The judges haven't started to comment yet, and the crowd has been in a constant uproar because of the way Amy ate the kebab. If there is something to represent the cute, now people only have Amy in mind.

Moreover, the delicious beef kebab was tasted by her. With her sweet smile and happy eating, she felt that nothing could be more happy than eating a mouthful of beef kebab in her hand.

"This should be the new dish prepared by boss Mai after he came back from his trip? Sure enough, boss Mai can surprise us every time he goes out to collect materials. Tomorrow I will be the first to taste this delicious roast beef kebab! "

"I don't know if boss Mai will open this evening. After watching the little boss eat roast beef kebabs, I feel that I can't survive this long night."

"It's impossible. Boss Mai is very principled. He said that asking for a day off is asking for a day off. You don't have to think about it tonight."

The regular customers of Maimi restaurant have been completely relieved and in a good mood. More importantly, they begin to look forward to and wonder when this new dish will appear on the menu of Maimi restaurant. The sense of expectation has been completely promoted to the extreme.

Those who have heard about the restaurant for the first time also begin to have some interest in it. The little girl is really delicious, but they still want to hear the comments of several judges to see who can win the final contest today.

Five plates of Beef Kebabs were put in front of the five judges. Abemia stepped back to MEG. MEG whispered a few words in her ear. Abemia was stunned and quickly nodded and turned to the restaurant.

McGonagall looked at the judges with a smile, quietly waiting for their comments and choices. He still felt a little strange. After all, this is the first time that he has put his cooking on the table for some professionals to evaluate, and there are two colleagues in that year.

Ritchie's face is also very dignified. His hands behind his back clench his fists, and the cold sweat on his forehead slowly slides down his cheek. If you know that McGonagall has such strength in barbecue, he will never challenge him. Even if it's to boost the popularity of Ritchie's barbecue, you have to remove at least the last two conditions and lose the menu and restaurant, He has nothing.

Now, in front of the five judges are a plate of roast mutton and a plate of roast beef kebab that has just been removed from the grill. Three of the judges have tasted the roast mutton and given good comments. Hill and Robert have not tasted it yet.

Robert cut a lamb rib and a leg of mutton to eat, nodded and said: "this roast lamb rib tastes crispy, the mutton is crispy, the sauce and seasoning are just right, and it's perfect in the control of the heat. It's the best roast lamb rib. Roasted mutton leg is tender and juicy with delicate taste, which makes mutton delicious. In a roast whole sheep, different parts of the roast out the best heat and taste, this roast whole sheep is undoubtedly very successful

Hill looked at Robert, thought for a moment, picked up the fork in the plate again, fed the mutton to his mouth, chewed it, with a smile on his face, nodded slightly and said: "well, the roast mutton is really good. The skin is burnt, the meat is tender and delicious. It tastes better than kadus's roast mutton. Of course, their main product is roast suckling pig."

Ritchie and his fellows relaxed a little. Now at least five judges have got fairly good comments, but now the judges haven't tasted McGonagall's roast beef kebab, and the ending is not known.

"I'll try the roast beef with bamboo sticks first." Pete is ready to cut with a knife and fork, but he looks at Amy, who is sitting at the door of the restaurant, holding a bunch of Beef Kebabs with one hand. After a moment of hesitation, he puts down his knife and fork again and reaches out to pick up a bunch of Beef Kebabs.

The smell of barbecue comes. The transparent fat is inlaid on the beef like little crystals. The sauce is very delicate and even. The surface of the barbecue looks very delicate.

It's just that the colors of the three beef are slightly different, which makes him puzzled. He doesn't know whether it's a mistake when he brushes the sauce or a lack of control over the heat. On the surface, it's obviously a minus item.

"It's a pity that you can bake three different colors of beef on the same string of beef without dyeing." He looked up at McGonagall and said, although the beef smells good, how can we let go of the chance of poisonous tongue? Later, we have to go through our own style. We can't let it go.

Peter's words also caused a burst of laughter. People who like to watch Peter's food reviews generally don't want to get any food recommendations from him, but more expect him to comment on the restaurants and food with sharp and spicy words, which often make people laugh.

"Controlling the heat is the most basic ability of barbecue." Richie looked at the Beef Kebabs with different colors in his hand, and his face was suddenly happy. He said with a slight sneer that no matter how fragrant the flavor is, if the fire is not controlled properly, McGonagall's barbecue can only be regarded as a failure.

People are looking forward to it. The color doesn't matter. The most important thing is whether the beef kebab tastes good or not. Now it seems that people are looking forward to it again.

McGonagall laughs but doesn't speak. The difference in color is not due to the heat, but it's all about food, so it doesn't explain.

Peter, who is ready to fight back, is disappointed to see that Meg doesn't speak. The smell of the beef kebab in his hand keeps getting into his nose, and the most obvious one is garlic. He has never seen garlic as a seasoning in the process of cooking beef. It's hard to imagine how the two flavors will combine, This lowered his expectation of the beef kebab again. It seemed that he had lost the expectation when he just smelled the fragrance.

"At least try it first. I hope he won't spoil such a piece of top-grade beef." He thought to himself, and then he bit the top piece of roast beef into his mouth.

"The smell... Is incredible!"

The expression on his mean face suddenly brightened. The mouth of the beef, the slightly charred skin and the garlic flavor sauce melted first in his mouth. He usually felt the pungent smell of garlic, but at this moment it was very soft and delicious, making people full of saliva. Then chew it carefully, the fresh and tender beef will burst out in your mouth, the garlic and meat fragrance will be sent out from the meat, and the delicious food will bloom in your mouth. You can feel the cheering of the taste buds when you chew it, which makes you unable to stop.

"Hoo... The beef is so delicious. I almost chewed my tongue. It's incredible. I can't believe that anyone in the world can make beef so delicious." After chewing the second piece of beef carefully, he swallowed the second piece of beef and said in shock: "the second piece of beef and the first piece of beef are totally different tastes, but they have the same irresistible taste!"

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