"System, your uncle's!"

McGonagall just came to scold in his heart. A silver lightning cut through the sky and fell from the sky like a silver silk thread. The bucket like thick lightning directly fell on his head.

Electric current instantly spread all over his body, hands and feet shaking uncontrollably, as if dancing in lightning.

On that night, the residents of the chaotic city heard a huge thunder, which seemed to explode in their ears, waking up many people's good dreams. They did not understand why the bright moon was hanging high outside, and they could not even see a cloud.

"Mother, I just saw a man dancing in the thunder and lightning." There was a little boy lying in front of the window, exclaiming excitedly.

"Go to bed now, or I'll let you know what it's like to dance under the board." The curtain snapped up, and then came the voice of a dignified woman.

I don't know how long it took me. It was McGonagall's body that regained consciousness. His fingers moved and raised his hand to touch his face. It was a clicking clicking, a finger numb, and a quick hand dropping. He could not help but make complaints about the system: "do you want to improve your physical quality?" Do you mean to thunder me? Do you think I'm robbing? "

The clothes on the body have been burned out of shape, and they will fall to the ground at random. Fortunately, the key position is still intact.

"Host, you need to improve your physical fitness by one point at a time. Because the host's body was seriously injured that year, it needs high-intensity lightning strike to recover its vitality, and conventional current is difficult to work. Therefore, this system uses a number of conduction technologies from high altitude to extract a part of lightning and accurately guide it to the host, Shouldn't the host praise the greatness of science at this time? " There's something smug going on in the system.

McGonagall rolled his eyes and didn't bother to argue with the system. Instead, he began to feel his body seriously. The sense of muscle paralysis was rapidly eliminating. He stepped forward step by step. The sense of strength slowly fed back from his feet to his body. Every step had a new feeling, which was more powerful than before, and this feeling was constantly improving.

When he came to the edge of the balcony, MEG stopped. The paralysis caused by thunder and lightning had been completely eliminated. He clenched his fist. A strong feeling of familiarity and strangeness rose from the bottom of his heart. He felt that he could even kill a tin bull with one blow.

"The physical quality of the third level knight is this kind of feeling. The world is really magical. What flows in the body should be the so-called spiritual power?" McGonagall closed his eyes and felt the flow of things in his body, like a breath, like a liquid.

Spiritual power is unique to the continent of Nolan. Magicians cultivate spiritual power by meditation. The dragon people are born with strong physique and talent that can constantly evolve. Demons can advance by blood. Forest trolls, demons... All have their own way of advancement.

In addition to the awakening of the magician, human beings have discovered and mastered the cultivation of spiritual power, which makes ordinary human beings have the method of rapid advancement, and the ability to fight against the powerful race and even the dragon is the decisive reason.

Psychic power can continuously develop the limits of human body, and also make human burst out with powerful power and speed. This is also the reason why human knights can not be afraid of powerful demons. Top Knights like Meg Alex can even kill dragons.

However, not everyone can cultivate spiritual power. To be a knight is one in a hundred. Only when you break through the third level knight can you cultivate spiritual power. The later cultivation is closely related to spiritual power, which is almost complementary.

When he opened his eyes, MEG quickly went to the small room on the balcony and took the sword from the box in the corner. Step out, the sword came out of its sheath and stabbed straight. A cold light flashed on the sword. The air seemed to be cut, and even the moonlight was in a trance.

McGonagall showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. The same sword is obviously faster and stronger than before. What we need to do now is to improve the sword technique to match the strength as soon as possible.

After collecting the sword and cleaning up the rags on the ground, McGonagall went downstairs to take a bath, and then went directly to the kitchen god test hall to learn how to make moon cakes and practice sword.

But as soon as I entered the bathroom and saw myself in the mirror, I was shocked.

In the mirror, the whole body is pitch black, with only a pair of burnt black shorts on the body. It's like a miner who has just climbed out of the mine, with only white teeth and short hair. It's very fashionable.

"The system, only three levels, uses one thunder to bombard the top, next will not be five thunder to bombard the top?" McGonagall asked, looking strangely at himself in the mirror.

"Host, you can rest assured that this system will not do such a cruel thing." The voice of the system rang out, with a bit of comfort: "these two thunder blasts haven't been experienced yet, let's go step by step, take your time, don't worry."

McGonagall, who just wanted to be relieved, was sure that the guy in the system couldn't believe it. Today's thunder and lightning made him electrified. If he had two, he would be electrified directly.

Moreover, if anyone tells him that he wants to become a lightning, he will tell her seriously: lightning is at least thick!

After returning to Qi, McGonagall soon began to wash, and the carbon ash and a layer of ash on his body were quickly washed away. His skin returned to its normal color, bright and white. He should have been conditioned by thunder and lightning, and he felt delicate.

His thin and weak body has now become very normal. Although he doesn't have any exaggerated muscles, he is satisfied with his symmetrical body without losing the sense of strength and the six abdominal muscles that can be clearly seen on his lower abdomen. He is completely his ideal body.

Taking back his narcissistic eyes and putting on a nightgown, McGonagall came close to the room, and as soon as he lay down on the bed, he directly opened the glittering experience bag in his mind.

A stream of information poured into McGonagall's mind, quickly fused with memory, and quickly turned into McGonagall's experience and memory.

McGonagall closed his eyes and quickly digested the contents of the experience pack. After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes and said with a strange expression: "system, are you doing something? Wuren moon cake is a wonderful flower in moon cake. You put it in the first place! Bean paste, ice skin that is not better than it delicious ah! Moon cakes should be sweet! "

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