"What's that?"

"It's like a kind of wine with the smell of malt. Is it malt wine? But how could ale be so transparent! "

People moved away from the road and looked curiously at the tray on the hand of Asia's North MIA. In the crystal clear glass, the light golden yellow liquid accounted for about 23 of the height. On the top there was a layer of snow-white foam, and there were several pieces of ice floating in the middle.

The light aroma of malt wine spreads out, and the eyes of people standing close suddenly brighten up. It is different from the bitter taste of general malt wine. This fragrance makes people feel very fresh, and it is like the taste of summer sea breeze.

"We won." Meg said, looking at abemia with a smile and a surprise smile on her face, pointing to the judges and saying, "bring the beer to the judges."

"All right." Abemia nodded happily and couldn't hide the smile on her face. At the most critical moment, she was asked by MEG to install the so-called beer. Unexpectedly, she got such good news after coming out. MEG won, and the restaurant won't become someone else's restaurant. She can continue to work in the restaurant.

Abemia put five beers one by one in front of the five judges, collected the tray and stepped aside.

The five judges just finished the roast beef kebab in their hands, and the spicy taste was rampant in their mouths. They couldn't help breathing out. Looking at the wine with strange color in front of them, they couldn't help looking at MEG strangely.

"This is a beer with ice. It's also the first drink to be introduced by the restaurant besides the roast beef kebab. Since the judges have eaten the roast beef kebab, maybe they can try this ice beer." McGonagall stepped forward, looked at the five judges and said with a smile.

"Beer? What kind of wine is this? How come I never heard of it? "

"Yes, if you put ice in the wine, won't it be diluted? People who can drink don't spoil good wine like this. "

"After correcting the definition of delicious food, is boss Mai going to correct the world's definition of good wine? It's also... It's too hard for others to live, isn't it? "

People began to talk, full of curiosity at the pale golden clear beer.

And the eyes of the judges also fell back on the beer in front of them. The big round crystal glass is clean and transparent. It's hard to imagine that someone would carve a wine glass with such exquisite transparent crystal, and there are five of the same style in a moment. It's so luxurious and amazing.

"I didn't even carve any patterns. It's a waste of a good crystal." Hill glanced at the crystal glass, and his eyes were soon attracted by the wine in the glass. The pale gold wine was clear and transparent, without any suspended solids. Besides the smell of malt, there was a strange smell.

It's a kind of elegant and shy fragrance. It's not pungent at all. It has a kind of vague feeling. It's not the smell of malt or flowers. It's not aggressive, but it twinkles in your heart. It's like you find a kitten in the roadside trees. It's trembling and peeping at you. But when you want to hold it, it's in the trees, If you want to go, it will come out and cry again, like playing hide and seek with you. You can't help but want to smile. That's the fragrance.

Hill doesn't like to drink. Even if she drinks, she only drinks the top-grade wine made in her own winery. The royal family of the Los Empire orders a batch of wine from buffet winery every year for his majesty. Naturally, she drinks better than that batch.

But now she suddenly had some interest in what seemed to be the malt liquor. She had never seen any wine that had so many bubbles. It was like a half cup of snow stacked on the wine. Three pieces of ice were floating in the wine, looking rather strange.

After a moment's hesitation, Hill took a sip of the glass, and the clear pale gold wine slipped into her throat. The refreshing and mellow taste brightened her eyes. It was as if the ice water melted from the ten thousand year old snow mountain turned into a white training. The cool water immediately extinguished her hot throat because of the spicy beef, She almost thought that she heard the sound of "Yi", and her soul seemed to rise with it.

The wine has a delicate bitter taste, which makes people have a kind of pleasant feeling. After swallowing, there is no aftertaste. On the contrary, it makes people want to have another big mouthful.


Hill breathed out a little breath, stretched out her pink tongue and licked a little white foam on her lips, and realized the subtle fragrance that lingers between her lips. The wine was not strong and sweet, and it gave her a much more delicious feeling than the wine that had been stored for centuries.

Raised the glass to drink again a big mouthful, a wisp of pale golden beer slowly slipped from her mouth, and then along the proud neck slowly flowing down, slightly rolling throat, I do not know how many men can not help swallowing.

One side of Fipeter took up the glass and drank it up. The beer in the glass fell down at the speed that the naked eye could see. It could hold a large beer. It was directly drunk by him. The crystal cup was placed on the table, leaving only the three ice blocks and white bubbles hanging on the wall.

"Hiccup --" he made a long hiccup, without noticing the foam on his perfectly curled moustache, and said with surprise, "this wine tastes so refreshing that it is simply cooked for barbecue." The taste is cool and mellow, slightly bitter but not astringent. The wine tastes soft and harmonious, and has strong killing power. After one cup, the spicy feeling brought by beef kebab is completely eliminated, which makes people want another big cup and another roast beef kebab! "

"It's really a special wine. Although it has the fragrance of malt, it's not as bitter as ordinary wheat wine. The delicate bitterness makes the wine more attractive, and it doesn't have any aftertaste. People can drink it all the time and don't want to stop at all." The professor also drank a whole glass of beer very quickly and exclaimed.

"It's really good wine. As a person who never drinks, I also feel sweet and delicious. I don't have the feeling that it's hard to taste ordinary wine. After drinking it, I have a penetrating feeling, which is very special." Robert nodded and took another sip.

"Good wine, when eating barbecue, if you can match with such wine, it's definitely an extraordinary experience." Charles also nodded and said, looking at MEG half jokingly: "I wonder if boss McGonagall has the idea of selling this wine?"

"I don't have this idea yet. I'm afraid that the production of hand brewed beer is not enough for the customers in the Maimi restaurant." McGonagall smiles and shakes his head. If there are these judges, the previous worry about whether beer will be acclimatized in the alien world has been completely eliminated.

"Look, I'm thirsty. Is this so-called beer so good?"

"You see Miss Hill is still drinking. Buffet winery is one of the top ten wineries in Nolan mainland. Even the wine she likes is not bad without thinking about it."

"Roast beef kebab + beer, boss Mai produced two new products at one time, high yield like sow!"

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