, we still insist that this island was discovered by us first. Although there is no special mineral on it, it can also become the habitat of some demons. Therefore, we hope that you dragon people will not try to control it, just let it idle and become an island without ownership. "

"Moreover, in terms of distance, the distance between this island and the core island of our demon islands is the same as that of your Dragon Island, so there is no saying that this island should belong to your dragon people."

"And in this war, we demons have sacrificed many brave soldiers. You dragon people are very mobile and almost unhurt. So we hope you can compensate for the pension expenses of the sacrificed soldiers as a sincerity of this peace talk."

Said Dracula, pointing to the little red dot on the map.

"Are you asking us to cut the land and pay compensation? The dragon clan has never done this kind of business. If you have any sincerity in peace talks, take back the last request and let's talk about it again. " Fox looked at Dracula and sneered, without looking at the map.

"Tut Tut, you dragon people occupy the golden mountain of Dragon Island. There are many kinds of rare mines below. There are many kinds of gold and silver mountains. Although you don't need them on Dragon Island, you can make a little compensation. Why should you be so stiff up here? You dragon people are too stingy. There are a lot of these things in the cave. Do you want to be buried with them? " Gustav turned his lips.

"Gold is faith. If anyone dares to think of our gold, he will be ready to bear the anger of our golden dragon clan." Kinks stares at the three people on the other side and says strongly.

"Our dragon is proud to collect precious stones and gold. Who else on the continent of Nolan doesn't know that? Compensation can't exist. War always kills people. If we lose, then we have nothing to say about the compensation for the land cut. But now we are surrounded by the dragon people, and you demons are trapped on the island. It's a big concession that we didn't ask you to compensate for the cost of work delay. You dare to make such a request, but you can't see the sincerity of negotiation at all. " Fox said with a sneer, never giving up.

The restaurant fell into silence again, both sides began to enter the internal discussion stage, space magic blocked the sound, other people did not know what they said.

"Compared with those mature politicians in previous lives, the talks between the dragon and the devil, who have never been good at thinking, are much simpler. It seems that there is still a good chance of reaching peace talks tonight." McGonagall put the rougamo one by one into a paper bag with a smile on his face and motioned abelmia to take it out.

"Boss, will you send it up now?" Abelmia looks at MEG a little puzzled. Now the two sides are in a heated meeting. Isn't it good to interrupt them with meal delivery?

"Well, if Baiji steamed bread is baked for a long time, it won't taste good. Send it to them first." McGonagall smiles and nods. The rhythm of the meeting is up to him.

"All right." Although she was a little worried, she nodded obediently and went out with rougamo. One by one, she put it in front of everyone and said with a smile, "this is rougamo. Please use it slowly."


The smell of stewed meat came, and the dragon and demons, who were actively discussing the countermeasures, were attracted by the small rougamo in the paper bag in front of them.

Compared with the faint fragrance of bean curd, this meat flavor is very rich, just like a plump mature woman. I tell you how charming the taste is, so that people lose the interest of continuing discussion.

"My favorite food is meat. Let me try the taste of human cooked meat first." Kinks was the first one to grab the rougamo on the table. With a stab, he tore open the paper bag outside. There was a reddish brown stewed meat between the two white cakes. Compared with the raw meat, the flavor of rougamo was countless times stronger. He couldn't help swallowing his saliva. Then he directly bit down half of rougamo and chewed it.

Two layers of soft and sweet Baiji steamed bread with soft and rotten marinated meat, bite open, delicious gravy overflow, meat fat but not greasy, every taste bud on the tip of the tongue seems to be cheering and cheering, this is the delicious he has never experienced, this is the correct opening posture of meat!

And after swallowing, the delicious taste seems to become a bit frenzied, running in the blood, the heart is accelerating, the blood is accelerating.


Kinkholder got up and let out a dragon roar. A golden dragon tail sprang out behind him and smashed the chair behind him

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