The audience listened quietly to Luna's speech about giving homeless children a warm harbor and a chance to go to school.

The expressions on the faces of the guests didn't change much. Vivian is the daughter of the Lord of the city. If she asks everyone to listen, then everyone will listen obediently. It's not because the stories often heard on the street are touching, but it's just because Vivian, or the Lord of the city's face.

"Miss Luna... Has always been so good." Amy looked up at Luna, with bright tears in her big blue eyes.

"Sure enough, in doing these things, this girl's eyes will shine." Vivian looked at Luna, with a smile on her face. Her eyes swept over the well-dressed businessmen, and her brows were slightly wrinkled. These guys didn't seem as positive as expected.

McGonagall's eyes have been looking at Luna, the eldest lady from the noble family of lodu, who has come all the way to the city of chaos and become a teacher, and has been committed to helping those homeless children and planting seeds of hope in their hearts.

There are some people in this world, regardless of return, regardless of gain and loss, committed to do other people's eyes fool, to do some thankless things.

Such a person would be called the virgin.

McGonagall has no feelings for the virgin whore, but agrees with the world, because those who are called the virgin become gentle and lovely.

Luna may not be a complete virgin, but MEG was moved by her tolerance and love.

If it wasn't for her, Amy and Alex would have had a more difficult three years in the city of chaos.

It was she who, in poverty, still planted the seeds of kindness and hope for Amy.

How can people not want to be close to such a lovely person?

"Maybe I should do something, too." McGonagall thought that the restaurant was on the right track and the business of the ice cream shop was also booming. It was not very difficult for him to take out a small part of the funds.

"What's the relationship between Mr. McGonagall and her?" Hill's eyes quietly in MEG and Luna's body circulation, with a bit of curiosity.

"There are so many poor children..." Gloria looked at Luna, with a look of impatience on her face.

"She's really a good girl, but it's very hard to be a good person." Camilla shook her head, moved her eyes from Luna to Gloria again, rubbed the head of the black cat in her arms, and whispered, "little black, how do you think I can cheat this beautiful lady?"

"Ma'am, in view of her identity, I suggest you give up the idea that the city of chaos will not sit by and watch the young lady of the Molton family be taken away. And please, Caesar Black cat some resist want to head from that pair of nails painted bright red under to avoid, but there is no way to escape that pair of white thin claws.

"Is it something Mrs. Bennet would do to take away such low-level means?" Camilla a little scornful smile, looking at Gloria, tongue slowly licked his lips, "if you can't get her heart, how to unlock more posture?"

"I don't know who used to pack it up all the time! Take it away! " It's on my lips. " The black cat rolled its eyes.

"Shut up Camilla's hand turned into a fist, hammered the black cat's head down, looked at Gloria's face and said seriously, "this time, I will conquer this beautiful lady with my charm."

"Meow ~" the black cat gave a low cry.

"This matter should have been solved by the city Lord's house, but the city Lord's house can't afford it. I didn't expect that Luna would have to find a way to solve it. If old field knew, he would have to write to me." Michael looked at Luna and shook his head in shame.

Geoffrey stood beside him, frowning slightly, wondering what to think.

"Stupid people talk about dreams." Cyril looks at Luna sarcastically.

"I want to set up a foundation to raise money for these children to buy their necessities, ensure their survival, and create learning opportunities for them as much as possible." Luna's voice stopped for a moment, looked at the rich businessmen, and said sincerely: "I wonder if the gentlemen and ladies here are willing to contribute generously to the foundation?"

The whole room was still quiet. The guests subconsciously avoided Luna's eyes, but no one stood up.

"These guys!" Vivian clenched her fist. Although it had been expected that these penniless businessmen would not easily donate money, she did not expect that there was no one to support them. These guys who occupied most of the wealth of the chaotic city were too stingy, right?

Luna's expectant eyes gradually turned into disappointment. Although such things have happened to her many times, the fund-raising opportunities in Aden square are rarely successful, but such an opportunity to face so many businessmen still can't raise enough money for the children.

"Miss Luna, I am willing to donate all my money to buy food for them."

Just then, a tender voice sounded.

Following the sound, a half elf girl held her hand high and walked forward two steps with a solemn face. She stood on tiptoe and handed her hand to Luna.

"It's the half elf girl! Mr. McGonagall's daughter

Some people were surprised.

"Amy." Luna looked at Amy standing on tiptoe and holding up her little hand. Her eyes lit up again. She squatted down and stretched out her hand to Amy.

Amy put her little hand on Luna's and released it.

The two copper coins were shining in the light.

"Miss Luna, this is the money I saved. Even my father didn't know it! Now, I'll give them all to you and buy them delicious food. " Amy looked at Luna solemnly and said.

"Well, I'll make good use of it." Luna slowly clenched her hand and nodded seriously. Although it was just two small copper coins, it was heavy in her hand.

"Come on, Miss Luna is the best!" Amy clenched her little fist, raised her head and gave Luna a sweet smile.

When the guests looked at this scene, they were suddenly a little ashamed, and their faces became a little hesitant.

"Oh, they are just a group of people with life and no one to support. Even if they are given food and clothing, they will also be the scum at the bottom of the chaotic city when they grow up. Without them, the chaotic city will only become better." Just then, Cyril came out of the crowd, looked at Luna and said sarcastically, "so why do you think we'll give you money?"

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