Evan vomited blood and collapsed between his chest and abdomen. His face was pale and painful. However, when he looked at the iron bull, he still didn't understand and was afraid. He had easily blocked its ice wall before. Why did he suddenly become so fragile? Is it true that the kid used his magic to make the ice wall so hard? Thinking of this, even he felt a little incredible.

What's more, the iron bull who had pushed them to the top didn't mean to let them go. He charged them again. Seriously injured, they couldn't even play. They could hardly escape. They almost had to wait to die.

EVA reached out and crawled towards Evan, with a whoosh sound in her mouth. If she could die beside Evan, it would not be so bad.


I thought there was no problem with Evan. But the situation suddenly reversed. The hard ice wall was smashed. Evan and EVA were seriously injured. They faced the iron bull again. No one was able to save them. Their faces looked desperate.

The iron bull running to MEG and Amy is also unstoppable. The most vulnerable people in the audience are on the verge of life and death, but they can do nothing. This sense of powerlessness makes them frustrated and desperate.

"Well, didn't your master teach you that even if you can't beat each other, you can think of other ways?" Amy looked at Evan with a grudge on her face, then pointed her magic wand to the ground in front of them, and said with a smile, "for example, let this big stupid cow dance first."

A layer of ice emerged from Evan and EVA's feet and spread down the hillside.

The ferocious iron bull stepped on the ice with one foot, slipped his two front hooves, knelt down directly, and glided up a distance with his face close to the ground. He stopped less than half a meter away from Evan. He raised a pair of bull's eyes and mooed twice. He struggled to stand up. His left hoof slid and his right hoof slid, as if dancing on the ice, I just can't get close to Evan and EVA.

"First level ice magic - freezing." Amy looks at Evan and shrugs.

Evan and EVA, who thought they were going to die in the collision of the tin bull, were relieved at the same time. But listening to Amy's words and relaxed face, they felt their face was red again. They tried their best to stop the iron bull, but the iron bull, who was seriously injured by it, was defeated by a four-year-old half elf girl, and it was still frozen, It's a textbook slap.

However, if she is a first-class magician, then the ice wall before was released by him. At least it shows that he still releases level 4 magic, and his strength is far stronger than Amy! Evan comforted himself in his heart. The pain from the wound made him want to faint. It was the first time that he suffered such a terrible injury.

At the moment when they are about to see a tragedy, shiver and others are all relieved. Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, Amy is the one to save Evan. What makes them even more incredible is that Amy is really a magician. Even a first-class magician, at her present age, she can be called a genius if she can skillfully use freezing.

"This is the primary use of freezing. My master said that there is no difference between strong and weak magic. The real difference lies in the users, such as you and me." Amy looked at Evan and continued. With a right hand, a cold flame appeared in her hand. The ice crystal flame jumped slowly on her fingertips and pointed to the iron bull.

The ice flame flies out, looking at not quick, but is in a twinkling then arrived that iron sheet bull's in front.

Compared with the iron bison, the small ice flame was not even as big as its eyes, but it made the iron bison with red eyes look frightened for the first time and turned to run away.

However, the ice flame has fallen on the ox's head, and the frost has covered the whole iron bison in an instant. From the beginning to the end, it is frozen on the ice. It still keeps the posture of kneeling on both knees, as if there is a sculpture on the ice.

"This magic wave... Intermediate magician!" Evan suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the frozen copper buffalo in disbelief. As a third level magician, he could easily judge the magic strength and ice an iron buffalo with an ice flame, which was beyond his reach.

A four-year-old intermediate magician, and also a half elf, has far surpassed him in magic.

Evan felt his heart stopped for three seconds. The feeling of suffocation even made him forget the pain in his chest, and then began to doubt life.

"There is no difference between strong and weak magic, the real difference lies in the user..." this sentence seems to hit Evan's heart with a heavy hammer.

If a magician who has been famous for a long time, he may feel better. But this is said from Amy's mouth, which is just like a sharp sword in his heart. His previous actions have undoubtedly become the general clamor of a clown.

This father and daughter are not the existence that he can provoke at all, but the strength of the four-year-old girl crush him countless.

"This... This is not possible!" EVA looked at this scene with an unacceptable expression. The iron bull, who even Evan could not resist, was easily frozen by Amy's ice magic. As a magician, she naturally knew what it meant. She suddenly looked up at Amy, and only the fear of the strong remained in her eyes.

"So strong!"

Shiver and others can't help but stop rushing forward and look at the frozen tin bull with the same look of shock. Unexpectedly, it's Amy who finally subdues the iron bull. Finally, they understand that Meg dares to take Amy into the wilderness and takes the iron bull as the target.

"Be careful!" After he was stunned for a moment, he exclaimed again that an iron bull was frozen and rushed to McGonagall. The iron bull didn't stop. In the moment of people's absence, he rushed to the place less than five meters away from McGonagall and ran into them at top speed.

"Big stupid cow, you have to be good." Amy looked back at the tin bull and held out her little right hand.

"I'll take care of this big stupid cow." McGonagall said with a smile. He stepped forward and stroked his hand around his waist. The iron bull passed him. After a few steps, he fell to the ground and made two whooshes. He had lost his breath. The hot blood soaked the rocks and merged into a stream.

The sword is sheathed, and the blood is not stained.

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