"I hope so." Albert took a deep look at crassus. He couldn't see what he was thinking, but he still said with a smile: "the wizard tower is always the strongest, Lord Crassus, don't you think so?"

"Yes? I've never thought that, Albert. You're inflated. " Crassus shook his head and looked at Albert.

"But the mage tower was created by you. At the mage conference, you and Lord Julian won the championship at the same time. He chose to leave lodu, and you organized and established the mage tower. After decades of development, you have the mage tower now. Isn't he the strongest in your heart?" Albert looked at Crassus puzzled and even excited.

"This is not the original wizard tower. It looks like I don't like it. It's like your daughter-in-law gave birth to a son. As a result, the longer she grows, the more she looks like the old Wang next door. Do you still think this is your son? So, don't say that to me any more. Now the mage tower has nothing to do with me. Although I am old, I still have to face. " Crassus looked at Albert and said seriously.

"I hope you can see the wonderful performance of your apprentice." Albert opened his mouth, finally nodded his head in silence and turned away.

"A little guy who was quite naive at that time was the last one to enter the door. Although his strength was poor, he was not really bad..." Krasu shook his head and continued to look at the door.

"And Amy? Is Amy going to fight the magicians in the wizard tower today Daphne sat on the chair, trying to lean her head across the crowd on the stage again, but to her disappointment, she still didn't see Amy.

"I don't think she's qualified yet? After all, it's all the seniors of the school of Magic who can take the stage. Their strength is very strong. She has only learned magic for a month. How can she represent chaos school to take the stage? " Ignaz, who was sitting beside her, spoke out, but his eyes were searching the crowd.

"No way! Amy is very powerful. If she comes to participate, she can knock down all these people! " Daphne vowed, confident.

"But that guy Parker is really good. He even participated in the arithmetic competition for junior students on behalf of the school this time. But I think it would be better if Amy was chosen for this competition?" Added Ignaz.

"Little Amy is not going to compete today, is she? But why haven't you seen her yet? " Luna finally let the children sit down, but also in the heart of some curious thinking, there is no one on the stage, there is no one around Krasu, so where is she now?

On the stage, the young magicians of the mage tower are also looking at today's opponents, with a relaxed expression and a bit proud.

"Is Lord Krasu's Apprentice on stage? I heard it was a half elf girl, but there was no half elf among them, was there George's eyes swept over the students of the school of magic, a little puzzled.

"It seems that the kid is afraid, isn't it? I don't dare to face the challenge of the wizard tower. A half elf is not qualified to stand here and fight with us. It's a joke to spread Hank turned his lips and looked up at the students of the magic academy standing opposite. He did not hide his disdain and ridicule and said, "just like these fools, if we can learn magic well in school, what else do we need to do with the wizard tower?"

Hank's voice didn't decrease, so many students in the school of magic heard what he said. Their faces suddenly became angry and looked at hank with hostility. If it wasn't for the headmaster, teachers and students sitting under the stage, they would definitely have a duel with this arrogant guy.

All of a sudden, the situation on the stage became tense. Both sides glared at each other, and their fighting spirit burned in their eyes. It seemed that they would burn at all.

"The Academy of magic! Come on

"Chaos school! I'll win

The competition on the stage also aroused the reaction of the students under the stage. Someone yelled, and the whole venue immediately rang out in unison. The loud and tender voice resounded through the venue, as if it could lift the roof of the venue.

"This time, we have to win! Fight for the honor of chaos school Klaus clenched his fist and waved his arms. As the most powerful magician of chaos academy, he was close to level 4 and also the team leader. He could feel the heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

"Fight for honor!"

The members of the magic academy waved and yelled. Looking at the opponents of the mage tower opposite, their previous worries had been completely eliminated. Listening to the cheers, they only felt that their blood was surging up. They only had one idea in mind, that is, to turn over those hateful guys opposite and let them get out of the chaotic school.

Home court advantage is at this moment.

The young people in the wizard tower are not very good. The deafening cry has brought great pressure. Among them, Hank, the oldest, is only 16 years old, and George, the youngest, is only 12 years old. Moreover, many of them stand in front of so many people for the first time. They are more or less flustered.

"Don't worry, our strength is far better than them. If magic is powerful by shouting, what's the use of genius?" Hank said with a cold smile, his eyes fell on the opposite Klaus, and his right hand was raised around his neck with a cut gesture.

All the young people in the wizard tower look at hank standing in the front, and their mood gradually calms down. Hank is a level Four wizard, the only intermediate wizard in the audience. With him, today's competition can only be won by them.

"Young vigor, a united heart, these things are far more important than winning or losing." Norvan listened to the cheers that rang through the room, with a smile on his face. He turned his head and said to the instructor who was sitting beside him, "let's go."

Greenton nodded and said in a loud voice, "it's all quiet, chaos. The challenge between the Academy of magic and the mage tower is now officially on! The challenge between Imperial College and chaos academy will be transferred to other venues at the same time

The sound transmitter amplifies his voice into everyone's ears, with some surround effects.

As the hall gradually quieted down, the students from Imperial College and other colleges stepped down and began to go to different venues under the guidance of their teachers. Only the students from the school of magic and the young magicians from the mage tower were left on the stage.

The two sides are all dressed in mage robes, one white and one blue, standing opposite each other, fighting against each other.

"The competition system of this challenge is announced as follows: this challenge abandons the previous mechanism of drawing lots to compete one by one, and the players of both sides are willing to fight each other. The loser exits. The winner can choose to stay on the stage to accept the challenge of the other magician, or step down for a rest until one side is defeated!" Greenton said in a loud voice.

"But we have one more player?" Among the magic students, a student asked softly. There are only 14 students in the school of magic, while there are 15 students in the wizard tower.

"If it's such a system, we only need two people to beat you all." Hank stepped forward, a little contemptuous.

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