"Dean Haider, I'm sorry to disturb you so late." In front of an old courtyard full of creepers, Hill looked at Heider and apologized.

"Why, Miss Hill has been supporting our research all the time. Such a small matter is no exception." Heider waved his hand and looked at hill. He hesitated and said, "but the questions Miss Hill just asked, does it mean that someone has developed the steam engine?"

"I'm not sure yet. If I get the exact information, I'll inform the dean as soon as possible." Hill said with a smile.

"Well, if someone has developed a steam engine, it's something to be happy about." Haider nodded with a smile.

Hill looked at Heider, puzzled and said, "Dean, you've been studying and experimenting for so many years. If someone makes the steam engine first, don't you feel sad?"

"Why be sad? Although we have studied for many years, there has been no breakthrough progress. Although Mr. McGonagall gave us some suggestions some time ago, there is still a long way to go before we can make a finished product that can be used. If someone can make a steam engine now, it's really a huge breakthrough and something to celebrate. " Haider shook his head with a smile.

"If the president has any research topics and needs funds, he can come to me." Hill also had a smile on his face and nodded slightly.

"I'll thank Miss Hill first." Heidel nodded with a smile.

"I'll leave first." Hill got into the carriage and the coachman drove it away slowly.

"If someone really made the steam engine, it will prove that we have been working in the right direction over the years. We just don't know who made it. When Miss Hill sends back the news, we must come to ask for advice." Haider stood at the door, talking to himself.

"This is the real researcher. I hope Mr. McGonagall doesn't just fool me with what they have studied for many years." Hill turned to the curtain and whispered to himself.


Moreton manor, a study with books on its wooden shelves.

Cyril looked at Geoffrey, who was changing clothes under the housekeeper's service. Her expression was a little excited and said, "father, Gloria, the dead girl, today colluded with hill at the banquet, which made our Molton family lose face. Moreover, she made the decision to donate privately and did not take the family property seriously.

Besides, I'm afraid that he has an improper relationship with that Meg today because of her indiscreet behavior and protective words. I don't think she is suitable to continue to be the successor of the Morton family and the owner of the Dylan cloth shop. "


A clear and loud slap sounded in the room.

The housekeeper held his clothes in both hands and went out briskly. By the way, he took the door of the study.

Jeffrey took back his trembling hand, looked at a red palm print on his face, reached for a desk beside him, and said coldly, "do you know why I hit you?"

Cyril covered his face and felt dizzy. Jeffrey seldom beat him when he was growing up, but now listening to him, he felt like falling into an ice cave. He hung his eyes and didn't dare to answer.

"It's not Gloria who makes the Molton family lose face today at the banquet, it's you who are useless. On the contrary, she has saved some face for the Molton family, so as not to make them feel that there is no successor to the Molton family.

As her second uncle, you have said such insulting words to the girl's innocence. If you want to say that you are not suitable to continue to be her successor, I think it's time to consider you. " Jeffery said coldly.

Cyril's face changed dramatically. He knelt down on the ground, hugged Jeffrey's thigh and cried, "father, I know it's wrong. Please give me another chance. I really know it's wrong."

"Get out of here!" Jeffrey kicked Cyril to the ground and said coldly, "I started my business when I was 12 years old. Along the way, I've been careful to set up such a big family foundation. You don't want to make progress, you just want to enjoy all day long, listen to the slander of villains, and make a mess of right and wrong. Sooner or later, you will tell me about the failure of my family! "

"Father, I will change it... I will change it! From today on, I will make a good change. I will no longer provoke right and wrong, and I will no longer communicate with those villains... I know it's wrong, I know it's wrong... "Cyril, pale, got up and didn't dare to hold her thigh. She knelt on the ground, slapped herself and said in tears.

Jeffrey looked at Cyril with a cold face. When he almost beat his face up, he said coldly, "today, please remember. If I hear about you fooling around and insulting Morton's reputation again, I will drive you out of Morton Manor!"

"Yes! Yes Cyril nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't rush to be happy, it's not over yet." Jeffrey gave a cold smile, took out a thick account book from the first shelf, and put it on the table. "This is the backup account book of the business situation of several shops you are in charge of in recent years. You think that if you modify the account book, you can muddle through here. But you don't know that it will be counted in the account book, you will remember two.

I don't care how much money you take from these shops over the years, but from today on, I will take back all these shops, including your status as a director of the chamber of Commerce. The operation of Kerry's blacksmith shop is basically the same in the past two years. Now I will give you 20 days to make this blacksmith shop profitable.

If there is more money on the book of the blacksmith shop than that of the Dylan cloth shop in 20 days, all those things will be returned to you. If there's more money on the books of the Dailan cloth shop, then these things belong to Gloria. "

Cyril's face was a little ugly, but looking at Geoffrey's expression, she bit her teeth and nodded, "yes."

"Don't try to play tricks. If you can't compete with a woman, you're not worthy to inherit the Molton family." Geoffrey looked at Cyril with some warning and turned to go out.

"Hiss..." Cyril covered her face and stood up slowly, holding the desk in both hands. Looking at the account book on the desk, her expression was distorted and said: "old man, from the beginning to the end, you didn't trust me at all. Even Hill's little girl has inherited the Buffett family, but you still let me compete with a little girl for a successor position here..."


"Princess! Princess... "

Phyllis trotted into the wide cave, looking back to the direction of the cave squatting under the tree of life, seems to be making a fire of Elena, stopped, sniffed nose, some curious asked: "princess, what are you burning?"

"Well, I'm making roast chicken. Alex liked my roast chicken best. When he found them, I decided to make them roast chicken every day." Irina said earnestly, holding a branch in her hand.

"Do you really decide to do that?" Phyllis asked, looking at the roast chicken on the branch, which was almost black.

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