"Miss Gloria..." Andrea watched for a long time before she came out of the fitting room, but Gloria, who was not wearing a new dress, stopped talking.

Blanche's face was also a little disappointed.

"The dress is very beautiful. It's the most beautiful dress I've ever worn, and the size is perfect, so I want to stay at an important time to show myself again." Gloria said, looking at them with a smile.

Andre and Blanche's face is a little slow. In order to completely subvert their habits and ideas, they spent two days and one night working together to make the dress. They thought Gloria didn't like it. They didn't expect that she wanted to wear it again on more important occasions. It's also an affirmation of their efforts these two days.

"Master Andre, master Blanche, I mentioned to you before that I want to make skirts in batches according to size. There is no doubt about your two abilities, so I want to hire you as the chief tailors of Dai LAN to lead the tailors to make as many of these three skirts as possible in 20 days. " Gloria looked at them and said, "this dress only needs to be made to order in ten pieces. Each piece has to be different in fabric and color. The other two skirts can be made in all sizes in the same color. "

"This..." Andre and Blanche have hesitation on their faces. They both have their own tailors in Aden square. Although they are not the top tailors, they are also famous.

Although the title of miss Molton is shining, they are still reluctant and hesitant to give up their own tailor shop and become a tailor who only makes clothes according to other people's drawings. After all, this young lady has only recently appeared in the public eye.

Geoffrey Morton is famous for his son preference. If Cyril is speaking to them now, they may readily agree.

"I'll pay you more than I did when I opened my own shop, and I'm now a candidate for the succession of the Molton family, on the same starting line as Cyril." Gloria looked at them and said with a smile, "you know, the Molton family has a very good tradition. They will give generous rewards to those who have the ability to help."

Andre looked into Gloria's eyes, nodded at last and said, "Miss Hill of the buffet family has become the real leader of the buffet family. Who dares to say that the head of the Morton family must not be miss you? I promise to serve Dai LAN."

Blanche looked at Andre, hesitated for a moment, nodded his head and said, "I also promise to serve the Dylan cloth shop."

"Thank you, two masters. If you have any younger generation or familiar friends, you can also be introduced to Dai LAN, as long as they have solid ability." Gloria nodded with a smile.

Mars stood silent, looking at Gloria nodding slightly, his eyes filled with joy.

Gloria talked with Andre and blanche for a while about the quantity and size of the three skirts. Andre and Blanche went to have a rest and were ready to put in more work.

"There are two things I want to tell you, miss." In the small office, Mars looked at Gloria and said.


"At present, the inventory of Dailan cloth shop has been basically cleared. Because it is properly kept, most of the cloth will not affect the use. For a long time, we do not need to consider the source and cost of cloth. The second thing is that in three days' time, Aden chamber of Commerce will hold a mid year grand meeting. At that time, in addition to... "Mars told clearly what he wanted to report.

"Mars, you've worked hard." Gloria looked at Mars gratefully, thought about it, and then said, "I'll be at the party in three days. This is a very important opportunity for us. Then, I will change the name of Dailan cloth art shop to Dailan, and write the shop name in a youthful and dynamic font. Now I'm going to go back to Morton manor and ask my grandfather to put it all in my name

"Miss, I believe in your judgment and choice." Mars bowed a little humbly.


"Grandfather, I have only so many demands. If I turn the loss of the Dylan cloth shop into a profit within one month, the shop belongs to me. If I fail, I will voluntarily give up the chance and quota of the successor candidate."

In a domed Pavilion at Morton manor, Gloria looked at Geoffrey and said seriously.

"Are you so confident?" Geoffrey, with a small shower in his hand, sprinkled water around the pavilion for the plants around the pavilion, and asked blandly.

"If even a cloth shop can't do its best, then what qualification is there to compete for the head of the Molton family?" Asked Gloria.

Geoffrey stopped, looked at golloria, smiling and said, "I can promise you to make this agreement, and this gambling agreement will be implemented from now on."


Sunlight through the glass windows, sprinkled on the floor, fell on Barbara's face buried in the soft and comfortable pillow and quilt.

"Ying Ying ~"

Barbara stretched out her waist comfortably and opened her eyes slowly. On the other hand, she saw the head of a Trojan horse. She was stunned for a moment. Then she looked down at the quilt on her body, the pillow under her head, and the room full of toys.

"It turns out... Yesterday was not really a dream." Barbara was a little bit lost, but she looked at the quilt that still smelled fresh and sunny, and the soft pillow that seemed to sink her whole head. When she fell asleep yesterday, she didn't have these things.

"Did that guy come to my room last night? And changed my pillow and quilt! " Barbara's face was a bit more shy and angry. She looked like she was sleeping, but she was never seen by any man.

"But... This quilt and pillow are really warm! How comfortable Barbara hugged the quilt in her arms and murmured to herself that she had no way to struggle.

"Well, for the sake of you being a good man, the princess won't care about it as much as you do." Barbara released her hand and stayed in the warm blanket for a while before she got up.

"Maybe I can try on my new clothes." Barbara's eyes turned to the black box on the small table.

========Recommend kindergarten boss "night player", a book with explosive results, also partial to daily funny~

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