The women's discussion about the best costume for tonight is becoming more and more intense. They praise hill and Camilla openly, and by the way, they also help themselves to add points. Even if they can't be the best of the show, it's also a happy thing to get the best of the circle in their own small circle.

Women's happiness is actually very simple.

And Cyril, who had just been admonished by Michael, had already stepped back. Her gloomy eyes swept Meg's back, and there was a bit of fear in the bottom of her eyes.

If there are only two masters of level 10 magicians, he just doesn't want to do anything too much to the little girl. But now the unclear relationship between the city master and them makes him a little afraid.

In the city of chaos, the Lord's mansion and the grey Temple cannot be separated. Even the president must follow the rules of the city of chaos.

Looking back from MEG, Cyril began to search the crowd. He heard that Gloria would come to the party this evening, but he didn't seem to hear her name read from the beginning to the end, and he couldn't find her in the banquet hall.

"I'm afraid the girl is afraid that she hasn't appeared in front of people for so many years." Cyril laughed scornfully. "How can you argue with me like this? Even your father couldn't compete with me in those years. How can you be more powerful than him? You're just a little kid. "

"Doesn't that mean Gloria is coming back? Why didn't you see her? " Henny whispered beside her.

"Is she worthy of such a party? Will you come with her ugly cloak, or will you cover your face Said Hetty, with an undisguised sneer.

"Ha ha ha, maybe this will have been hiding in a corner to steal food." Henny, too, began to laugh.

"Father, didn't my sister say she would come tonight?" In the crowd, Mickey looked around for a while, looking at lance with a glass of wine and whispering.

"Yes, Gloria said she would come. Is nothing wrong?" Debra said with a worried face.

"It's OK. Maybe there's something delayed in the shop. Maybe it will come soon." Lance put down his glass and comforted, with the same worry on his face.

Jeffrey and Michael had just sat down at the VIP table when a middle-aged man in a black suit trotted over and whispered in Jeffrey's ear, "President..."

"Late?" Geoffrey raised his eyes, took a look towards the entrance, remained silent for a moment, and nodded slightly, expressionless.

"Yes." The man nodded and left quickly. After a while, he appeared at the exit and whispered two words in the master of ceremonies' ear.

The emcee relaxed a lot, straightened up again, held the invitation in her hands, and said in a loud voice: "Dailan clothing store, Gloria Morton is here!"

"Well? Why is there anyone else? "

"According to the Convention, isn't the Lord and the president the last to appear? Who is this Gloria Morton? "

"Dailan clothing store? How come I've never heard of such a store? Is it famous? "

"This shop may not be very famous, but this miss Gloria is the granddaughter of the president. She has just become one of the candidates for the succession of the Molton family some time ago. The president has arranged for her to appear at the end. Isn't that meaningful?"

As soon as the Emcee's words came out, there was a commotion in the banquet hall, and everyone's eyes looked at the entrance.

We all want to know what kind of person this belatedly arrived young lady of the Molton family is. She dares to enter after the president and the city Lord.

"Here it is?" Cyril was slightly surprised, looked at the direction of the VIP table, and then sneered: "it's better not to come if you're late. It's not just her face that's lost. Mars's brain seems to be damaged by the little girl."

"Sister Gloria?" Amy's eyes lit up and looked up in the direction of the entrance.

McGonagall also looked up with some expectation. This long-term choice is very bold, but he likes it.

"Is that the pretty girl?" Vivian picked her eyebrows and looked at the entrance.

"I didn't expect that this bitch would dare to come, but I dare to be late for such an occasion. I'll see how my grandfather will deal with her after I go back." Henny and Hetty were gloating.

"Will Gloria be my future rival?" Hill looked playfully towards the entrance.

At this time, a figure in a blue dress appeared on the highest step of the entrance, and the light seemed to darken a little.

It was a beautiful girl with long curly hair of pale gold.

What's more striking is the exquisite blue dress like a work of art. The narrow waist shows the waist that is not easy to grasp. The pleated skirt drags on the ground like a cloud. The bold backless design perfectly presents the narrow shoulder and the delicate white back.

On her swan like neck, she hangs a thin platinum necklace and a blue Teardrop Pendant between two sexy collarbones.

Sexy, pure.

These two words, which are almost at the extreme, are perfectly presented in her at this moment.

As if it would glow in general, people can't move their eyes.

The whole room was quiet. The men and women looked at the girl at the entrance with wide eyes. They could hardly believe their eyes.

"Wow! It's beautiful. "

Amy opened her mouth and exclaimed.

"Yes, it's beautiful." Wei Wei An thinks deeply however of agree with a way, the eye has no way to move at all.

"Who is this girl? I feel like I've found the best prey in decades. " Camilla's eyes are also getting brighter.

"How beautiful! How can there be such beautiful people and such beautiful skirts in this world! "

"What a beautiful skirt! It's so temperament! And it's full of maverick style everywhere. It's not great to show your back

"I think that's the best part of the party today! Even if I don't know where Miss Gloria made the skirt, I want to make one too! "

The women at the scene completely fried the pot, looking at Gloria's skirt, eager to rush up and take it for themselves.

"How can it be! How could this bitch have such a beautiful skirt Hetty looked at Gloria in disbelief.

"It must not be her own! What's more, she dares to wear such exposed clothes. It's shameless... When she goes back, my grandfather will punish her! " Henny also had an unacceptable expression, as if she had been hit hard.

"Shame is about the soul, not the clothes." McGonagall looked at Hetty and Henny and said leisurely.

He's satisfied with the best player in the game.

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