"The restaurant is not open yet. Please come back later." McGonagall listened to the knock at the door and said without looking back.

"It's me, Mr. McGonagall. I'd like to ask you something." Gloria's voice rang out at the door.

"Miss Gloria?" MEG opened the door and looked at Gloria standing outside, surprised and puzzled.

"I'm so sorry to disturb you so early." Gloria apologized to Meg, then raised the drawing in her hand and said, "because there are some questions on the drawing, I want to ask Mr. McGonagall. You will be very busy after the business starts, so I'll come earlier. I don't know if you are free now."

"Come in. As a cooperator, you can ask any questions." MEG nodded with a smile, opened the door completely, and turned aside to let Gloria in.

"Thank you." Gloria's face brightened, and the smile on her face reassured her a lot. She walked into the restaurant with the rabbit in her arms.

"I wonder if Miss Gloria has any doubts about the drawings? Is the label not clear enough for the tailor to make it MEG closed the door gently, looked at Gloria and asked with a smile.

"No, sir's label is very standard, and the tailors can understand it, but these two clothes..." Gloria took out the drawings of the two skirts from the paper bag, looked at Meg's face and bit his lip, but she didn't know how to say what she said.

McGonagall looked at the two one shouldered dresses and open back dresses, and then at Gloria's expression, and said with a smile, "Miss Gloria thinks these two dresses are too exposed and open?"

"No, in my opinion, these two skirts are gorgeous and beautiful. I've never seen such a beautiful skirt before. But... "Gloria waved her hand, but she hesitated and said:" these two skirts may make it difficult for most girls to wear out. In this case, there may be some problems in sales... And our final deadline is only 20 days. These three sets of clothes are the only opportunities. "

"So, you came here today to ask me to revise the drawing and change these two skirts into ordinary ones." MEG asked calmly, looking into Gloria's eyes.

"I respect Mr. McGonagall's opinion, but I'm also responsible to the employees of Dylan." Gloria looked into Meg's eyes, a little flustered.

"Miss Gloria, I appreciate your idea. Ready to wear sales is a forward-looking idea that can change the garment industry in mainland Nolan." McGonagall looked at Gloria and asked with a smile, "but now I want to ask you a question. If you have two identical clothes, one tailor can tailor them to fit your body perfectly in all aspects, while the other one you can only choose between a few sizes, maybe bigger or smaller, which one will you choose?"

"I'll choose the one that fits my body better." Said Gloria, thinking for a moment.

"In this case, why do you think that if you make clothes in batches with common styles, there will be countless people coming to buy all your clothes in 20 days, so that you can survive the loss?" McGonagall then asked.

Gloria looked at MEG with her eyes wide open.

"I suggest you make high-quality dresses. There is no need to make more than four pieces of cloth of each color, because the consumers of this dress are noble ladies of the same level as you. They are more in pursuit of beauty and quality, and the price is just a few words for them. Therefore, the price must be expensive to match their temperament.

And the best way to make them interested in this skirt is naturally for someone to show them. For example, at a certain dance, a beautiful lady will appear in a beautiful backless dress and surprise the audience, so that all women will wonder where such a beautiful skirt comes from. " McGonagall continued.

Gloria's eyes grew brighter and brighter.

"This one line off shoulder skirt is a little bit more middle-class, but the price should not be too low. It's a kind of middle-class husband who will buy one for his wife only when he bites his teeth. It's a very wonderful price range, but it's also very attractive, so he can go and stock up. Without so many parties, they don't have to worry too much about the fact that all the people sitting at the same party are wearing the same skirt, which is enough to make them stand out from their peers. " MEG continued, pointing to another skirt.

Gloria nodded hard and looked at Meg's eyes as if there were little stars twinkling.

I thought Mr. McGonagall was just a good cook with the ability to design clothes, but I didn't expect that when I talked about the principles of business and the psychological analysis of customers, I was so right that it completely overturned her imagination of the concept of business. This feeling was not felt by Mars. All she could think of was her grandfather, the legend that redefined the business of chaotic city.

She could feel that what McGonagall said to her now would have a very far-reaching impact on her in the future. A door seemed to be slowly opening towards her.

"The last chiffon skirt, which belongs to the route of light luxury, can be bought by women with their own savings. It can be worn when they go out or at parties. The price is a little lower than the previous two pieces, but the quality control should also be done well, because this level of clothing is a very important customer group in the future. However, this chiffon skirt is not much different from the common skirts on the market, so the most important thing is the joint effect of the front two skirts. At this time, the concept of brand is very important. " McGonagall continued.

"Brand?" Gloria looked at MEG puzzled.

"The so-called brand refers to a group of specific characteristics, benefits and services provided by the seller to the buyer for a long time. In fact, it is a relatively abstract thing. When we talk about the bank, the first thing we think of is the buffet bank. This is the so-called brand effect, and the benefits brought by the brand effect are very obvious. More and more people will deposit their money in the bank because of the four money of the "buffet bank", which will bring greater benefits to the bank. "The" buffet "is the brand of the bank." MEG explained.

"So, sir, what he means is to build the Dai LAN cloth shop into a brand, and then customers will buy other clothes because of the reputation of the Dai LAN cloth shop. Even if those clothes are not much different from other clothes on the market, they will still choose the clothes of the Dai LAN cloth shop. Is that so? " Gloria looked at MEG thoughtfully, her eyes becoming brighter.

"It's understandable, but I personally suggest that the last three words should be removed, and" Dai Lan "is an elegant name. When the words" cloth shop "are added, there will be some local flavor. The brand is like a person's face, and the details are equally important." MEG nodded. He was satisfied with Gloria's understanding, but the details were worth considering.

"I see. Thank you, Mr. McGonagall." Gloria bowed deeply to Meg, put away the drawing on the table and left.

"Maybe she can become a new generation of clothing queen, this basket of eggs, hope to grow faster." MEG watched Gloria disappear from the door and turned into the kitchen.

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