Barbara looked up at McGonagall and felt like she wanted to die.

Not only by a man touched the body, and her precious knee, even knelt in front of this man!

What's more terrible! She even put her face against the man's body, sliding from her chest to her thighs.

Although some unexpected in this man's tight concave convex figure under the clothes, but the hot temperature of the veneer almost suffocated her.

How could such a thing happen to Princess Barbara, the land of the moon!

How does a man deserve to touch her body!

Men should kneel in front of her!

But now

Barbara found that she couldn't even move. Her soft body couldn't make any effort. Her knees seemed to be nailed to the ground. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't move.

Such a humiliating gesture, she did not even have the ability to change.

"This man, did he put that medicine in the water? The kind of medicine that women can't move after drinking and can only be manipulated by men? But Amy is still there! This pervert! Men are really pig hooves Barbara's eyes grew bigger and bigger, and she was a little flustered when she looked at MEG.

"Sister Barbara, are you thanking your father?" Amy asked curiously.

McGonagall looked at Barbara, who knelt down in front of her, and was stunned. He didn't expect that the girl looked proud on the surface, but she wanted to repay her kindness. It was just that this way of thanks made him a little uncomfortable.

"You don't have to be so polite. You are also an employee of my restaurant." McGonagall shook his head with a smile. He reached out and took Barbara to a chair. He handed her a glass of water. "You have severe hypoglycemia and anemia, so you can't be hungry. Otherwise, it's easy to faint, and even dangerous. I've added sugar to the water, and you can drink more."

"Hypoglycemia? Anemia? " Barbara was stunned by McGonagall's words. Did McGonagall know what she was suffering from? And just now he was not taking advantage of himself, just her?

"Hypoglycemia, so drink more sugar, right?" Amy looked at McGonagall curiously. "So if you're anaemic, is sister Barbara going to drink blood?"

"Even if I die, I can't drink blood!" Before McGonagall could speak, Barbara said with a dead face.

"Even if you want to drink it, I can't afford it." McGonagall turned his mouth. He wasn't going to raise a vampire. He put the cup to Barbara's mouth and slowly lifted it up.

Barbara wanted to refuse, but as soon as the cup was near, a faint fragrance came to her face. She just smelled one mouthful and felt a lot more sober. Just like the faint fragrance in Yangzhou fried rice, she hesitated for a moment and then opened her mouth to drink.

The water is cool and refreshing in the mouth, which is refreshing. As Meg said, it should be sweet with a lot of sugar, but it doesn't feel greasy at all.

Several springs of life came into her stomach. Barbara felt that there was a magical force rising from her body. Her limp limbs gradually regained consciousness, and her empty body seemed to be filled with strength.

"I don't think it's a big problem. Do you want me to feed you?" McGonagall looked at Barbara's face as she was getting better. There was a smile on her face.

"I don't want to be fed!" Barbara snatched the glass, looked at MEG with a gentle smile and Amy with a concerned expression, lowered her eyes and said to the glass, "this kind of thing is a routine for me. There is no problem at all."

MEG looked at Barbara, who drank water from her eyes. The proud princess seemed to be a little stronger than he thought. Though his dignity was high, his shoulders seemed to bear a lot of things.

"You're sick. You can't be hungry, but when I went out today, I prepared dinner for you in the incubator and pasted a note at the kitchen door. You..." McGonagall pointed to the direction of the door and looked at Barbara along the direction of his finger. He was a little embarrassed. "You may not see it."

He thinks that the normal height for Barbara is much higher than the top of her head. If she doesn't look at it carefully, she may not be able to find it accurately.

"Hum." Barbara continued to drink water. What she hated most was that people said she was short. If it wasn't for Meg's sake, she would definitely make the other party pay the price.

"Then I'll make you something to eat. The beef kebab needs to be pickled, so I'll make the steak." McGonagall walked towards the kitchen awkwardly and nearly starved the staff. If this kind of thing was spread, he would have to be labeled as a capitalist who abused the staff.

"Steak?" Barbara's face was a little puzzled. It didn't seem to be on the menu of McMillan's restaurant.

"My father's steak is super delicious. I've said it's good." Amy pulled back her chair and sat down opposite Barbara, with a serious expression.

"Better than Beef Kebabs?" Barbara is a little unconvinced.

"As delicious as beef kebabs." Amy said naturally.

"Really?" Barbara's eyes brightened and she had some expectation that the beef kebab was the best beef she had ever eaten.

"It's true, of course." Amy nodded firmly.

McGonagall went into the kitchen. The kitchen utensils for making steaks were already on the stove. The grill with fine lines could bake eight steaks at the same time, which was enough for daily operation.

There is a box of black pepper in the 32 grid spice box on the stove. When you open the refrigerator, you can see that the steaks with the same thickness, size, and even the same texture have been neatly placed on each plate. It's very convenient to take and use them as you like.

Next to the cupboard, there is a standing oak cask with a retro faucet closing switch underneath.

McGonagall stepped forward and sniffed. The light red wine came to his face with the fragrance of oak. His eyes brightened and he exclaimed, "good wine."

Holding a transparent glass from the side, McGonagall pressed the switch, and the red wine fell into the quilt. It was clear and bright, red as blood, and a mellow aroma filled the whole kitchen.

MEG shakes his glass slightly, the wine rippling in it, then sips.

The delicate and cheerful taste is as subtle and soft as a girl's. The attractive fragrance is full of fragrance of spices, honey, vanilla and slight minerals, which makes Meg's eyes and eyebrows stretch.

"System, where did you steal this wine from?"

MEG opened his eyes and looked at the glass in his hand with surprise.

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