"Boss Mai, your rougamo is not only delicious, but also can lose weight!"

Harrison's excitement, apart from his praise for the delicacy, was partly due to his feeling that after eating the rougamo with wax sauce, the fat all over his body vibrated slightly with the surging blood, and seemed to be burning, which was more intense than when he was forced to practice sword by his father.

What does that mean?

If you can lose weight by eating such delicious food, it's a blessing for fat people!

While eating delicious food, while feeling the weight loss, this is how many food dream things, but never heard of such food.

However, now such a delicious food seems to have appeared, and he just ate one. The feeling of blood surging and fat burning is so strong and clear.

Although it's impossible to be skinny at once, eating a rougamo like this can achieve the same effect as practicing sword for half an hour in peacetime. If you eat a few times a day, you won't have to practice sword any more, and you can watch yourself lose weight.

Thinking of this, Harrison's mood is more excited. Although he doesn't feel inferior about his obesity, it's a good thing that he has the chance to get thinner. After all, he feels a little out of breath after a few steps.

In addition, he has several brothers who are similar to him. They usually make an appointment to eat and drink everywhere. They are all similar to him in size. Originally, he planned to bring them to taste boss Mai's skills in two days, so that they could see what real food is.

Now that you have tasted the magical effect of rougamo, it seems that you should bring them to have a taste earlier. Only a genius like MEG can make delicious and weight-loss food.

McGonagall looked at Harrison, sweating, fat and trembling, and accepted his praise with a smile. He was also surprised.

It seems that fat people will react more after eating rougamo. The frequency of vibration of the fat meat is a bit amazing. If it really has the effect of weight loss, it will be great. It is estimated that as long as it depends on this, the sales of rougamo will soar.

However, although the pork in the rougamo has a frenzy factor, the system only talks about the blood. How can we also have an impact on the fat now? MEG was puzzled.

"If you are obese, your blood vessels will be squeezed by fat, so after the blood accelerates its movement, it will produce a certain amount of exercise on the fat in the blood vessels and the fat around the blood vessels, so it will have a certain fat reducing effect, but this effect will only be maintained until the blood runs normally in the blood vessels, so it does not have much effect on those who are below moderate obesity. The main effect of this rougamo with wax sauce is to intensify blood, not to lose weight. " The sound of the system rings, explaining to MEG.

McGonagall knows, no wonder he and Amy did not have Harrison's reaction after eating.

However, this effect is really good news for moderately obese people. Even if they can't become thin by eating rougamo, they can at least eat themselves back to the basic line of health.

"Weight loss effect may only make your body return to the basic normal level, if you want to lose weight, I'm afraid you still need to control diet and exercise." After listening to the explanation of the system, McGonagall looked at Harrison and said directly.

Although to lose weight as a gimmick is sure to make rougamo get rapid promotion, but if the effect does not meet expectations, it may cause some extra trouble at that time.

This rougamo is worth the price just by its delicacy. These additional effects can be said to be attached. This irreplaceable feature is Meg's confidence. Even if there are imitators in the market, they are totally different from worrying about being robbed.

"So." Harrison nodded and looked at the skinny man with small eyes beside him. Except that his face became ruddy and energetic, there was no such thing as him. However, on second thought, he nodded with a smile and said, "if I can get back to the normal level, it's also wonderful. I'm panting for a few steps now. I'll call my brothers tomorrow, They're going to love this rougamo. Boss, give me two more. "

"Yes, just a moment, please." McGonagall nodded with a smile. Of course, he welcomed this kind of behavior. Now the quantity of rougamo is very important, as is the number of guests. A thousand guests are not a small number.

Other guests also did not wait. They took the rougamo in their hands and bit it. They felt the delicious food in their mouth. They all showed happy smiles on their faces. They could not help but utter strange exclamations. The impact of this delicious food was too strong.

"Boss, please give me another one!"

"Me too!"

After a bite, many people have begun to order again.

"I knew that what my father made was the best." Amy gently stroked the duckling's hair and murmured, looking at the happy people with happy faces, with happy smiles on their faces


"Is this a restaurant?" Outside the Maimi restaurant, tall Sargeras frowned at the restaurant.

He has traveled a lot in the mainland. He came to the city of chaos a few days ago. He can't remember how many times he came here, but he didn't expect to come to Aden square this time. In this corner, he saw a restaurant. The exterior decoration should be human.

He took two steps forward, looking at the transparent thin crystal, which was so transparent and clear. He wanted to stretch out his hands full of lava fine lines to touch it, but he soon stopped his hands. Such a crystal might be broken as soon as it was touched. The price must be very expensive. He didn't have so much money to pay for it now.

He doesn't have many gold coins with him. Later, he will go to the adventurers guild to take on some tasks with higher difficulty level and higher reward. After earning enough money, he will continue on the road.

With his strength, it is not too difficult for ordinary human adventurers to complete the difficult tasks, but the reward is extremely rich. Staying here for half a month can earn enough travel expenses for the next six months, and continue to find a way to break through.

"Look at these guys, it seems that there is something delicious?" Sargeras looked into the dining room through the glass window. The people and dwarves in the dining room were holding a small bag in their hands. They didn't know what they were eating. They looked very happy and hesitated. They nodded and said, "go in and have a look. The food made by human is really the best in the whole continent. After breakfast, go to the guild." Reach out and push the door in.

As soon as the bell rang, McGonagall, who was just carrying a plate of Yangzhou fried rice in front of Mobai, looked up towards the door. When he saw the person pushing the door in, he was a little surprised.

This is the first devil guest from the restaurant.

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