The news that the owner of Maimi restaurant will fight against the owner of Ritchie's barbecue in an hour soon spread all over Aden square. One side is the new restaurant which has been surging in the rankings recently, and the other side is the old barbecue shop in Aden square. Such a fight itself is full of attraction.

Of course, what's more important is that the duel turned out to be an open-air duel, which means that the onlookers can see the whole cooking process, which has never been seen in Aden square. What's more, it arouses people's curiosity. When they have nothing to do, they rush to the door of McMillan's restaurant and soon gather a huge crowd.

Some of them are regular customers of McMillan, others listen to the reputation of Ritchie barbecue, and more of them are spectators.

"Front row sells melon seeds, peanuts and ice water! There are limited sales of small benches. If you want to buy them quickly, you can't miss them! "

Xixi, with Lulu and two big bags of melon seeds and peanuts, shuttles through the crowd with a basket of small stools on his back. His business is booming.

It will take half an hour for the duel to start. In order to occupy a good position, many people have been waiting here for a long time. If they are lucky, they may be selected as judges. It's still perfect to buy some melon seeds, peanuts and a glass of ice water and be a quiet melon seed eating crowd.

Before long, the guys at Rich's barbecue came with two freight wagons, stopped at the door of McMillan's restaurant, and under rich's command began to carry the heavy kitchen utensils and a half sized goat.

The guests looked at the barbecue with their heads full of curiosity, but it was the first time for them to see how others made the barbecue, and they were more and more looking forward to the duel.

"Why? Isn't that the Maimi restaurant? Why are there so many people at the door? " In the distance, Robert looks at the direction of McMillan's restaurant and talks to himself with some doubts. He hesitates for a moment and goes in that direction.

A luxurious carriage stopped at the door of Ducas restaurant. Hill, dressed in a red dress, walked out of the carriage and was getting ready to get off. His eyes just fell on the dark crowd in the distance. He raised his eyebrows slightly and said curiously, "what are you doing? Why so many people? "

"Miss Hill, the owner of McMillan's restaurant and the owner of Ritchie's barbecue are going to have an open-air cooking duel. They are all spectators, but when it comes to barbecues, in Aden square and the city of chaos, of course our Ducas restaurant is still the first one!" Specially came out to meet the store manager said with a smile, his face is full of confidence.

"Maimi restaurant? Is it the new restaurant that has been in the limelight recently? " Asked hill, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Yes, but this restaurant is in the top 30 of the food list, and our Ducas restaurant is still number one." The store manager nodded with a smile, but there was a bit of tension in his eyes. The hill and Buffett families are the big money owners of Ducas restaurant. They spend tens of thousands of gold coins in the restaurant every year, which would be a big loss if they were transferred to other restaurants.

"For a restaurant that has only been open for more than a month, all five dishes have entered the top 100 of the list, and another one has entered the top 30. This restaurant is very interesting." Hill looked at the huge crowd and got into the carriage again. He said, "let's go. Let's have a look at the excitement. I'm curious about how the boss cooks so that he can accumulate so many loyal customers in a short period of more than one month. I'm not as good as that."

"Take your time. Your box is still reserved for you." The store manager bowed his head and said respectfully, looking at the luxury carriage slowly driving away. Unexpectedly, Dukas restaurant has been dominating Aden square for so many years, but it feels threatened in a small restaurant that has just opened.

"Alva, why are you so sad? Do you have any new dishes in Ducas recently? I haven't been here for a while, old man Just then, a sharp voice came from the side.

Alva's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, and a touch of disgust flashed on his face. However, when he turned around, his face was changed into a warm smile. Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, he said, "it's Mr. Peter. Our restaurant hasn't launched any new dishes recently, which may disappoint you."

The middle-aged man was tall and thin, wearing a long gray black windbreaker, a black hat on his head, a brown cane in his hand, a pipe in his windbreaker pocket, a pair of crooked noses, a pair of moustaches rolled around his lips, and a pair of aggressive brown black eyes fixed on Alva's eyes with a slight grin, "A restaurant that has lost its creativity will be eliminated sooner or later," he said with a sarcastic smile. If you can't even push out a new dish in a month, the chef might as well go home and raise pigs. It's an insult to the food list and the guests to occupy the top of the food list with the same dishes. "

"Yes, you're right. Our chef is trying his best to develop new dishes. I believe it won't be long before they appear on the menu." Alvar nodded, a cold sweat on his forehead.

In the city of chaos, or the continent of Nolan, a new profession has emerged in recent decades: food critic.

They make a living by writing and commenting on local food. They are sought after by many people who like to eat, and they earn a lot of money. Among them, feipeter is one of them, and he is quite famous in the food review circle of the whole continent of Nolan.

His reputation does not lie in how many unknown delicacies he has dug up or how delicious they are described, but in his sharp and venomous comment style. Almost every restaurant's food has been commented by him. Even the most famous roast suckling pig in Ducas restaurant is still labeled by him as "too greasy, killing piglets, too cruel!" I'd like to comment on it.

The restaurants that have been commented by feipeter will be affected by some factors. Therefore, feipeter is also known as the food critic who is least liked by restaurant owners. If it is not in the city of chaos, this guy may have been knocked out one night, put into a sack and thrown into the lake to feed the fish.

Alvar was puzzled about how to deal with the ill intentioned gourmet. He glanced at the direction of the McMillan restaurant. His eyes suddenly brightened and he said with a bright smile: "Mr. feipeter, the Ducas restaurant is going to disappoint you today, but I can introduce you a good place. You should have heard of the McMillan restaurant over there, right? The new restaurant on the food list has only been in business for more than a month, and five courses have entered the top 100 at the same time. The owner of this restaurant will have an open-air duel with the owner of Ritchie's barbecue shop to compete for the title of No.1 barbecue in Aden square. Both sides bet on the ownership of the restaurant. Are you sure you don't want to have a look? "

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