"Are you sure Princess Ben can really sit up to what he does?"

Barbara looked at MEG, who turned over the sign on the door and closed the door. She asked with an incredible look on her face.

"Our Royal Highness has no faith in this."

McGonagall looked at Barbara and asked, not to mention her. He didn't have much in mind.

"I... of course I have!" Barbara's face was a little red. She stamped her feet and raised her voice. "It's just ordering dishes. The princess can do it easily."

"I hope so." MEG shrugged and looked up and down at Barbara seriously.

"What are you doing?" Barbara took her feet back and looked at MEG warily.

"Sister Barbara, don't worry. Your father won't be interested in your short legs." Amy comforted with the ugly duckling.

"Who said my legs are short, my legs are very long!" Barbara said with an unconvinced face, padded her toes, and protruded a slender leg from under the skirt. From the perspective of proportion, it really doesn't look too short.

At this time, Sally took a step forward, a long leg sticking out of the cheongsam, straight and slender.

Barbara looks at the long legs that are almost as high as her chest, silently retracts her legs, and looks at Sally with some grievances and envy.

"King of heaven and earth tiger, Barbara is one meter five." Amy laughed happily.

McGonagall showed a smile on the corner of his mouth. I don't know where Amy learned this, but Barbara doesn't look like one meter five. It's estimated that she is only one meter four.

"What kind of clothes do you want to wear?" McGonagall asked, looking at Barbara, who was a little dejected.

"Well?" Barbara looked up at MEG, puzzled.

"The boss is going to get you some nice work clothes, just like Elsa and I do." Abelmia said with a smile.

Barbara looked at the clothes on abelmia and Sally. Her eyes brightened and she looked at MEG with some expectation and said, "I like beautiful skirts. It's better to be pink. It's pink. It's suitable for a lovely little princess like me."

"Do you know what is the most taboo principle in collocation?" MEG looked at Barbara's face; Eyes seriously said.

"No skirt?" Barbara asked hesitantly.

"No, it's the same color from head to toe, even... Socks." MEG pointed to Barbara's feet, pink shoes, showing a corner of pink socks said.

"No way! Pink is so cute! Is there anything more lovely than pink! More Princess color Barbara said a little unconvinced, but subconsciously hid her feet back a little, staring at MEG.

MEG rolled his eyes and said, "from head to toe, people who don't know think you just rolled out of the pink flour."

"I... I..." Barbara opened her mouth, but she didn't know how to refute it. She looked down at the dress she had liked for more than ten years since she was a child. It really seemed strange when Meg said that.

"What is pink flour? Can we make pink rougamo?" Amy asked curiously.

"Well... Theoretically, it should be possible, if there is pink flour in the world." MEG nodded with a smile.

"Want to eat..." Amy's face looked forward to it.

"Now the point is flour!" Barbara looked at the two seriously off topic, a little angry, but still try to control their emotions, looked at McGonagall and said: "since you think I'm not aesthetic, then what are you going to let me wear? I think your aesthetics may be worse than mine. "

"It's rare to find such a person in the world. Of course, it can't be me." MEG shook his head slightly.

McGonagall looked at Barbara, who wanted to argue, and continued, "clothes. I'll help you decide whether you want to wear your own clothes or the clothes I made for you. You can choose by yourself. If you don't have a good place to go at noon, you can stay in the restaurant, but in the evening you'd better find a place to live. The restaurant doesn't provide accommodation. "

"Where do I live?" Barbara suddenly confused, hesitated for a moment, asked: "do you have a palace here?"

If the girl was to cross in another place, MEG felt that within three minutes, her intelligence and common sense would be enough for others to eat her up.

This paper gives a brief introduction to the chaotic city, at least to make sure that the girl will not be surprised when she goes out. MEG asks abemia to take her out for a while. If she can, she can find a place to stay, otherwise it will be a troublesome thing to stay in the restaurant at night.

"Father, I'll go out for a while, too!" Amy went out with the ugly duckling in her arms. She also had some rest time at noon.

"I'd like to see what's the difference between the world and the land of the moon." Barbara took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

The beautiful autumn sun fell on her, not dry, but warm.

What is striking is a magnificent square. The dove is eating worms on the lawn. An elf with sharp ears is sitting on the lawn reading a book. A tall Orc man walks by with a small Orc's face seriously. Looking at the small Orc's collapsed face, he is mostly caught by his father after doing something bad.

Everything looks so special. Barbara is quite strange.

It turns out that this is life on the mainland. Although it's different from the residents of the land of the moon, it's not as strange as the teachers and books say.

The elves in the dining room and the one sitting on the grass look beautiful, which makes people unable to move their eyes. Although the orcs are ugly, the father and son don't look disgusting.

Everything seemed so harmonious that the tension and anxiety in Barbara's heart were relieved, which was completely different from the wildness and barbarism in her imagination.

Barbara looked left and right, looking at the direction of the right side, suddenly eyes suddenly stare round, startled voice: "let go of that girl!"

"Ah?" After going out, abemia looks in that direction with a puzzled face. Xixi and Lulu just walk out of the magic potion shop hand in hand, with sweet smiles on their faces. They don't know what to say. They hold hands tightly together, as if nothing can separate them.

"Mia, Amy, and this girl?" Hee hee turns her head and looks at Barbara with a smile.

Lu Lu looked at Barbara with some vigilance, held Xi Xi's hand for a few minutes, and hid her behind. On this girl, on this girl, he felt some hostility.

"Well! Dare to sign our women's hands in broad daylight! I will destroy you on behalf of the moon Barbara raised her magic wand to lulu.

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