"My Lord, all the gold coins have been transported from Luodu, but the quantity is huge. I don't know where to store them? All the magic items you designated have been purchased, the magic room of the mage tower has been dismantled, and all the useful items have been delivered. " Outside the magic room, Arthur looks at Krasu and says respectfully.

"If you want gold coins, pile them on the first floor. A few days ago, I just asked Novartis to put the gold coins on the first floor. Those magic items are stored in another magic room and sorted out. In two days, I can start to build a new magic room for little Amy." Krasu said with a smile, looking forward to it.

"All right." Arthur nodded, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "my Lord, the people of the mage tower have also arrived. Now they should be at the gate of chaos School Park. Besides challenging chaos School Park, they also want to see you. Do you want to see them today?"

"No, I have to teach little Amy magic, and most of these guys have no good intentions. If you want to challenge Amy, let them challenge chaos school first. Amy will compete on behalf of chaos school." Crassus shakes his head slightly and looks at Amy, who is trying to fuse the two kinds of magic in the magic room, and then fails to burst into a mist, with a happy smile on his face.

"Well, I'll get your message across." Arthur nodded respectfully and turned away.

"These old guys have come all the way to send their disciples and grandchildren to me. It's a pity if they don't slap them hard." Krasu whispered to himself and turned into the magic room.


"Headmaster, look at this challenge. Shall we take it or not?" In the headmaster's office, the chubby teaching director asked in a low voice, looking at novan, who was reading a parchment magic book behind his desk.

"Why not?" Novartis asked without raising his head.

"Headmaster, the year before last, mage tower and Imperial College joined hands to defeat many of our students in the competition, which not only impacted the reputation of chaos school, but also caused some pressure and shadow to those students. These mage towers must be well prepared. If things like the year before last happen again, it's not good for chaos school. " The instructor hesitated.

"If you refuse to fight because you are afraid of failure, you can never grow into a powerful magician. Don't you even forget that, greenton?" He put down his magic book, looked at the director and said calmly: "the reputation of chaos school is not invincible, but how to stand up after failure and defeat your opponent again. As for the pressure and shadow, if students are knocked down because of one failure, it means that our education is a failure. We should reflect on ourselves instead of thinking about how to prevent students from contacting with the fight. "

"Yes, I was wrong about it." Greenton bowed his head in shame.

"The challenge is accepted, whether it's the wizard tower or the Imperial College. I want to let the students know that outside the chaos college, there are better peers who have a higher starting point. If they want to stand at the same height with them in the future, they need to work harder, not be a frog in the well. " Novartis said with a smile.

"Good." Greenton nodded.

"The challenge will be tomorrow. The whole school will suspend classes for one day to observe. It just allows the children in the green bud garden to have a more intuitive understanding of magic. Teachers can see if there is any new research and progress in Imperial College. These are good things." Continued Novartis.

"OK, I'll arrange it now." Grinton nodded, turned and walked away quickly.


"Friends from lodu, I'm greenton, the teaching director of chaos Academy. The challenge letter from mage tower and Imperial College is accepted by chaos Academy. The challenge will be carried out tomorrow. The specific schedule will be delivered to your residence tonight. I hope this is a challenge beneficial to both sides." At the gate of chaos school, greenton looked at Albert and the civil servant of the Los Empire and said.

"Well, I think it's going to be a good challenge for both sides." Albert looked at greenton and nodded.

"If we come all the way, won't we be invited to the chaos school? Is this the way you treat guests in chaos school? " Hank looked at greenton with some displeasure and said.

"Chaos School Park is a place for students to have classes, not a restaurant or hotel. Now the students are having classes, and outsiders are not allowed to enter. Please get the invitation of chaos School Park tomorrow before you enter." Greenton looked at hank with empty eyes and said with dignity.

He has been the teaching director of chaos school for more than 20 years, but he has never seen any prickly students. If such a guy with green hair falls into his hands, he must be bald, so as not to affect the appearance of the school.

Hank only felt his scalp cool, and subconsciously shrunk his head. Looking at the bald instructor, he was inexplicably afraid.

"We respect the school rules of chaos school, but in addition to challenging chaos school this time, we also congratulate Lord Krasu on his apprenticeship on behalf of MAGE tower. I heard that he is in chaos school now. I wonder if we can go into the school and meet Lord Krasu." Said Albert, looking at greenton.

"Lord Crassus said that he has no time to see you. Both Lord Crassus and miss Amy will be present at tomorrow's challenge. You can congratulate him at that time." Arthur came out of the school, looked at Albert and said.

"I don't know if that little guy has the courage to accept the challenge?" Asked hank, looking at Arthur, with some provocation.

"My Lord said that Miss Amy will represent chaos school in tomorrow's challenge." Arthur took a look at hank road.

"Good. I'm sure I'll give her an impressive congratulations." Hank grinned coldly.


"Little Amy, there will be some kids to challenge chaos school tomorrow morning, but they mainly want to challenge you and make me lose face, so I want you to fight on behalf of chaos school. Do you agree?" When school was over in the afternoon, Crassus looked at Amy and asked with a smile.

"Bad guys? If anyone wants to humiliate master Krasu, Amy will beat them. " Amy clenched her fist and nodded seriously.

"Good. Let's go back. Julian should have finished the last step of the magic wand. It's just going to be useful tomorrow." Crassu's smile grew brighter. He touched Amy's hair with a smile and nodded.

"Yes! The magic wand that can be bigger and smaller must be super Amy's eyes lit up and said happily.

"This magic wand gathers the strongest fields of the Three Great Magicians. This is the only one in Nolan, which is naturally the strongest." Crassus nodded arrogantly and took Amy out. He also expected what kind of magic wand it would be.

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