"You agree that after Mars joined the Dylan cloth shop with Miss Gloria, the sales of the Dylan cloth shop did not increase significantly, and it is still in a state of loss. However, they have recently employed a lot of workers to sort out the cloth stored in the warehouse over the years." Said Bernard, standing at his desk with a respectful face.

"Sorting out the cloth of the past years?" Jeffrey's hand, which turned the book, stopped for a moment, frowned and said, "we can't sell a few pieces of new cloth this year. What's the use of old cloth? Has Mars, following the child, become a child? "

Bernard stood respectfully aside and did not answer. He was not qualified to comment on the young predecessor, and Jeffrey was not asking him, but habitually talking to himself when he was thinking.

"There are more than 20 days left. If there is no way to run a cloth shop well, there is no need to keep the successor candidate." Jeffrey continued to turn the book in his hand, without saying anything.


"Can such clothes be really popular?"

In the room behind the Dai LAN cloth shop, Mars and Gloria look at the three clothing drawings lying flat on the table. Their faces are a little uncertain.

Three sets of clothes, one is a long skirt with one shoulder, one is a deep V open back dress, and one is a chiffon skirt.

The front two skirts are too exposed for Gloria. She used to wrap herself in a black cloak, but now she can wear a long skirt with bare arms, which is a huge breakthrough. It's hard to imagine that she can show her shoulders, clavicles and even a large piece of back.

What's more, not only she, but also the ladies in the chaotic city, I'm afraid they can't accept such bold skirts.

However, the open back deep V dress is too gorgeous. There is a layer of gauze under the skirt. It is hazy and sexy. If you put it on, it will become the focus of the whole dance floor.

"But... These two dresses are really beautiful. If you put them on and appreciate them, or only give them to... He will appreciate them, they will look very good." Gloria thought in her heart, a faint blush rose on her face, and her eyes fell on the last skirt.

This skirt should be relatively conservative. It has a loose half sleeve style, beautiful embroidery at the neckline, and a light gold chrysanthemum embroidered at the left chest. It's like a finishing touch, which makes it difficult for people to look away.

The style is similar to the common skirt on the market, but the details of the upper body make this skirt stand out from the ordinary skirt.

"There should be no problem with the third one. As long as the publicity is in place, we should be able to sell a lot. It's just the first and second ones. Miss, I suggest you discuss with Mr. McGonagall again and make a little modification. Once it's put into mass production, we won't have the chance to go back. There are only 20 days left. Three sets of clothes are the limit." Said Mars solemnly, looking at Gloria.

As like as two peas, Marrs thought, "well, I'll go to the rice restaurant tomorrow morning, and you can let them find the best tailor and start making third skirts, and make the same skirt according to the size."

"By the way, the tailor doesn't need the most famous one, but the craftsmanship must be the best. He can make the most perfect skirt according to the drawing without any change." Added Gloria.

"Well, I'll do it now." Mars nodded, turned and walked out of the room, slightly raised his mouth, thinking: "little girl, you can't underestimate it at all, as long as this plan can succeed, no one can doubt the candidate position of the successor."


"Please take the drunk guest back to the inn. When you go upstairs, please help him. His legs are not very flexible." Outside the dining room, McGonagall, dressed in clean clothes, helped louis into a carriage and put a large box of moon cakes in. He said with a smile to the driver.

"I'm... I'm not drunk! I... I... Can drink more... "Louis said vaguely in the car, giving MEG a look.

"Well, don't worry. I'll take him upstairs." The coachman nodded with a clear face. Originally, he was not ready to go out in such a heavy rain. However, the drunken man paid a lot of money, so he still ran in the rain. However, this one here seems to be drunk.

McGonagall watched the carriage disappear in the rain. With what happened tonight, his comfortable life also changed a lot.

Joe and Sean have not stopped chasing him for three years. Today, Louis is just a prelude, detonating something ahead of time, but it's still under control.

Although the shot was clean and clean, it didn't leave a trace, but it was enough for Joe and Sean to make sure that he was in the city of chaos, which was not good news for him.

Tonight just a small team almost let him capsize, if there is a stronger opponent, his luck may not be as good as today.

The growth of his own strength is very important, but even if he recovers to the peak, the result may only be a repeat of the encirclement three years ago.

Therefore, he must add more chips to himself besides his own strength, so that he can challenge Joe and Sean positively. At least, he will not fight to the end alone as he did three years ago.

McGonagall, after all, is not Alex. Compared with fighting, his essence is more like a businessman. He knows when and what to do, and can bring the greatest benefits to himself.

"Money is not everything, but it can make countless strong people work for you. Therefore, making a lot of money is a very important thing." McGonagall thought in his heart, just as there has never been a strong one in the Warren Buffet family, but on the continent of Nolan, there are also not many people who dare to provoke the Warren Buffet family, because the rulers of all ethnic groups stand for them, and no one can tell how many high hands are hidden in the mysterious manor.

"It seems that it's time to find a chance to get in touch with the Lord of the city and Miss Hill. Although buying clothes may become the richest man in the world, it's energy that can control the voice after all." MEG turned into the dining room and locked the door.

Standing by the little bed and looking at Amy's lovely face in deep sleep for a long time, McGonagall slowly leaned over and kissed her forehead. The wound on his left arm was a little painful, which made him frown. He walked back to his bed and lay down slowly.

In this world, carelessness can really lead to death.

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