"Yes, first select five judges, and let them decide the outcome of the contest. What do you think of the selection?" Rich looked at McGonagall with a relaxed expression, but his eyes became a little dignified. After all, it was a duel between his whole wealth and the efforts of three generations,

Outside the Maimi restaurant, people spontaneously kept quiet. They all stood on tiptoe and looked forward at MEG with their heads outstretched. Their faces were full of expectation. They were all guessing that those people would be chosen as the judges of the duel. Of course, they also thought about whether such good luck would fall on their heads.

"Since it's a duel, and we've bet all our wealth, the judges should be more professional, so that whoever wins or loses can be convinced." McGonagall looked around the guests and said with a smile, "all of you, let's see if there are professionals around you who can recommend you, or if you think you are professional and fair enough, you can recommend yourself."

"That's fine." Ritchie nodded and agreed with McGonagall's choice. It was obviously more reliable than pulling five passers-by at random. But in that case, it would be useless for him to arrange those guys and friends in the crowd, but he was confident of beating McGonagall on the barbecue.

"Mr. McGregor, Robert president of the Catering Association is here!" Cried Harrison, raising his hand in the crowd.

The crowd spread out a little to give way to Robert.

"President Robert, I wonder if you can be one of the judges of this contest." MEG looked at Robert and said with a smile.

"President Robert!" Ritchie's eyelids jumped. It was when this new president took office that Ritchie's barbecue shop was dropped from the food list. If he became a judge, it would be bad for me.

People are also curious to see Robert, do not know if he will agree, the restaurant association is the city of chaos, the most official authority of the catering organization, if the president of the restaurant association to preside over this duel, fairness and authority will not have to worry about, did not expect that this was just a small-scale duel, but led to the president, let this duel become more expectant.

"Although I don't quite agree with the cooking duel with bets, it's a voluntary choice of both of you, so I won't interfere. Today I will judge the duel as the president of the Catering Association." Robert came out slowly, with a serious expression.

"Thank you." McGonagall smiles and nods. He's not afraid of authority. He's just worried about selecting five paid fake audiences. Robert is obviously not among the ones rich can buy.

"The famous food critic Mr. feipeter is here!" Soon, there was another voice in the crowd, which immediately caused an uproar and attention.

"I can promise you to be the judges of this competition." The crowd separated. Wearing a gray black windbreaker and holding a brown cane in his hand, he stepped forward on pointed scalp boots, looked up and down at MEG, and said with a slight sarcasm, "your chef's clothes are very clean, just like a saury wrapped in flour."

There was a burst of laughter in the crowd. Peter was famous among the gourmets in the city of chaos, especially in the food circle. He was famous for his poisonous tongue. I didn't expect that he would come and become a judge today.

As soon as he appeared, he commented on McGonagall with his signature venomous tongue. Although McGonagall, dressed in white and black chef's clothes, is far away from the saury, it can be predicted that today's duel will become more interesting because of him.

Ritchie couldn't help smiling. Although he didn't like the critic who had commented on Ritchie's barbecue shop many times in various strange words, now it seems that he is more hostile and aggressive to McGonagall, which is undoubtedly good news.

"Your shape is also very good. The duck just came out of the water doesn't have such a cocky buttock as you." McGonagall said with a smile as he watched him tuck up his windbreaker behind his tail.

"If the duck cocks up, it can be compared." Amy looked at Peter's clothes and said seriously.

"If you look at it like this, it's really like a duck coming out of the water."

"Ha ha ha, I'm so laughing. Boss Mai and little boss are really bad."

"I feel that Peter has met his opponent. He's one to two. He's completely defeated!"

The crowd was quiet for a moment, then there was a burst of louder laughter.

Peter's face turned red and his crooked moustache trembled. The restaurant owners who were ridiculed by him had to laugh at him one by one to please him. Such a situation had never happened before. Looking at McGonagall and his daughter, they felt like they had met each other. They took a deep breath and calmed down, "The cook speaks by his cooking skills, but he can't add points if he has a strong mouth," he said.

"You're right. If a chef doesn't have a good mouth, he can still rely on his cooking skills. If a critic doesn't have a good mouth, he can't even eat." McGonagall still smiles.

A critic with a poisonous tongue? Oh, he is at the level of grandmaster. After all, he can make the way of heaven lower its punishment and throw it directly into the alien world. It is estimated that he is the only one in the world.

In contrast, this foreign colleague who took the same route as he did in those years was obviously a little younger. Unfortunately, he met him.

But his current status has changed from critic to chef and boss. He doesn't have the good temper of being a spectator. It's his true disposition to fight back. The long suppressed soul of poisonous tongue has begun to show signs of recovery.

"Hum!" Phoebe was so angry that he couldn't speak. He snorted a lot to express his anger. He looked at MEG and stood aside. He didn't speak any more. But he had already thought that he would comment on the food made by the guy who was the gatekeeper.

Rich can't help laughing. At the same time, he's already happy. It's too late for others to please the judges, but McGonagall is directly against him. It seems that the vote of feipeter is stable.

Next, two judges were selected from the crowd. One was a professor of chaos academy, who usually wrote some food reviews part-time, which was also a little famous. The other was the owner of shire barbecue shop, who was recognized as a loyal boss. His barbecue shop ranked 50th in the food row list, and was a professional in barbecue.

"There's still one last judge. Is there anyone who recommends or recommends himself?" MEG asked, looking at the crowd.

Zhu Yu is in the front. Generally speaking, he will not raise his hand. After all, it's embarrassing if he can't say a word after going up, so he fell into silence for a moment.

"May I?" At this time, a voice rang out, although it was a question, but with the feeling of no doubt.

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