"Super spicy is really extraordinary, but it's really delicious! I feel like the whole person is about to catch fire. It's like burning inside. " Vivian gasped, her forehead covered with sweat, looking at Luna happily.

"It's too spicy. I don't think I can eat too much, or I'll get angry tomorrow." Luna's nose and eyes are red. She is holding a white handkerchief in her hand and gently wiping the uncontrollable tears from the corners of her eyes. This degree of spicy is beyond her endurance, even if she just eats a little.

"It's OK, Luna. I won't get angry. You see, I have nothing to eat every day." Vivian waved her hand and put a big piece of fish in her mouth. The spicy feeling spread all over her body along her tongue. The remaining cold in her body was slowly dispelled. After the spicy degree increased, the feeling became clear again.

"At this rate of progress, I think I can recover in a month or two." Vivian said happily.

"Then you can eat more. This spicy roast fish is just for you." Luna also looks at Vivian with a smile. Countless doctors are at a loss. Countless magicians shake their heads and sigh at her illness. Finally, she gets treatment because of a delicious spicy roast fish. It's really a wonderful fate.

"Yes, it's just for me. When I get well, I must send a horizontal plaque to boss Mai, which says" the best doctor. " Vivian nodded with a smile.

"Poof." Luna couldn't help laughing. She reached out and touched Vivian's forehead. She didn't have a good way: "if you send this plaque, where will boss Mai hang it? He is a good cook."

"A restaurant owner who can't cure is not a good cook." Vivian shrugged.

"You are poor." Luna scooped a spoonful of bean curd into her mouth to relieve the spicy feeling in her mouth. For her, lighter food is more suitable for her.

"Just now, the elf clan has really taken a good look. It's a pity that I haven't seen a man who can make me feel good for a long time." Wei Wei An looked back at the direction of the door, some pity way.

"Like it?" Luna asked with a smile.

"No way! How can I like him? " Vivian picked her eyebrows and whispered, "besides, do you think a guy who looks so good will like a woman who looks ugly than himself? Such a man in addition to find a better looking woman, the remaining choice is to find a man

"Don't talk nonsense." Luna stares at Vivian, and her eyes start to panic.

"Hey, hey, that's not sure." Vivian refused to comment and continued to eat her own grilled fish.


Sally looks at the direction of the restaurant door, a little uneasy. Although she has imagined countless times when some people recognize her, she has never thought that the first person to recognize her would be bluer berberi, her nominal fiance.

Among the elves, the family of Berberis is higher than that of Brewster, which is the reason why the engagement in that year will directly spare her.

However, Sally, the fiance who is known as the most beautiful man of the elves, only met when she was a child. The shy little boy who likes to hide in the tree never saw him again. Unexpectedly, he found the Maimi restaurant today, and apparently came for her.

"Who was that man at noon?" Sally frowned and thought to herself that her peaceful life seemed to be broken all of a sudden. The next choice was to accept her life and go back to the wind forest or leave the Maimi restaurant to continue on the road of vagrancy. These two choices made her feel a little upset.

"What's the matter with you, Elsa?" Abelmia gently touched Sally's arm and handed her the gold coin she had just handed. She asked with some concern.

"Oh... Nothing." Sally some reluctantly smile for a while, took the gold coin in the hands of abelmia, re energized, continue to collect money to clean the table.

"What's the matter with Elsa? It's not usually like this. " Abelmia looked at Sally with some worry, but she was soon called by the guests who ordered the meal next to her and began to work nervously again.

"Sally ran away from home. In principle, it's normal for her family to want her to go home, but the choice should be in her hands. If it's really necessary, maybe we can ask Krasu and Julian to help her." McGonagall is also a little worried, looking at Sally, although he had expected this day, but the real arrival, still feel a bit tangled.

"Mr. Mai, I sincerely invite you to open a restaurant in the chaos islands. I guarantee your safety and business with the reputation of the vampires. It's certainly not worse than the business here." Dracula paid for the meal and went to the kitchen door.

McGonagall didn't answer. All the hostile eyes fell on him. The guests in the restaurant looked at him meaningfully. They robbed him naked in front of them.

"Do you think your reputation as a vampire is more powerful than both of us?" Krasu looked at Dracula and said something meaningful.

"In those days, there was a man with a big mouth who promised to eat me in the name of cannibal demons. Later, there was no cannibal demons in the world." Julian said in a husky voice, in a calm tone, as if he were talking about a common thing.

"Mr. Mai, I think it's very good for you to keep the restaurant open here. I'll come to eat more often when I have time. I'll leave you today. You two adults and you all take your time." Dracula felt cold on his back, and a smile came out of his face. He walked out of the restaurant without looking back. As soon as he went out, a pair of big black wings appeared, flapping their wings and flying into the sky, and disappeared in a flash.

"This one really listens to his heart's choice and is not affectable at all." MEG picked an eyebrow, just to the mouth of the refusal has not had time to say, and swallow back.


"Good bye, boss, little Amy." Abemia and Sally say hello and leave the restaurant together.

"Mia, go back today. I have something else to do." Out of the restaurant door, Sally looked at abelmia and said.

"Aisha, are you really OK?" Abelmia is still a little worried looking at Sally. From the beginning, Sally has been a little out of her mind, and now she has to act alone.

"I'm fine. I'm just going to meet someone. You don't have to worry." Sally shakes her head with a smile on her face. At least some people will care and worry about themselves.

"Well, go home early." Abelmia nodded, waved with Sally, and turned away.

"You can come down." As she watched abelmia go away, Sally looked up at the big tree not far from the door of the restaurant. On the top of the tree, a figure was lying obliquely.

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