Looking at the disappearing bicycles, the guests in the queue immediately sighed. It seems that it's not a simple thing to want to eat this delicious roast beef kebab. It needs enough patience. Some people also praise Amy in the little wizard's robe for being very cute.

McGonagall takes Julian's breakfast and leads Amy's little hand into chaos school. The doorman and the orc greet them kindly. Amy's eyes are full of admiration. The little guy's victory over the Challenger from the Los empire in the challenge is well known in chaos school. Everyone regards this little girl who has safeguarded the honor of the school as a hero.

Amy responded politely to all the people who said hello along the way, and didn't become arrogant because of other people's attention.

"My father, it seems that everyone likes me now." Amy looked up at MEG and said happily.

"Yes, we Xiaomi did what we should do and beat the bad guys, so we got everyone's love. We will do well in the future, and more and more people will like you." MEG nodded with a smile and looked at the lovely smile on Amy's face. Who can not like such a lovely little guy.

When I got to the magic teaching building of the school of magic, I noticed that a group of dwarves were busy laying the foundation in the open space not far away, and they were very busy in the early morning.

"Krasu said that a magic classroom would be built there, and then Amy would have lessons there." Amy said, pointing to the clearing.

"Well, it seems that Amy can learn in a bigger and more interesting magic room in the future." McGonagall's eyes brightened. When Crassus accepted Amy as an apprentice, he promised to build a new professional magic room for her. He thought it would be delayed for a while, but he didn't expect that the construction would start so soon.

It's very expensive to build a high-level magic room, especially for the chaotic School Park, which is built according to Krasu's standard and can't even renovate the teaching building. Obviously, it can't afford the money. I didn't expect Krasu to be so rich.

"Boss Mai, why did you take Amy to skip class yesterday? I say you, even if you skip class, how can you deliberately choose my class every time? Don't mention that. You didn't even bring me breakfast for skipping class this time. Do you know that it's very hard for me to eat all day long? Why should I bear such pain, I'm an old bone As soon as McGonagall knocked on the door of the magic room, Crassus began a series of questions.

"This..." McGonagall scratched his head awkwardly. The problem of skipping class was not dominated by others. After all, the time chosen by the system happened to be when Krasu was in class, and he couldn't refuse.

"This is your breakfast. Yesterday I went out to pick up materials. There are new dishes in the restaurant. You can try them at noon." McGonagall quickly handed his breakfast to crassus. The kind old man was not easy to get angry.

"New dish?" Crassus was so excited that he reached for breakfast.

"Yes, Mr. Krasu, my father's new roast beef kebab is super delicious. You can try it at noon today. You will love it!" Amy also followed duding.

"Well, for Amy's sake, I'll forgive you this time, but next time you want to take Amy to skip class, you have to choose the time of Julian's class, otherwise that guy's progress will be faster than mine, and then he will come to brag with me that far attack magic is better than melee magic." Crassus looked at MEG and nodded.

"Well, I'll try to choose the right time." MEG nodded, touched Amy's head with a smile, and then said, "I'll go back to cook first, and Amy will be annoyed with you."

"Goodbye, father." Amy waves at MEG and follows Crassus into the magic room.

Besides chaos School Park, McGonagall rode his bicycle towards the restaurant. He stopped for a while when passing by the door of Ritchie's barbecue. The door of the restaurant was tightly closed. Three of the five big character signboards of Ritchie's barbecue had been removed. There was no one in the restaurant and the things were in chaos. It seemed that they had been cleaned up last night, but the tables and chairs were still there, On the whole, it has not been damaged, so it should only need simple modification to operate.

Ritchie barbecue is about three times the size of Maimi restaurant, with a large space of more than 200 square meters. It is located near the entrance of the square, with a huge flow of people. Its geographical location is much better than that of Maimi restaurant in the corner. Just for these two points, the store can receive tens of thousands of copper coins for a month's rent.

If you buy it, you can't get it without ten million copper coins. Now, this shop belongs to McGonagall.

McGonagall didn't rush to deal with the handover last night because there were too many things. After the business is over in the morning, he plans to go to the main mansion first and ask the Management Office of Aden square to assist in the handover, so that the restaurant and the store will be his own.

It's true that MEG can get a lot of money by selling the shop directly. The prosperous shop in such a superior geographical location is not worried about no one to take over. However, after a night's thinking, MEG already has his own idea in mind, so he doesn't intend to sell the shop, but plans to plan it as the first exclusive branch of the Maimi restaurant.

In addition to the store on the first floor, the space on the upper floor of the second floor can also be fully utilized, providing sufficient conditions for the expansion of Maimi restaurant.

"It's better than expected, but the key is to successfully fool the system so that the plan can go on. In addition to diverting part of the customer flow, the branch stores can also bring higher turnover. However, at present, we are not in a hurry to expand on a large scale, and we will strive to be more refined and bigger." MEG looked at the bleak Ritchie barbecue, nodded with satisfaction, and rode his bicycle toward the restaurant.

When McGonagall returns to the dining room, Sally and Mia have already had breakfast. McGonagall changes his chef's clothes, takes a look at the clock on the wall, quickly walks to the door, opens the dining room door, looks at the exaggerated queue at the door, and says with a smile, "welcome."

The crowd rushed in and soon filled the restaurant.

"Boss, I want ten kebabs of roast beef!"

"Do you want to be so fierce in the morning? I can't. I'll have ten too! "

"It's a severe blow to the guests in line behind you! So, please give me nine strings! "

As soon as they were seated, the guests began to order one after another. Many of the guests came to Roast Beef Kebabs with a clear goal.

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