"Hurry up, gather the good looking piglets, prepare to transport them from the tunnel, kill all the rest, and don't leave any!" In the yard, Terry said in a cold voice. Although his face was calm, his eyes were still flustered.

Originally, he should be on his way to the devil islands now, but at noon, Oliver suddenly received the news that the stronghold had been exposed. In case he was allowed to stay, Ebenezer took people to chase the old man and the IMP in the evening, and Oliver also followed him. Just after his subordinates reported, Oliver might have an accident and the stronghold might have been exposed.

Oliver is the backbone of the whole mercenary regiment. Even Ebenezer's strength is stronger than him. Now they both have an accident, which is a huge blow to the mercenary regiment.

However, this also made him the most powerful and the most important person in the whole mercenary regiment. He was a little excited when he was scared. If he could keep all the rest of his subordinates and sell these piglets, he would no longer be the third man of the millennium, but the real boss.

In the cellar, demons and orcs hold torches and pull the elves' hair rudely. The young elves and the old elves are separated, and the slower ones will be whipped or kicked to the ground.

But the elves kept a strange silence, their expression was dull and rigid, even if the whip fell on the body, it would only make a gentle hum, and there was no expression in their eyes, just like a group of zombies walking around, at their disposal.

"Boss, don't blame me for not rescuing you. I can only blame you for your bad luck. I will sell all these piglets, and I will help you manage your mercenary regiment well." Terry, with his hands on the railing, looked down at his men and elves, thinking that his heart beat a little faster and his face flushed.

"Bad guy! Come out and surrender! Or we're going to get in! "

At this moment, a little tender voice came out from the outside.

"Well? What's that sound? " Terry asked, frowning.

"Lord Terry, there's a man outside with two piglets shouting outside the gate. One of them seems to have followed the old man at noon!" There's an orc running in and reporting.

"How many people have come?" Teri asked with a change of color.

"Just three, no one else." The orc said in a hurry.

"What's so special about that human being?" Terry asked again.

"Nothing special. It looks like an ordinary human without weapons in his hand." The orc shook his head.

"Piggy, I was still thinking about where to find you. I didn't expect you to come to me and kill you to avenge Oliver!" With a grim smile on his face, Terry walked quickly towards the gate of the courtyard, then said coldly to the orcs and Demons guarding the gate, "open up

"My father, are they afraid to open the door?" Outside the yard, more than ten meters away from the gate, Amy and Anna are standing beside MEG. Amy looks up at MEG and asks.

Anna looked at the dark yard, a little scared and sad. This afternoon, she and her grandfather came here, so they were chased by the demons and orcs.

"Maybe." McGonagall squinted slightly at the direction of the door. Those guys should be frightened now. They are probably busy transferring people. This abandoned village is very remote, and this courtyard without any light is even more unimportant. There is only a grey temple with an approximate location. I don't know how long it will be before they want to find it.

"Kids, who gave you the courage to come from the road to death?" The door creaked open, and Terry came out, followed by several demons and orcs with torches, staring at MEG and the two little guys around him.

"Liang Jingru." MEG nodded seriously.

"Well?" Terry raised his eyebrows and squinted at MEG. He hesitated and thought, "who is Liang Jingru? Is it some Terran master, or how dare this guy come to challenge with two little guys? "

"We are here to save people. If you know the truth, you will release all the elves you have imprisoned as soon as possible. I will consider giving you to the grey Temple alive." McGonagall looked at Terry and said, with a hint of warning.

"Yes, you bad guys, surrender! Otherwise, we will not be polite! " Amy also said seriously.

Terry laughed angrily, looked at McGonagall and said, "boy, do you think I'm a fool? However, since you have already sent them to your home, you are the one who will have supper tonight, and these two piglets. I'm going to sell them in the black market of Alcatraz Island. I believe there will still be a lot of guys who will like them. "

"Lu Xun once said that people always attack others with their own shortcomings to try to divert other people's attention from themselves. After seeing you, I believe it." McGonagall looked at Terry and sighed: "you pig head, where do you get the confidence to call elves piglets? If you have to find a pig here, how do you look like it most? "

"You...!" Terry's eyes glared with anger, while the orcs and Demons stood on one side were laughing, not daring to laugh.

"My father is so powerful!" Amy looked up at MEG with admiration. For the first time, she found that it was fun for her father to talk.

Anna also showed a smile on her face. Even her nervous mood relaxed a lot. The devil really looked like a pig's head. It looked funny, but it was not so terrible.

"Damned human! I will kill you today Terry said angrily, as a wild devil pig, the most annoying thing after transformation is that people say they are pigs, which is the biggest insult to them. His eyes suddenly turned red, and two big tusks appeared at the corners of his mouth, and he rushed at MEG.

"I'm disappointed with your performance." MEG shook his head, then raised his right hand and cried out, "Burning Legion!"


Sargeras' voice sounded.

"For the sacred rougamo!"

A neat and loud voice sounded, and a group of lava demons burst out in the dense forest not far away, each with a rougamo in his hand.

Sargeras, who rushed to the front, held the folding stool in his hand, bit off half of the rougamo left in his hand, and jumped out like a burning meteorite. The folding stool in his hand patted Terry's head.

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