"And this code of elves was set up by Hubert, and it has been revised according to his wishes over the years. It is a sharp blade for him to serve and control ordinary elves for their big families. How many elves are struggling in despair, and how many elves have given their lives for it. If the so-called life is equal, when those people from big families kill ordinary elves, can there be four words in the so-called elves Code: "kill for your life?" Irina looked at Helena, pursed her lips and sneered, "no! What is the significance of such a code? Because ordinary elves have no right to object, can you amuse yourself? Even people in lodu are not as dirty as you are. "

"So I killed him, because he made many elves homeless, because he let many elves die innocently, because he, damn it." "Helena, do you know how many elves have left the wind forest and wandered on the mainland since you started the family system after the race war? They make up a fifth of all the elves! Because their souls are free, they are elves! And you are becoming human beings in ELF skins. "

The Kroll family bowed their heads, while some of the enslaved elves began to cry. The cry seemed contagious, and spread from the castle gate to the castle. The elves in the hall had already cried together.

"The elves are becoming stronger, so this is a correct and great decision. The elves have never been united as they are now in history, and we will become stronger enough to defeat any powerful opponent and guard the wind forest." Looking at Irina, Helena said with a strong voice: "this is a change about the prosperity of the elves. There must be sacrifice in this process, but for the whole elves, this sacrifice is worth it."

"Change? Become the elves in the hearts of a few of you? " Irina sneered, pointed to the enslaved elves and said, "have you ever asked most elves if they would like to participate in what you call change? Are you willing to be a victim of what you call change? If your gang of scum can become stronger by eating, drinking and playing, what else will the world strive to do? "


The enslaved spirits all knelt down, and many spirits came out of the castle, all kneeling on the ground.

"Your Majesty, please save your subjects and leave the eternal mire. We believe in the God of life and regard flowers and plants as equal to our lives. Now we are suffering from the inequality brought by our people. Even resistance is against the law. Even if we are expelled from the forest of wind, we are not willing to continue to live in such endless humiliation." The previous lead dancer looked up at the fairy queen and begged.

"Ask your majesty to expel us!"

The elves follow the loud voice, many people are crying, look sad, many elves have the size of the injury.

"The God of life will bless you. From today on, you will be free again and return to your own homes. Whether you stay in the wind forest or leave, it is your freedom." The fairy queen's eyes were full of sadness and heartache. With a slight wave of her hand, a little green light fell from the sky and fell on the elves, and their injuries were healed.

"Thank you, your majesty! Thank you, your majesty! Thank you, your highness! "

The elves looked at the queen of elves and Elena with excitement and gratitude, and finally a smile appeared on their faces.

Elena's face was a little more subdued.

"Your Majesty..." Helena's face changed slightly and she wanted to speak.

The fairy queen raised her hand, interrupted her words, and continued: "pass me an order. From today on, all the decrees about the ownership of the elves in the elves code will be abolished. All the elves who are forced to be slaves by all ethnic groups will be pardoned, and their freedom will be restored. They will have full autonomy to go and stay. All ethnic groups can't be forced to do so."

The Kroll people and their guests changed their faces.


The enslaved elves look happy, so that even if they stay in the wind forest, they don't have to worry about the same thing happening to them again.

"Your Majesty, this must not be done! If so, the hearts of our Elves will be scattered. " Helena said excitedly.

"Xiao Yi is right. If you lose your freedom, you will not be an elf." The fairy queen looked into Helena's eyes and asked, "Helena, what we want is the hearts of the people, not the hearts of several people. If we exchange the pain of most of our subjects for strength, what are we protecting? Shouldn't they be free and easy and lovely? "

Helena looked at the queen, lowered her head slowly, and did not speak again.

"Princess Irina, who kills Hubert, the general manager of punishment, without trial, will be jailed for one year, and the inheritance of the fairy queen will be cancelled as a punishment." Said the fairy queen, looking at Elena.

"I accept." Irina looked at the fairy queen, nodded, looked at the fairies who had just regained their freedom, and then turned away with a smile on her face.

"Your Highness, thank you." The previous lead dancer made a sound.

"Thank you." The elves nodded and looked at Elena with worry.

"Fairies smile better than cry. You look ugly." Irina stopped, looked back at the crowd and said, with a smile on her face.

The elves looked at the smile on Elena's face. It seemed that they were also infected, and a smile appeared on her face again.

"Goodbye." Irina turns around freely and gives her back to the crowd.

"Xiao Yi, you haven't finished. Why kill Hubert?" The voice of the fairy queen rings in Elena's ears.

Irina's step stopped for a moment, and then continued to move forward, the same voice said: "if someone was forcibly taken away from you when I was just born, and was going to kill me, would you kill me?"

"Yes." The fairy queen's answer was quick and sure.

"I didn't know who did it three years ago, but now I know, so I'll kill him." There was a smile on Irina's face, a little bit at her feet, and then she disappeared in the sight of everyone.

"Get up, you are free." The fairy queen raised her hand and lifted the elves on the scene. The pale golden light flashed and disappeared.

"Come on, we can go home, we are free at last!"

There are spirits happy cry, caused more resonance.

A queen's amnesty came out, the wind forest ushered in a big shock.


"Write me a list of the people in the wizard tower who might have participated in the events three years ago, and whether there are still people in our elves. Write them all to me. These guys, from today on, live in fear." Irina went back to the cave, and Snell stood at the entrance of the cave.

"Yes." Snell nodded and walked quickly into the cave.

"Is Lord Hubert really dead?" Phyllis stood on tiptoe and looked curiously at the direction of the Carroll family. She vomited her little tongue and went into the cave.


"Why does it take so long for a man to change his clothes? An hour is almost over and he still can't come out." At the gate of the Elven embassy, ingway sighed and took a look at a beautiful fairy who didn't know when she was around. She probably came to the embassy to do something. She turned around and looked at the two human children playing on the street.

"Tut, it's almost time for dinner. There are a lot of people queuing up in that restaurant." Ten minutes later, ingway looked at the time again, turned his head and found that the fairy was still standing there, and still looking at him.

"What nationality is this? No, I don't think it belongs to the Beverly family. " Ingway squinted at her. The fairy had blonde hair and blue eyes. She had a beautiful face. Her skin was tender and white. She was very tall. Her chest was full and her hips were cocky. But her face was very noble.

"This young master is really out of the mark." Ten minutes later, ingway sighed. The unreliable third young master was afraid that he would change his clothes and fall asleep. He turned to go in and call him again.

"I said," don't you see such a living man standing in front of you? " Ingway just turned around, a lazy voice sounded from his side, which scared ingway to sit on the ground.

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