"The trough! System, you also said you are not using Netease cloud! You are a pit goods, you can't go to QQ music to open a member Make complaints about Tucao.

"Life is Yuncun people, death is Yuncun ghost!" The system is strict.

"I'll pay you for the membership." MEG curled his mouth.

"I'm going to drive it now!" The sound of the system is cheerful.

"MMP..." McGonagall had ten thousand grass mud horses in his heart

After some fierce bargaining and routine, McGonagall finally bought 1000 pieces of classic classical music from the system at the price of one member and 3000 copper coins, as well as Jay Chou's whole series of music bags, all of which are lossless sound quality.

"Jay Chou has a new song recently?" McGonagall looked at the music list on the tablet in his hand. The top song was "pull me down if you don't love me", but it was a gray status bar.

"It hasn't come out yet. It's just a notice. After it comes out, if the host wants to buy it, it can add money. This system provides music with lossless sound quality, so you can be satisfied." The system is cheap.

"I opened it for you as a member." McGonagall rolled his eyes, but the title of the song was a bit arrogant, which made him wonder what kind of new song the man who accompanied his youth would produce.

"Let's try the sound first." McGonagall didn't think about it any more. He got up and said with a smile, "Xiaomi, I'm going to play music. Don't be scared. It's just a big music box."

Sally and abemia are out, so there's only father and daughter and ugly duckling in the restaurant.

"Big music box?" Amy's eyes were full of curiosity and expectation.

"Listen to this song to Alice first." McGonagall tapped the screen. As an amateur of piano band 10, the first piano piece he learned when he was a child was pressed in front of the piano.

In those years, he was dragged by his mother to learn a lot of messy things for the sake of cultivating interests and hobbies. Although it turns out that these things are useless when he grows up, it's true that learning a musical instrument can improve his temperament.

The soothing and beautiful piano sound, which is widely used in the bell after class, telephone ring, listening test debugging, 10086 artificial service waiting sound, really has a unique magic, light tune makes people feel relaxed.

The omni-directional surround stereo sound effect is really not comparable to the general sound. The exquisite sound quality makes McGonagall impeccable. When the music rings in his ears, people suddenly feel like they are sitting in the concert hall, facing the great music man alone, listening to his moving piano solo.

McGonagall's mouth slightly raised, it seems to see the little himself sitting in a long chair, hard to knock the piano keys, mother sitting behind him, quietly watching him.

At that time, they were not so busy. Although they were strict, they still had their shadow in memory.

"Cluck ~"

Amy's laughter interrupted McGonagall's thoughts. Looking aside, the little guy was dancing with the ugly duckling to the music. The dance was clumsy and casual, but the two little guys were so cute that McGonagall couldn't help laughing.

"My father, so our restaurant has become a huge music box? We live in the music box and the guests eat in it Amy asked, looking excitedly at MEG.

"Well, yes, music makes people happy, so we have to convey this happiness and make the guests happy." McGonagall nodded with a smile and looked at Amy. He was full of satisfaction. He cherished the time when he was still with her, so that he would not regret it when he recalled it later.

Turn down the music slightly, and MEG puts the tablet on the counter. The beautiful music is enjoyable, but after all, what he opens is not a concert hall, but a restaurant. Food is what he really wants to show to the guests. Music can be a side dish, but it can't make it grab the limelight of food and disturb the attention of the guests.

"Xiaomi, my father has another interesting thing to show you. Come upstairs with me." MEG touched Amy's hair with a smile, picked up Amy, picked up the ugly duckling and went upstairs.

"Fun stuff? Father, what is that Amy's eyes lit up and asked curiously.

"You'll know in a moment." Meg said with a smile, carrying Amy up to the second floor and gently pushing open the door of the room outside.

The door opened slowly, and a children's paradise full of toys and amusement facilities appeared in the sight of the three people.


Amy opened her eyes wide and looked at the things in the room strangely.

"Meow ~"

Ugly duckling's eyes are also bright, showing some excitement.

"Father, is this really for Amy?" Amy looked at MEG, still in disbelief.

"Of course, this is a playground specially prepared for Amy. In the future, other children can be invited to play at home." MEG nods with a smile. When the restaurant is busy at night, Amy often lies behind the counter and waits for the end of business hours, which makes MEG very sad. This is why he spends a lot of gold coins to make the system an amusement park.

"It's very kind of you, father." Amy hugged Meg's neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She didn't have any toys before, but now she even has an amusement park. In the future, she can invite Jessica and Daphne to play. They will also like it.

"It's just a small playground. Later, my father will build a bigger playground for you, with super big Ferris wheel, carousel and roller coaster. It's 1000 times and 10000 times bigger than this playground." When Amy gave him a kiss and praised him, McGonagall felt that he had suddenly expanded and said with confidence.

"Really?" Amy's eyes suddenly lit up. Although she didn't know what her father said, now the playground has made her feel very big. If it is 1000 times or 10000 times bigger than the playground, it must be super invincible and fun.

"It's true, of course. When my father makes a lot of money, I'll build it for Amy." McGonagall also suddenly realized that he seemed to blow a bull, but looking at Amy's expectant eyes, how willing to take back the previous words, he nodded seriously.

"It seems that after making a lot of money, we must pull a few fools to invest and build a huge playground." MEG made up his mind.

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