"The ice cream shop will open tomorrow. Can I be alone?"

"Ah! I'm really nervous. "

"But the boss trusted me so much that he had to do a good job."

In a dark alley, abemia's whisper echoed, her face full of tension and expectation.

This alley is a must for her to go home. It's dark at night. The houses on both sides of the alley are so close that it's hard for the moonlight to shine into the alley. It's dark and quiet. It seems a bit gloomy.

Small shoes on the ground, issued a slight sound, in this lane is particularly clear.

All of a sudden, a "Dong" came out from the yard nearby There was a light sound, like something landing on the ground, which startled abelmia.

"What's this?" Abelmia stopped against the wall and listened for a moment, but the sound in the yard disappeared again.

"It must have been a rat or a night owl who stole food and knocked over the jar." Abelmia comforted herself, her face relaxed a little, but her steps quickened a little, and her fists clenched unconsciously.

Daddada's footsteps were faster and faster in the alley. Under the shadow of moonlight, there was still only abemia alone, but she felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at her in the dark.

She thought of some stories about the night that the female workers told in their spare time when they worked in the former restaurant.

Although the city of chaos is an orderly city, the grey temple and the city Lord's office manage and control the vast majority of places, but in many places where the light can't shine, there will still be some abnormal haunts. For women who walk alone, they are very dangerous.

There was a footstep behind her, not very loud, but very fast. It seemed that something was speeding up. She could even hear a heavy gasp, like a wild animal.

She felt that her heart was beating faster and faster, and she had already trotted. Normally, she thought it was just an ordinary alley, but now it was very long, and there was still a long distance from her residence.

Suddenly, there was a dull sound behind, the sound of footsteps disappeared, and all the sounds disappeared.

The alley was quiet again, leaving only the sound of abelmia's rapid footsteps and some undulating breath.

Abelmia's step didn't slow down because of this. She picked up a thick wooden stick on the side alley. Holding it in her hand, she felt a sense of security. She felt that the stick in her hand could break all abnormal heads.

A beam of moonlight fell at the entrance of the alley not far away, like a torch suddenly lit up in the endless darkness, which made abemia's eyes suddenly light up. As long as she got out of the alley, the outside would be spacious and bright.

Suddenly, a figure appeared at the entrance of the alley, blocking the moonlight.


Abemia screamed, closed her eyes, raised her stick in her hands, and smashed at the figure that suddenly appeared.

"Click ~"

The child's thick stick broke at the sound.

Abelmia closed her eyes, still holding half a stick in her hand, holding it high.

"Are you... OK?"

A cold voice rang out, with some confusion and concern.

"Well?" Abelmia was stunned and opened her eyes.

Standing in front of me is not the expected naked metamorphosis, nor any big man, but Elizabeth in white.

The silver white dress was shining in the moonlight. Although it was backlit, the cold and beautiful face was still visible, but now she was holding her left hand in front of her body, and there was half a stick on the ground.


Abelmia threw half of the stick to the ground, looked at Elizabeth and apologized, "I'm sorry... I didn't know it was you... I thought, I thought..."

Elizabeth looked at abelmia, put down her hand, and took a step forward.

The cold breath came to her face. She subconsciously stepped back two steps and directly pasted it on the wall behind her. Looking at Elizabeth, she was not only sorry, but also afraid to make a sound.

Elizabeth frowned and took another step forward, leaving less than half a meter between them.

"I... I..." abelmia raised her small fists in her hands and looked at Elizabeth who was close to her. Her eyes dodged and her cold breath came. The high cold temperament on her beautiful face made her afraid, but there was a wonderful breath that attracted her.

It's just like the breath she felt when she handed the moon cake to her hand on the night of the Mid Autumn Festival. It's very mysterious and magical.

"Look at me."

Elizabeth stopped and said coldly.

Abelmia raised her eyelids and looked at Elizabeth a little sorry. She did not expect that it would be her who suddenly appeared in the dark. Some of her apologies said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. If I hurt you, you can call me back."

"Good." Elizabeth nodded, then reached out and touched abelmia's finger.

Abemia took back her finger as if she had been electrocuted. The tip of the middle finger was a little cold. It seemed that there was still a tingling feeling, like being stabbed by a small thorn. But the feeling was very slight, almost no feeling, and no blood flowing out.

"I took a drop of your blood." Elizabeth drew back her hand. In her palm was a small bottle made of ice. There was a drop of pale gold blood in it.

"Why do you want my blood?" Abelmia looked at Elizabeth puzzled. The last time she stopped her and Sally, she asked for a drop of her blood. But she was rejected by Sally. Unexpectedly, this time, it was for her blood.

"I have my own use." Elizabeth put away the little bottle without explanation.

"All right." Abelmia was a little disappointed, but looking at Elizabeth, she asked curiously: "you are the ice dragon, you must be able to fly, right? It must be wonderful to fly to the sky, isn't it? "

Elizabeth looked at the expectant expression on abelmia's face. After a moment's silence, she asked, "do you want to try?"


Abelmia was stunned for a moment, but she didn't react. Elizabeth had already bullied her body and stopped her waist. A silver array appeared on the ground and disappeared in the lane.

When she closed her eyes and opened them again, she was already in the mid air outside the city of chaos, her feet hanging in the air and suddenly fell down.


Just in the middle of abelmia's scream, an ice dragon appeared under her, just fell on the dragon's back, quickly reached for a prominent scale and flew into the air.

The strong wind is whistling in my ears, the dragon is breaking through the clouds, and a brand new starry sky appears. The moon and stars are not bright and clear.

A whole new world appears in front of abelmia.


And in that dark alley, a man with a bare upper body was nailed to the wall with an ice pick between his eyebrows, and he didn't even close his eyes

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