McGonagall has tasted a lot of good wines, such as Romani canti, Bertus, Lafite... But by contrast, those wines famous for their excellent quality and high price are far less than his small glass of wine.

The fragrance of rose and various kinds of fruit linger slightly, which is hard to catch and touch, but it is hard to resist.

The taste of Pinot Noir grape is still clear, but there is another unique aroma in it. It is this aroma that distinguishes this red wine from Romani canti and turns it into a wine with completely different taste.

After swallowing, the body slightly fever, I do not know whether it is because of alcohol or other reasons.

McGonagall felt that he was in a winery. The grape trellis were covered with large black grapes. The cellar beside him exuded a faint aroma of wine. Oak barrels full of red wine were stacked together, waiting for others to taste.

"Good wine." McGonagall slowly opened his eyes after a long time, looking at the glass in his hand with astonishment.

In terms of taste and quality, it really surpasses that of Romani canti, but in terms of mellow taste, too short hoarding time is a small defect, but the ultimate quality can ignore this part of the defect.

"It's a bit wasteful to make steak with this kind of wine..." putting down his glass, McGonagall whispered to himself that such a good wine, as long as it is well-known, will definitely be more expensive than Romani conti at the auction in the previous life.

If anyone in the previous life said that he would make steak with Romani canti, he would be killed by drinkers all over the world.

"Host, use the top ingredients to make the top food. This is the most basic pursuit of a kitchen god. You should put away this idea of being small, so that you can have a chance to become a real kitchen god!" The system sounds a little excited.

"Then you give me a copper coin for every red wine?"

"It doesn't exist! You can't lose a copper coin! " The system is strict.

"You're so atmospheric." MEG curled his mouth.

Take three steaks out of the fridge and start making steaks.

This steak is still from tin bull. MEG can basically infer that the beef brain meat used in this and roast beef kebab should be from the same batch of cattle. This reduces the waste of food materials, and the quality is better than the beef used in today's banquet.

Three sets of steak were ready soon. MEG set the plate nimbly. On the blue and white porcelain plate, there was a piece of steak with black pepper sauce, and the side was decorated with colorful side dishes. It was very beautiful.

"It smells good!" Barbara looked at the direction of the kitchen and her throat moved. The strong smell of steak came from the kitchen. Different from the pungent smell of roast beef kebab, the smell was softer, but it didn't weaken at all. With the smell of wine, people were almost intoxicated by the smell.

"No, I can't show that I want to eat too much. I have to keep my reserve as a princess!" Barbara thought in her heart, trying to take back her eyes, but her stomach was grumbling.

I've just been dizzy by hunger. After drinking the sugar water, I have some spirit. Now I'm excited by the strong fragrance, and I can't control the feeling of emptiness.

Now, all she wants is a big piece of beef to fill her empty stomach.

"Why? Does anyone have a stomach call? " Amy looks around.

"It's it!" Barbara pointed to the ugly duckling.

"Ugly duckling, didn't you eat a lot at night? Why is your stomach crying now? You can't do this! It's going to be a ball! " Amy looked down at the duckling and said solemnly.

"Meow ~" ugly duckling looked at Amy wrongly, trying to explain something.

"Don't explain. Run around the restaurant ten times first." Amy took the ugly duckling and put it on the ground. She said solemnly.

"Meow ~" the ugly duckling looks at Barbara bitterly and runs around the restaurant reluctantly.

Barbara looked up at the crystal lamp, slightly relieved, as the dignity of the princess is not easy to save.

"Goo Goo..."

Barbara's face changed slightly. She took a sip from the water glass on the table and tried to pretend that she had nothing to do with herself.

"Why?" Amy looked around curiously again.

"Well, here comes the black pepper steak." MEG came out of the kitchen with three steaks, put them one by one in front of Barbara and Amy, took off his apron and sat down. He also had a steaks in front of himself, which he hadn't tasted yet.

"Wow! How fragrant! Besides, it looks good. " Amy's eyes were suddenly attracted by the steak in front of her. Her eyes were bright.

Barbara breathed a sigh of relief, but her eyes were quickly attracted by the steak in front of her.

A whole piece of steak is brown in color. It's the size of an adult's palm. There are long strips of fine lines on the steak. The thick sauce exudes a strange fragrance, which makes the water secrete.

The smell of beef mixed with the fragrance of red wine is almost intoxicating.

On the contrary to the dull and heavy steak, the vegetables beside the steak are bright in color. The colorful chili peppers and green vegetables look like flowers. This wonderful combination suddenly lights up the blue and white porcelain plate.

"Will a whole piece of beef really taste good?" Barbara has some doubts and expectations in her heart. Looking at the big steak in front of her, she doesn't know how to eat it. If she grabs it directly, it's not very elegant. If she can use chopsticks, it's not very convenient, and she's in a tangle for a moment.

"Do you know how to eat steak?" MEG asked, looking at Barbara.

"Of course I know." Barbara said stiffly, but still did not start, squinting at MEG and Amy, the enemy does not move, I do not move, follow their way to eat certainly not wrong.

"That's good." MEG nodded, reached for Amy's plate, and then picked up a knife and fork to help her cut the steak into just the right pieces.

"It was supposed to be cut." As soon as Barbara's eyes brightened, her eyes fell on the knife and fork at hand, learning from McGonagall to pick up the knife and fork, press the steak with the fork, and then cut it off.

The knife easily cuts the tender beef. The mellow wine fragrance hidden in it blooms instantly with the strong beef fragrance, making Barbara's eyes more bright.

"That's it!" However, after a small piece of beef was cut off, Barbara's hand was frozen, and there was still blood on the beef.

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