The calmness of the wind forest is broken, and the smoke of gunpowder rises everywhere. After the passage of demons and orcs, a desolation is left, which seems to foretell the end of the elves.

Some elves try to escape from the wind forest, but the world outside the forest is in chaos. The whole continent of Nolan has fallen into endless wars. A race war has swept the whole continent, and no race can stay out.

Just when the Elves were in despair, the queen of elves and high priest Helena were born like a savior. The queen of elves has strong strength and military talent. She takes the lead in every battle and leads the provisional Elven guard. She forcefully blocks the orcs and demons from the holy land of the elves and is recognized by the tree of life.

At that time, the fairy queen was the goddess in the eyes of all the elves and was chased by all the elves.

In addition to the powerful star magic, high priest Helena's greatest contribution is that he raised his heart again when all the Elves were in a state of panic, encouraging more elves to become soldiers in order to guard the wind forest and drive the invaders away with bows, arrows and magic wands.

Joshua also became a warrior, fighting to protect the forest of the wind.

He had killed orcs and demons, and was wounded in the battle. But when he nestled up to each other to keep warm in the desperate situation and listened to the Queen's orders, he always seemed to see the hope and victory ahead.

This protracted race war ended a hundred years ago. After paying a terrible price, the elves also left most of the invading demons and orcs in the wind forest forever.

On that day, Lord Helena signed a peace agreement with other races in the chaotic city. The elves legally owned all the sovereignty of the wind forest. When the news came back to the wind forest, the Elves were excited and celebrated for half a month.

It seems that the carefree and free life can return to the forest of the wind. At least Joshua thought so at that time, and so did many elves who fought in the war.

Then high priest Helena went back to the wind forest and began to reward the elves who had made contributions in the racial war, giving them money and territory.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with all this. What they have done in the war is worth it, even better.

But Joshua felt that all this had changed. In those days, there were no gold coins and no official posts in the elves. Everyone was equal. There was no territory. All places were free to pass.

So after three days of thinking, he refused the reward of high priest Helena's territory. Like many elves, he chose to leave the wind forest and start to travel to the mainland. He left every place where he had experienced war and where his comrades died and buried.

At that time, the racial war in Nolan had just ended, and all ethnic groups were living and recuperating. Except for the territory of demons and orcs, other places were basically unimpeded and not dangerous, so the wandering elves gradually forgot the war and began a new life.

Joshua's heart knot was gradually untied during his journey. He met many people and made friends with some spirits who were also traveling outside. Sometimes he would travel with them and live a leisurely and comfortable life.

However, such a day was broken more than 20 years ago. Some demon and orc gangs appeared on the continent of Nolan, aiming at these wandering elves. The left Elves were caught, thrown into low iron cages and imprisoned in dark cellars. The dark age seemed to come again, causing a series of panic among the elves.

Some elves return to the wind forest for help, but they are left in the forest and are no longer allowed to leave.

Elves no longer have the right to leave the forest freely. Several families have divided the whole elves equally.

More and more elves disappear inexplicably, and then the families in the wind forest have more and more elves servants, who are branded with magic marks and are not allowed to leave the territory.

Joshua found out about it 20 years ago. At that time, he went to see his friend, but his friend's house was in a mess. He found a line under the stone. The couple were captured by demons and orcs.

Later, he met an elf who had just escaped from the forest. He said that he had seen the couple in the big family of the elf family, but the male ELF's leg had been broken and became the lowest slavery.

This event had a great impact on Joshua's mind. After the race war, the greatest threat to the elves was not the other races, but the new nobles in the forest.

The aristocrats in the elves are ridiculous and pathetic.

He didn't understand how those guys had the heart to do such things to the elves who had fought side by side and sacrificed almost everything to protect the wind forest.

But what can he do? Voluntary return to the wind forest, will also lose their freedom, and they have been labeled as vagrants and deserters of the elves, how can they have a say.

Therefore, the wandering elves, like frightened birds, continue to wander, enjoying the freedom that they don't know when it will come to an end.

More and more elves disappear. Demons and orcs chase elves all over the mainland. The number of mercenaries is increasing, and they are extremely arrogant.

This situation lasted until six years ago, when Princess Elena ran away from the wind forest and began to travel the mainland. Then a mercenary regiment followed her.

As a result, he was killed by the regiment.

And this is just the beginning.

One by one, the mercenary regiments are destroyed under the magic wand of the fairy princess. At this moment, the roles of cat and mouse are changed. Those once arrogant mercenary regiments begin to flee all over the mainland, just to find the princess who is not respected for their destruction.

For the travelling elves, Princess Irina is like her Majesty the queen who was born in the dark age. She appears as a savior, destroying the evil mercenary regiment and rescuing the imprisoned elves. She is loved by the travelling elves.

Under the attack and deterrence of Princess Irina, half of the mercenary regiment was destroyed, and the rest were disbanded and dormant one after another. They did not dare to fight against the elves any more and returned freely.

The first time Joshua saw Princess Irina was five years ago. He was seriously injured in the battle of demons in order to help an elf couple.

In desperation, Princess Irina and the man with the Epee came and waved away all the demons.

But the couple in order to protect their daughter, has been killed in the devil's hands, leaving only a less than a year old elf.

Irina cured his injury, and then gave the child to him, asked him to help raise the child, she named Anna.

Princess Irina returned to the wind forest three years ago, and there was no news from then on. The dormant mercenary regiment appeared again and continued to capture the wandering elves, making life difficult again.

Joshua took Anna through many places and depended on each other. He tried to teach her to become a free and kind spirit. She was his only sustenance and hope. For her, he could give everything to protect, including life.

"Grandfather... Grandfather..." Joshua, whose soul was about to dissipate, suddenly heard a sad call in his ear.

"Ann... Na..." Joshua tried to open his eyes, slowly raised his right hand on Anna's face, shook his head and said, "don't cry."

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