There was a long line at the door of Dailan clothing store, and the line was full of brightly dressed ladies, one by one dressed in costumes, as if they were going to a banquet, which attracted passers-by's eyes.

Although the ladies were smiling and greeting, the atmosphere didn't seem so harmonious.

We all heard that the dress Miss Gloria wore yesterday was limited edition. There was only one dress of each color, and it was only a dozen at most. Now there are more than 20 people in a long line at the door, and the line is still growing. No one knows who can choose a stunning dress.

Everyone present is a competitor at this moment.

A carriage came slowly from a distance. Gloria drove out of the curtain first. When she saw the ladies standing at the door of Dai Lan's house, she was stunned. However, she quickly reflected that she came down from the carriage and said with an apologetic smile: "I didn't expect the ladies and ladies to come so early, but I neglected them."

"Why, Miss Gloria has come very early, but we are anxious to come earlier." A lady said with a very sincere smile.

"Yes, but miss Gloria, you said you could reserve the dress today. You see we have so many people here, can you make more for us, at least one for each of us?" The lady at the end of the line spoke out with a nervous expression. She thought she had come very early, but she didn't expect that it was just the time to put on makeup. These guys had already lined up for a long time.

"Thank you for your understanding, but the number of dresses depends on the color. If the color you like happens to be available, it's the best. If you don't choose it, we have two other dresses in our store, which are also very good. Ladies and gentlemen can try them." Gloria shook her head slightly. She didn't mean to let it go.

Maimi restaurant has its own rules and principles, so it has a special position in the eyes of the guests.

If she wants to make Dailan into a clothing store like the Maimi restaurant, she must have principles and rules, otherwise these rich and busy ladies will become the biggest trouble in the future.

Gloria learned a lesson from MEG that guests can't be used to it.


Your husband's face was both disappointed and happy when they heard the speech.

Disappointment is that they may not be able to choose the color they like, while joy is that according to Gloria, as long as they can choose a dress, there will not be a second dress with the same look as her in the city of chaos.

Uniqueness is what they value most.

"Ladies, please come in. We'll choose the skirts in line in a moment." Gloria said with a smile. She reached out and knocked on the door. She said a few words to the inside. The closed door opened quickly, and the clerk with dark eyes welcomed out and led the crowd into the restaurant.


In the kitchen, McGonagall was seriously frying the steak, and the smell of beef floated out of the kitchen.

"It smells good, but I don't know how to drink. If the boss makes steak with wine, will he be drunk after eating it?" Abelmia sniffed deeply, her eyes were bright, but she was a little worried.

"The ugly duckling just took a bite last night and got drunk." Said Amy, rubbing the ugly duckling's head.

"So much reaction?" Abelmia glared, suddenly some tangled up, "my drink may be about the same as the ugly duckling, if I get drunk after a bite, I won't be able to work for a while."

"Am I a good drinker?" Barbara thought suspiciously. She ate a whole steak last night, but she didn't feel it at all. She went upstairs to sleep soberly.

"It shouldn't be a big problem. Amy's fine after eating." Sally took a look at the ugly duckling, and her eyes fell on the little wings on its back. She said strangely, "how come it has a pair of little wings on its back?"

"Yes, is it true that... He will become a white swan in the future?" Yabeimia smell speech to come up to look carefully for a while, is also full of face curious ask a way.

"It should be the Warcraft of your world, right? Although I don't feel any magic in it. " Barbara looked at the ugly duckling and looked at it.

"Meow ~" the ugly duckling was staring at by everyone, and some of them gave a cry. She was afraid to move in Amy's arms.

"Black pepper steak, taste it." MEG came out of the kitchen with a tray and put a steak in front of the crowd.

"Wow, it's delicious. It's a nice steak!" Yabeimia looked at the steak in front of her with a look of amazement. A whole piece of steak was placed in a plate with bright side dishes. It seemed to have a strong sense of visual impact, while the strong fragrance floating in the air made people want to swallow.

It's a perfect combination of beef and wine, with a special aroma.

The fragrance is like a cat that has been scratching people's heart, which makes people want to explore the delicacy hidden in the steak.

"The aroma of this wine is very special. Compared with my father's favorite can of wine made from the spring of life, the aroma of this wine is more intense. Even people who don't like drinking will not have the slightest aversion when they smell it. In this dish, it is more like a kind of spice, adding a unique flavor to beef." Sally closed her eyes and smelled deeply. Her eyes lit up, too.

"After eating this steak yesterday, I had a good sleep. Today I wake up and feel better. It seems that the effect is better than roast beef kebab. Maybe I can verify it again today." Barbara looked at the steak in front of her and thought.

"Let's have dinner." Meg said with a smile, taking Amy's steak and ready to help her cut it.

"My father, Amy can do it by herself. Teacher Luna said that she has to do her own things, including eating." Amy picked up the knife and fork, looked at McGonagall and said seriously.

McGonagall looked at Amy's serious expression, hesitated for a moment, put the steak back in front of Amy, and said with a smile, "OK, Amy will eat it by himself. Be careful when using the knife and fork."

"Yes, yes." Amy nodded happily, pressed the steak with a fork, and then cut it carefully with a steak knife.

MEG cuts off a piece of beef, dips it in black pepper sauce, and feeds it to his mouth. The taste buds jump on the tip of his tongue.

Abelmia and Sally learn that Meg also cuts a piece of beef and feeds it to her mouth almost at the same time as Barbara.

"Well! What delicious beef Sally's eyes suddenly lit up, and after swallowing the beef, the heat flow in her body towards her chest made her feel incredible, "this kind of feeling! Is it true that... This steak has the effect of promoting development? "

"Although I'm still young, it's really hot there." Barbara's eyes lit up, too.


Just then, the sound of tearing clothes rang out from one side.

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