After finishing slaughtering the jumping foot black goat, rich carried the washed goat into the baking area covered by the board. The guys of rich's barbecue shop all stepped aside. It was a duel between the two. The dense heat wave rose from behind the board, which showed that rich had started baking.

And everyone's eyes turned to MEG. He didn't block the grill, but the cut beef was sprinkled with some unknown seasoning, rubbed and put aside. At this time, he was seriously mixing something with the spices and seasonings in a pile of bottles.

"What's the owner of this McMillan restaurant doing? Why don't you start barbecue? "

"Yes, it seems to be mixing something, but does barbecue need a lot of seasoning? It seems that it's not a wise choice to waste so much time on it?"

"You don't understand. Boss Mai is a genius. He was born for subversion. All irrationality is reasonable in him. Otherwise, how can he make so many delicious food? It must be very important to see his serious and meticulous expression."

With the passage of time, rich's restaurant has been overflowing with the smell of barbecue, but McGonagall is still mixing spices, which can't help but make people feel a little confused. However, most of the familiar customers of McMillan restaurant are still full of confidence, and they have almost fanatical admiration for McGonagall's cooking skills.

"He seems to be mixing the sauce, but isn't the taste of the meat the most important thing in barbecue? All spices can only be auxiliary, the lighter the better, so that the original flavor of barbecue can be brought into full play Charles looked at McGonagall and frowned. As a teacher who has been barbecue for more than 20 years, he thinks he still has a deep insight into barbecue. Some people can't understand McGonagall's current behavior. It's obviously not a wise choice to waste so much time in such an important duel.

In the contest, chefs usually try their best to finish the cooking first, because the late dishes may have some extra factors after the judges have tasted the dishes of the former, which will reduce the score. Once the taste is not outstanding enough, they will be compared.

McGonagall cut the meat into cubes, which was obviously easier to cook than rich's roasted whole lamb. However, he didn't even make the fire now, and instead wasted a lot of time on the seasoning, which seemed a bit foolish in the duel.

"I hope this guy won't waste such high-grade ingredients as tinplate beef, or I'll have to criticize this mouth gun cook who wastes food." Phoebe looked at MEG and thought.

"Withdraw the board." Half an hour later, rich's voice sounded from the board. The guys of rich's barbecue shop rushed up and removed the board around the oven, revealing the big black oven inside.

Richie, sweating, stands in front of the semi closed oven, turning the torsion bar to let the Golden Goat in the oven keep turning, and the rich fragrance also disperses with the evacuation of the baffle.

"How fragrant! I feel like I can eat a whole roast lamb with the smell of roast meat

The eyes of the onlookers were all bright and attracted by the strong smell of barbecue.

"Rich, a fat man, seems to have improved his cooking skills, and the oven is also interesting. In only half an hour, the whole roast sheep will be able to emit such fragrance, and in less than half an hour, it should be out of the oven." Feipeter looks at rich unexpectedly, and then looks at McGonagall who is still motionless. He can't help shaking his head. This guy won't give up directly, will he?

When he heard what the onlookers said, rich's face also showed a proud smile. He wiped the sweat on his forehead with a towel. He turned to see McGonagall's progress. When he saw that he had just put down the seasoning spoon and the grill didn't even rise, he couldn't help but smile a little sarcastically, It seems that this guy's calmness before is completely bluffing. He may not be able to cook barbecue at all. Today's Duel seems to have no suspense.

Put down the third sauce bowl, McGonagall's face also showed a little smile. Although this is a challenge, he still has a little blue picture in his heart. Taking this opportunity to hold a new product launch to show three flavors of Roast Beef Kebabs is obviously a right choice.

He looked up at Ritchie, smiling and proud, and the heavy oven. MEG picked his eyebrows. It took a lot of time to prepare the sauce. It seems that we need to seize the time.

He reached out and pulled out a 30 cm long bamboo stick from the basket. MEG picked up the pickled beef and began to string it on the bamboo stick. A bamboo stick with three pieces of beef was set aside at an interval of about two centimeters. Soon a pile of meat sticks was piled up on the plate.

"Why? What's boss Mai doing? How to string beef? Is it another subversive barbecue? "

"Yes, it's the first time I've seen such a kebab. Will it taste good?"

"It's only three in a string. It's a bit stingy. I'm still looking forward to the roast whole lamb. The smell is getting stronger and stronger. I'll try it at the Qiji barbecue shop there tomorrow."

"There is not much time left for boss McGrady. Can he finish it in about the same time as boss rich? It's not good for him to delay too long. "

People looked at MEG curiously. His barbecue method was completely different from their inherent way of thinking. Some people began to show some worry.

"My father is sure to win!" Amy holding the ugly duckling, sitting on the bench, said confidently.

"Please, the boss has to win." Abelmia clenched her fist nervously.

"Amy, throw a little fireball here and help me burn the charcoal fire red." As for the meat kebab, McGonagall turned back and waved to Amy. It took a lot of time to make charcoal fire, so McGonagall decided to make a clever choice. After all, it's not good to be too slow than the other party. If the judges are full, it's embarrassing.

"Good." Amy nodded, got up and threw a small fireball directly into the grill. The black charcoal fire instantly burned and turned red.

"Yes." McGonagall snapped his fingers. As soon as Amy stopped, the flame disappeared, and the smokeless carbon in the grill just burned to its best state, with a faint smell of pine smoke.

"Sensationalism, I'm almost over, you just started, I see how you compare with me!" Richie put a layer of oil on the goat, turned it a few times, and then slowly pulled out the grill. A golden and crisp goat was officially baked.

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