Iron bull, level 4 Warcraft, gets its name because of its iron skin and wild and brutal character. It is violent and aggressive. It is one of the Warcraft that hunters and mercenaries don't want to encounter.

Because it takes a long time to kill such a thick skinned iron bull, but compared with other level 4 Warcraft, the iron bull, which has nothing valuable except meat and skin, obviously has no cost performance.

Now, what's tied to the metal platform is such an iron bull. The strong and heavy metal platform is shaken by this guy, and Meg's eyelids are jumping. Some people worry about whether this big guy will suddenly break free from the rope. In such a narrow space, it's not easy for him to dodge.

"Selecting and obtaining high-quality ingredients is the basic skill of a chef, and it is also the premise of making a perfect dish. As a candidate for Kitchen God, the host should know all the ingredients needed and choose the best part from them." The system sounds.

"So, system, you don't want me to kill cattle, do you? Now who cooks do this kind of thing? That's the butcher MEG picked eyebrow, unable to make complaints about this system.

"Now, the host needs to kill this tin bull, and then get the beef needed for the roast beef kebab from it. The cattle slaughtering experience pack has been issued, and the host can learn first." The system calms down and doesn't argue with MEG.

McGonagall took a deep breath to calm himself down. Then he glanced at the experience pack in his mind. His expression suddenly became a little strange again. It said, "paoding jieniu experience pack!"

"The system, you can even get this, the wall also won't obey you." McGonagall opened the experience pack, and information poured into his mind, which made him close his eyes and digest.

"When the first minister understood the cow, he saw nothing but the cow. Three years later, there was no whole cow. At this time, the officials met with gods instead of seeing them. The officials knew and stopped, but the gods wanted to act. "

McGonagall still remembers that this is a sentence from a cook. At that time, he thought that Zhuangzi was the only one who forced him to brag. Now... He thinks Zhuangzi is more reserved.

This cook is a real bull!

The so-called "encounter with God instead of seeing" means that the cow can be disassembled by touching the cow with God, instead of seeing it with eyes. This is not because the cook cultivates immortals, but because he knows the structure of the cow like the palm of his hand. The knife swims between the bone and the meat, and can separate the beef from the bone without touching the bone. This kind of technical activity is really amazing.

McGonagall got this experience package, which has a detailed introduction. Every step from bloodletting to skinning to calving has a detailed decomposition. After fusing with McGonagall's memory, he feels that he has now become an experienced butcher.

At the same time, McGonagall can't help remembering McGonagall Alex's dismantling of the dragon. In his memory, there is a method to solve the dragon, which works with the cook jieniu and qu. in McGonagall Alex's eyes, the dragon is no longer a giant dragon, but has countless flaws, which can drop the sword from any place, and then dismantle the prey.

It doesn't matter whether it's high or low for the moment, but it took three years for the cook to slaughter the cattle continuously, and Alex found out this unique experience of dragon slaughtering through continuous dragon slaughtering. Even McGonagall was a little curious about how many dragons he killed.

"If you have time, you should study the cultivation methods and some special things in your memory. It's a fool not to make use of such a huge treasure. You can't only rely on the system to improve your strength." McGonagall thought to himself. He took out a butcher's knife from one side of the turret and went to the iron bull tied to the metal platform.

If the iron bull gave him some pressure before, now in his eyes, it's just a big ox made of bone and flesh. All he has to do is to separate the bone and flesh and break it into different parts of the food.

Originally some manic iron bull looked at McGonagall, his eyes had become blood red. I don't know if it was because of the fear that he became more manic, and the metal platform was shaking violently.

But McGonagall's expression was still calm, and his hand was up and down. The saber of the house ox in his hand had cut the neck of the copper Buffalo, and the hard skin like iron was easily broken by the sharp saber. McGonagall grabbed the horn of the ox in one hand, and directly pressed the ox's head back to the metal platform. The blood was sprayed in the blood trough on the platform, and the struggling iron buffalo soon lost its movement.

Then McGonagall peeled off the whole cow skin easily, probably because of practicing the sword, so McGonagall had a strong control over the butcher's knife in his hand. Relying on his mind's experience and memory of solving the cow, he took less than half an hour to completely dismantle the whole cow according to different parts, and only a few times the knife touched the bone, The removed bones were put together to form a new cow.

"I have one more skill to make a living. If I have no food to eat, I can still kill cattle." McGonagall put down his knife and looked at the pieces of disassembled beef on the metal table. He nodded with satisfaction. There was still a big gap between the easy disassembly without eyes, but McGonagall was quite satisfied with the first time.

Copper bull is a level 4 Warcraft, but the beef under the iron sheet is very elastic and soft, with a marble texture like snowflakes, which makes Meg's eyes gradually bright.

McGonagall is also a steak lover in his previous life. He knows all the famous beef from all over the world. The expensive Kobe beef from Japan is recognized as the best in quality. Angus beef from Australia is raised with grain, and the meat quality is particularly delicate. Charlotte beef from France's Burgundy area tastes more tenacious... But compared with the copper skin beef in front of him, But there is a big gap.

In terms of color, texture and meat quality, the iron bull is obviously better. Regardless of the flavor of the specific cooking, MEG is also looking forward to it. This is the most important thing.

Roast beef kebab is the beef of the upper brain, that is, the meat of the back neck, which is located on the upper side of the neck, on both sides of the ribs and in front of the ribs.

The brain meat on the cattle is fat and thin, and the proportion is even. The fat meat like snowflakes embellishes the texture like landscape painting on the bright red beef.

"It's a luxury to make a string of beef of this quality." McGonagall couldn't help sighing.

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