The chariot stopped. On both sides of the road was a dense forest of towering trees. The mercenaries on the chariot responded immediately. Denise, the Tauren demon, and Scrooge, the orc, got out of the car, holding their weapons in the front. Scott and Sam got out of the car and stood behind the side of the chariot, looking around defensively, Sidney monkey like a real monkey in general between the tree flexible channeling, the blink of an eye disappeared in the eyes of the public.

Evan is still sitting in the carriage, holding a magic wand in his hand, looking around. EVA also sits still, but subconsciously approaches Evan.

McGonagall held Amy in his arms, his right hand hanging at his waist near the butcher's knife. With a long sword, it's easy for others to associate with the truth. So he chose to change his weapon to butcher's knife for the time being. He looked around curiously and didn't see anything worth fighting. He couldn't help but wonder why Xavier suddenly stopped with a solemn expression on his face.

Amy's eyes were full of curiosity. It was the first time that she had been with the mercenary regiment. Now it seemed that she was about to experience the first battle. She was still a little excited.

In Amy's arms, the duckling, who had been sleepy, suddenly opened his eyes, put up his ears, poked out his neck, sniffed seriously, and looked at the woods, as if he had found something interesting.

"Chief, what is it?" Dennis looked around, didn't find any suspicious target, and looked back at shiver.

The other mercenaries were puzzled, but they had no doubt in their eyes and had absolute trust in him.

"It's an adult sable. We're lucky. If we can catch this little guy today, the harvest will be no less than that of the iron bull." Said shiver with a smile.

"The sable!" All the mercenaries were surprised.

"I didn't expect to meet purple gold mink here. I heard that someone bought a piece of purple gold mink skin with 500 gold coins, which is more expensive than gold. We are really lucky today." Dennis rubbed his hands and said excitedly.

"The sable is cunning, timid and extremely fast. It's not a simple thing for us to catch it in this dense forest. We can only let the monkey chase it to our direction first, and then we can catch it again. There is only one chance. Once it fails, it won't be cheated again." Shiver's smile faded away and his expression became serious. He stood on the shaft and looked around. Then he pointed to the angle between the two earth bags not far away and said, "we'll wait there. Sam sets up the trap and the others disperse. Once the sable appears, don't rush to catch it. Try to drive it in which direction, And then Evan and Sam's trap work together to catch it. "

"Remember, the most valuable thing for a sable is its fur. The price of a complete sable is very different from that of a damaged one. Even if you can't catch it alive, you'd better not damage too much skin." He said rather seriously.


All the mercenaries answered in unison, spread out and gathered around the corner, like a pocket, and scattered on both sides. Sam carried a big bag and went straight to the corner and began to set traps.

"Mr. McGonagall, in case of emergency, we need some time to capture the sable. Although the sable does not attack people actively, as a level 2 Warcraft, it still has strong attack power. Once in a desperate situation, it is hard to be crazy. So I think you and EVA can stay in the carriage and continue on the road after we finish the capture." Said shiver, turning to MEG.

Evan stood up, gave McGonagall a cold slant, with a slight disdain. He jumped to the side of a big tree and walked through the forest deftly. If he didn't pull his pants with one hand, it would be more elegant.

"I'm so lucky to jump so well." EVA showed a look of intoxication, then looked at MEG with disgust, moved to the farthest corner and sat down.

"No problem." McGonagall nodded. As one of the nobles' favorite coat materials, McGonagall knew something about it. Rabbits can bite when they are in a hurry, not to mention being a second-class Warcraft. Xavier really thought about their safety.

Of course, there must be some worries that their going out may have a bad impact on their encirclement. Although the strength of purple golden mink is not strong, its speed is extremely fast. Even high-level Knights may not be able to catch up with it in the woods, which is also the reason why the price of purple Golden mink is high.

If not by chance, the rose mercenary regiment will never take it as the target of the mission, because the failure rate of catching the sable is very high, and they are just trying their luck.

As for EVA, McGonagall is too lazy to take a look. It's easy to lower her IQ by arguing with such a woman.

Shiver nodded slightly, pulled the carriage to a dense bush by the side of the road, just blocked the sight in that direction, took off the whip at his waist, waved it, slapped it on the tree, and swung to the side of the tree. With the whip in his hand, he quickly walked through the jungle.

"Sister shiver is very good." Amy's eyes were shining, full of surprise.

"It's really great." McGonagall looked at shivell swinging among the trees, which made him think of Laura in the Tomb Raider.

"Father, what is a sable?" Amy looked at MEG and asked curiously.

"It's a large mouse with purple and golden fur." MEG explained with a smile.

"Big mouse?" Amy's eyes brightened, then looked down at the ugly duckling in her arms and said, "ugly duckling, mouse! Can you catch it? "

"Oh, what big mouse? The sable is a second-class Warcraft. How can a kitten who is not weaned catch it?" EVA took a look at the ugly duckling in Amy's arms, not much bigger than the palm of her hand.

"Meow, meow!" The ugly duckling looks at Eva, seems to be dissatisfied with her words, and shows her pink claws.

"Miss flat breasted, you are wrong, ugly duckling. It is not a kitten, but a duckling. Besides, it may be a duckling that can catch mice." Amy looks at EVA and shakes her head seriously.

"Well! If it can catch the sable, I'll eat it raw. " Eva was so angry at Amy's words that she shivered all over and snorted and said goodbye.

"Here we are."

A short and slender whistle sounded from the distance. A monkey like figure quickly passed through the trees. In front of him, there was a purple golden figure jumping on the tree trunk at a faster speed. It was almost impossible to see the figure clearly, only a purple golden shadow.

"Ugly duckling, you must strive to let the flat breasted sister eat the big mouse." Amy said solemnly, touching the head of the ugly duckling.

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