Gudinia took a tender look at Cyril's chest. It was the most expensive watch in his shop, but his waist was bent deeper. He said gratefully, "what you have done and what you have paid, I will give it back to you, but nadevo and the owner of Maimi restaurant..."

"Don't mention a word about devo. I'm worried about being dragged into the water. As for the owner of Maimi restaurant, if you just come out and don't want to be watched by the grey temple, you'd better not touch him. I'll help you solve it." Cyril put away her smile, took two steps closer to gudinia, and whispered: "next, what you want to do is to keep an eye on Gloria and her small cloth shop, and make more trouble for her..."

"Yes." Gudinia's face changed and he nodded.

"Young master, gudinia has been disqualified as a director of the chamber of Commerce. It's of little use to us, isn't it?" Whispered the man who came out with Cyril.

"Gudinia was released by the grey temple. We didn't spend a cent. This fool thought that we saved him. He made a lot of money by buying watches these years. There are still many ways. It's better for him to deal with Gloria than for me to do it myself." Cyril glanced at the pocket watch with the jewel in his hand, threw it to the man with a smile, and said, "ask him if he wants to buy a watch."


"Brother, are we going to do it tonight?" In a teahouse, the skinny man in black whispered, looking at Noah Goodell in his black cloak.

"Nonsense, of course!" Noah's voice improved a little bit, but he quickly retracted his head, lowered his hat brim, and said in a deep voice, "but Luke, you left me last night and ran first. Believe it or not, I beat you."

"Boss, I'm going to buy you breakfast." Luke said with a smile. He bowed his head and rolled his eyes. "If this guy grins again today, I won't wait on him!"

"OK, let's come back later tonight. It's said that the people over there are pursuing very closely recently. If they find out, they will lose their heads." Noah nodded and whispered.


In the dark, MEG stood at the door of the restaurant, looking at abemia and Sally, turning the sign on the door and closing the door.

A silver figure appeared on the treetop outside the restaurant and disappeared in the twinkling of an eye.

Walking on the right side of abemia, Sally looked back alertly, but she didn't find anything. Her face was a little puzzled.

"What's the matter with you, Elsa?" Abelmia looked at Sally and asked with concern.

"Nothing." Sally shook her head, turned her head, looked at abelmia and asked, "mia, have you ever felt someone following you behind lately?"

"Ah?" Abelmia was a little stunned. She thought of the feeling of being chased and tracked in that alley that night. Only Elizabeth appeared at last, and she took her out of the city to soar in the sky. However, Sally didn't seem to like her very much. She shook her head and said, "No

"That's good." Sally stares at abelmia for a moment and nods.

"Elsa, go home today. I want to stay in the ice cream shop for a while." As she passed the ice cream shop, she stopped and looked at it with a smile on her face.

"OK, you should go back early and be safe on the way." Sally takes a look at the ice cream shop, nods slightly and turns away.

Abemia took the key from her arms, gently unlocked the door and went into the ice cream shop.

The shop is not dark. There are a circle of small lights around the statue of ice and snow queen, and a row of small warm lights around the restaurant. They just light up the whole ice cream shop without being aggressive.

Mia made two turns around the statue of the ice queen, looked up at the ice queen, and whispered, "my ice cream shop, mother, do you see it? This is Mia's ice cream shop! Although it belongs to the boss, but I am the store manager! If... If you're still here, you can have a good life with me... "

A tear fell from the corner of her eye, and then fell to the ground, but there was no cry.

"It's her." On the treetop outside the ice cream shop, Elizabeth holds a pale golden ball in her hand and looks at the girl standing in the ice cream shop crying silently with a complicated look.

Longyuan is slightly hot in the palm, which is the last way his father left her to verify, and the only way that can't be wrong.

Standing in silence on the treetop for a while, Elizabeth put away the dragon source in her hand and disappeared on the treetop. When she reappeared, she was already in the ice cream shop, standing behind Gloria.

"The dragon will not cry." Gloria looked at abelmia, who was still in tears, and said in a cold voice. Her face was as cold as her voice.

"Ah?" Abelmia was stunned for a moment. She turned around and looked at Elizabeth who didn't know when she appeared behind her. She said strangely: "you... How did you get in? I locked the door

"That door won't stop me." Elizabeth shook her head slightly.

"So... Do you want ice cream?" Gloria quickly wiped the tears on her face, looked at Elizabeth with some concern and said: "the boss said that you can't eat ice cream before going to bed at night, or you will have a stomachache. If you really want to eat ice cream, you can come to eat it tomorrow in the daytime."

"Well?" Elizabeth Leng for a while, looking at the concerned and serious expression of abelmia, feel and his expected good direction seems to be a little different.

"I also know that ice cream is really delicious, but it's cold after all. It's really bad to eat it before going to bed." Abelmia continued.

"Is she concerning me?" Elizabeth's heart trembled. The inexplicable feeling made her frown. The ice spread from the bottom of her feet. The temperature in the ice cream shop dropped to the freezing point instantly. She said coldly, "is that ice cream more ice than me?"

"Hoo... It's cold!" Abelmia breathed white and shivered over her shoulder.

Elizabeth's eyes flashed a smile, but did not immediately relieve the cold.

"Although you can make your surroundings colder than ice cream, your heart is hot, I know." Abelmia looked up at Elizabeth and said with a smile.

A bright smile is like a sunflower in full bloom in ice and snow, which makes it hard to look away.

I don't know when the temperature of the ice cream shop has returned to cool and comfortable.

"You see, I'm right!" The smile on abelmia's face brightened, and Elizabeth, who was a little distracted, said.

"The heart of the ice dragon is also cold." Elizabeth coughed a little, her face softened a lot. Looking at abelmia with a bright smile, her heart quickened inexplicably. This feeling had not appeared in her for a long time.

"Maybe you are an exception." Abelmia still shook her head.

"I'm here today to ask you a question." Elizabeth looked at abelmia and said seriously, "if you have a choice, do you want to be a dragon flying in the sky, or do you want to stay here as a waiter?"

"Didn't you ask yesterday? Of course, I'll stay here as a waiter, and I'm the store manager now. " She said almost without hesitation.

"I see." Elizabeth looked at the innocent smile on abelmia's face. She was silent for a moment, nodded slightly, and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute." Abelmia suddenly stopped Elizabeth.

"Well?" Elizabeth looks back at abelmia.

"I don't think you'll go to bed so early, so I'll make you an ice cream secretly. It's on my meal tomorrow." Abelmia trotted into the kitchen, turned on the ice cream machine, quickly made a vanilla ice cream, gave it to Elizabeth with a smile and said, "I remember you ordered vanilla last time."

"Thank you." Elizabeth looked at the ice cream in her hand, nodded slightly, and disappeared into the ice cream shop with a flash of white light at her feet.

"It's really an interesting girl. It turns out that the dragon is not as cold as expected." Abemia smiles to herself, turns to the kitchen and starts cleaning the ice cream machine.

"Father, if she wants to recover the body of the dragon, I will try my best to make her the king of the golden dragon clan, but this is her choice. Before her initiation ceremony, I will guard her silently." Elizabeth appeared on the treetop outside the ice cream shop, looked at the busy figure in the shop, licked the ice cream in her hand, and raised a nice radian at the corner of her mouth.

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