
The lava demons behind Sargeras also cheered with reverent expression, with hands on both sides, and their bodies also suddenly burst into red flames, and the golden red lava was flowing on them.

Sargeras clenched his fist and the flame died. Then he led the lava demons to twist and rotate on the stage. The movement was not beautiful, but it was unexpectedly uniform. His pious expression was not like dancing, but more like doing a very solemn thing.

As soon as Meg's eyes lit up, he snapped off the two table lamps, and the golden red flame lit up the whole stage. The burning lava demons exuded a warm and strong atmosphere in the dark. Their devout expressions and actions full of power made him feel like he was on the edge of the volcano and watching a group of lava demons sacrifice, Just a group of burning lava demons dancing together, always give him a kind of feeling.

"The fire dance of lava devil, I didn't expect to see it again." Krasu looked at the demons, his face also showed a bit of surprise, and a bit of nostalgia.

"Inexplicable sense of solemnity, did not expect the Devil Dance is not bad." A young man sighed.

"Yes, and it looks so cool in the dark. I thought it was a little scary, but now I just feel so handsome!" A little girl said excitedly.

"It should be a kind of sacrifice, a pious sacrifice, not just a dance." An old man whispered, expressing some dissatisfaction with the noise of the young people.

"It's a pity that there's no BGM in such a dance..." McGonagall felt his chin and pondered, watching the demons' powerful movements. A light flashed from his mind, and his eyes suddenly lit up and said: "system, cut me 'I don't go to hell'!"

The trumpet and the nervous drum sounded slowly. Sargeras was stunned for a moment, but his eyes began to light up. The music was so grand that he fell in love with it. When the lava demons were sacrificing, they once had a special musician, but he lost it later, so he didn't stop, On the contrary, it slightly adjusted the speed of the action and stepped on the beat perfectly.

The expressions of other demons are similar. They continue to dance with the beat of Sargeras. With the beat and drumming, they feel that their steps are more accurate. They step on the steel stage and make a uniform sound. With music, their aura increases several times in an instant. They jump out of the sacrificial dance and are more ornamental.

"The Burning Legion accompanies the BGM of Axe Gang and dances the sacrificial dance of lava devil. This mix is really wonderful." McGonagall nodded with satisfaction. Although they didn't match everyone with an axe, Sargeras and his colleagues completely jumped out of their own style of this song. Naturally, their momentum is not comparable to that of a group of thugs.

With the burning legion of BGM, the atmosphere of the scene was ignited. Many people on the scene were shaking with the music. Looking at the demons burning flames and lava in the dark, the atmosphere was completely excited.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha

At the end of BGM, Sargeras raised his fist right hand and cried out: "Burning Legion!"

The lava demons raised their hands at the same time and roared: "all for rougamo!"

The whole audience was quiet. After a while, there was a burst of warm applause and laughter. Everyone was shocked by the powerful dance. It was just the slogan that roared out at the end. Are you serious?

"It's a wonderful performance. Since it's a team dance, you can get two awards. You can also choose the taste of the moon cake." McGonagall also had a smile on his face. Although he had heard it many times, he couldn't help laughing every time he heard the slogan from the Burning Legion, hoping that the heroes of Azeroth could rest in peace.

"Hey, hey." Sargeras grinned and rubbed his hands with embarrassment. Kiel and Mond also had the same expression.

"Boss Mai, what's the name of the song you just played? If only we could play this kind of music during the fire festival, the people would be very happy. " When he took the moon cake, Sargeras looked at MEG and asked. The lava demons also looked at MEG with the same concern. It was also a fire dance. But after adding the music, he felt that the whole dance had a soul. This feeling is really amazing.

"This song is called 'I don't go to hell'. If you want to play this song during the fire festival, you can borrow a player from me at that time. I'll set the single cycle for you directly." McGonagall said with a smile. I didn't expect that Sargeras and they were still interested in this song.

"OK, thank you to boss Mai first." Sargeras nodded with a smile, carrying the moon cake with the demons back to stand.

With the demonstration of the Burning Legion, the interest of the guests was raised again. Under the temptation of one mooncake gift box and eight optional mooncakes, guests began to perform various programs.

Some people perform magic, some perform juggling, and some even show their love... Watching the smiling couple Xixi and Lulu who walk off the stage with a mooncake gift box, there is a hiss under the stage to vent the anger of the single dog.

The prepared gift boxes of moon cakes were soon distributed, and the rest of the moon cakes in the basket were also distributed. Today's party ended with a song "spring is coming" by the Yingying women's group in Qipao.

After McGonagall announced the end of the party, it began to end.

Everyone has a happy smile on his face. Today's performance seems amateur, but this sense of participation can't be achieved in any party. Delicious moon cakes, interesting programs, and inviting friends to enjoy it, had an interesting Mid Autumn Festival.

"Mother! Mother! Will there be a mid autumn festival tomorrow? " A little boy took his mother's hand, raised his head and asked expectantly.

"Boss Mai said that the Mid Autumn Festival is once a year, and the next one will be next year." The young woman said with a smile, touching the little boy's head.

"OK..." the little boy was a little disappointed, but his eyes soon brightened up again. He said happily, "then I'll wait for next year's Mid Autumn Festival, and I want to eat delicious moon cakes. Next year I'll also perform on stage!"

The faces next to them all show kind smiles. How could their thoughts not be like this? Today is not everyone's festival, but this mid autumn festival has gone deep into everyone's heart, and the delicious moon cakes make people begin to look forward to next year's Mid Autumn Festival.

"It's hard for you today. This is the moon cake gift box I prepared for you. You can take it home and eat it slowly." Sally uses magic to clean up the mess left after the party. MEG moves a big basket out of the restaurant and distributes moon cake gift boxes to Xixi and Lulu.

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