Mosang lake is the largest freshwater lake near the city of chaos. It is rich in all kinds of fish. What's strange is that there is no Warcraft here. Even for ordinary people, it is also a very safe place.

There is a manor in the west of the city of chaos by the buffet family, which is adjacent to mosang lake. Several exquisite buildings stand by the lake, surrounded by bamboo fences.

There is a big tree on the edge of the lake. The tree is inclined and twisted suddenly from the middle. It grows out of the lake. It is like a big umbrella on the edge of the lake, blocking the dazzling sunshine at noon in autumn.

At this time, a white haired old man sat on the bench under the tree, with a fishing rod in hand, staring at a white buoy on the calm lake.

"Grandfather, do you think it's worth the risk?"

Hill stood beside the old man, looking at him and asked softly.

"Shh, it's time to bite." The old man said in a soft voice. His hand had gently grasped the fishing rod standing on one side of the shelf. The white buoy trembled and moved left and right on the water. Then it suddenly sank down, as if it had been pulled away by some heavy object, and the fishing line was suddenly tightened.

"It's on the hook!" Hill's face also showed a surprise color, some nervous looking at the lake, urged: "grandfather, you quickly pull it up."

"Don't worry. It's a big fish. The bigger the fish, the more patience you have to be. Otherwise, the fishing rod and line are easy to break. In this way, not only the fish don't catch, but also a pair of fishing rod is lost. It's not beautiful." The old man grasped the fishing rod and said with a smile, walking the fish on the lake.

"Patient?" Hill was stunned and looked at the big fish floating on the lake. In this transaction, she suddenly didn't know whether she was the big fish or the person with the fishing rod. The rhythm that she once let herself dominate seemed to disappear here.

The fish was walking on the lake for more than ten minutes before it was slowly pulled to the bank and picked up by the old man with a fishing net. A big red carp weighed more than ten kilograms.

"I have a good mouth this noon. This year, I'm still the first red carp of this size." Ian looked at the big carp in his net pocket with a smile on his face and looked up at hill, "little hill, you can eat here at noon today. Your luck has always been good."

"Well, grandfather said good fish, there must be no mistake." Hill also had a smile on his face and followed Ian towards the house.

"In business, some money should be earned for others, otherwise it will not be done sooner or later. However, it's very important who you do it with. If you have bad character, you can't do it with him if you have money. " Ian said with a smile as he walked.

"Well." Hill nodded thoughtfully.

"Is the new wine in the winery ready to go out of the cellar recently?" Ian asked suddenly.

"It's going to be a few days. I'll have them deliver it to you when it's out of the cellar." Hill looked at Ian puzzledly and said, "but there are some older wines in the cellar. Why doesn't grandfather like them?"

"I like the fresh taste of the wine just out of the cellar. After a long time, I don't like it." Ian shook his head.

"The wine Mr. McGonagall added to his steak may be even better than the wine from the manor. It's just that he doesn't sell it to the public. He only uses it to make steaks." Hill knows that Ian is really a good drinker. In order to drink the wine that suits his taste, he can spend decades and invest countless money and energy to build the best winery in the whole continent. Only he can do such a thing.

"Seriously?" Ian stopped all of a sudden. Even though he had just heard the miracles of the steam locomotive, he didn't show half of his gaffe. Now he was like a fighter who was aroused.

"The steak with his own red wine tastes better than the top red wine in our manor, and the wine aroma is more intense." Hill nodded.

"It's interesting." Ian nodded with a smile and went on.


"Lord, if Mr. McGonagall really develops the steam engine and applies it, it may change a lot of things. It may be an opportunity for the development of our chaotic city."

In the office of the Lord's mansion, Dix looked at Michael, who had just returned to the Lord's mansion, and said excitedly.

Michael sat behind his desk, frowning and silent for a long time. He shook his head slightly and said, "don't rush to make a conclusion until you see the real object, but if the buffet family is willing to join, most of the risks will be borne by them."

"So we're going to McMillan's now?" Dix is still excited. Over the years, he has been following the progress of the Heider group. He knows clearly what impact the steam engine may have on the world.

"Don't worry. I have two more meetings to hold later. We'll come back tonight." Michael shook his head, got up and walked towards the door. As he came to Dix, he stopped and said with a smile, "I know you're excited, but don't tell them about it beforehand, and don't let anyone else know."

"Yes." Dix was a little stunned, but he nodded quickly.


McGonagall went around the vegetable market. He had a general idea of what dish was in which position and how the quality was.

"It's a pity that few people can cook these ingredients with the world's common cooking level." It's a pity that McGonagall thinks in his heart that he is dazzled by all kinds of food ingredients. At the same time, it also makes him have more expectations for innovating recipes with the world's food ingredients in the future.

"Have you ever seen a lobster the size of an adult? I just don't know whether it's spicy or garlic. " MEG muttered to himself.

Now that the system says three courses are needed, considering that local materials can also be obtained after Luodu, he tentatively sets the three courses as: Spicy Roast fish, stewed chicken rice and black pepper steak.

Color scale fish is a kind of hybrid fish produced by the system. There is no such fish in the world. MEG squatted in front of the aquatic products stall for half an hour before he selected a fish named "kylin grass carp".

This kind of fish has thick scales. The fish is tender and delicious. The bones are large and arranged regularly. When McGonagall squatted beside to watch the boss kill the fish, he had already thought of a plan to remove the bones in his mind. It should not be a problem to make spicy roast fish.

The fiery chicken is used for stewed chicken. When the boss heard that McGonagall wanted to buy chicken, he enthusiastically led him to explain in detail how to choose an excellent chicken, from chicken feather to chicken claw. With the professional tone of practitioners, he formulated a chicken selection strategy for McGonagall, which is very practical.

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