"What kind of brain is bean curd brain? Is it some kind of Warcraft brain? "

Ian looks at the bean curd in front of him. The square and tender bean curd is placed in a small bowl. The shredded mustard and other side dishes are spread flat on the top, and a spoonful of orange red sauce is poured on it. The flavor of sauce and side dishes carries the bean flavor. The flavor is quite attractive.

Just after eating the steak, this refreshing bean flavor brings a sense of surprise. The white and tender appearance is far from the brain in the heart. It does not cause nausea at all.

"It looks very appetizing, the fragrance is fresh, and the taste should be good." Ian nodded slightly, looked up at the sweet bean curd with golden red sugar juice in front of Broca, and said with a smile: "Broca, you are not young. You'd better eat less sugar. It's bad for your health."

"Master, I like this too. If I can't even eat sugar, I always feel that there will be something less in my life." Broca said with a smile, looking at the sweet bean curd in front of her, her face was full of surprise.

It's Square, white and tender, with a layer of golden red sugar on it. It looks like a piece of pure white jade wrapped in amber. When the bowl is lifted, the bean curd shakes a little. It looks elastic, and the syrup is still steaming.

The sweet taste of the hot sugar juice mixed with the smell of beans makes him feel sweet in his mouth before eating. For a person who likes to eat desserts, it looks too attractive.

Almost at the same time, they picked up a spoon and scooped a spoonful of bean curd into their mouth.

"Well! That's the taste Broca's eyes suddenly became round. The soft and sweet bean curd wrapped with a layer of sugar juice melted at the entrance. It matched with the sweet sugar juice. Different from the common viscous sugar juice, the golden red sugar juice was sweet but not greasy, and did not cover up the bean flavor of bean curd itself.

Gulu a along the throat swallow, between the mouth also left a light bean fragrance, sweet, endless aftertaste.

Broca is good at sweets. He has eaten countless kinds of sweets. He always carries a packet of sugar in his pocket. It has become a habit to eat one piece in his spare time.

When I first followed Ian, I was often too busy to eat. When I was hungry, I ate a piece of sugar. I gradually formed the habit. If I didn't eat some sugar every day, I always felt uncomfortable.

Although he has tasted all kinds of desserts, but after tasting a mouthful of sweet bean curd, he is still sinking.

It's like falling into a delicious trap, surrounded by innumerable sweet juices, plunge into it, tumble and taste it wantonly, and enjoy the smoothness and sweetness of this moment.

"Sure enough, it's amazing!" On the other side, Ian looks at the empty spoon in front of him, his face full of surprise.

The white and tender bean curd is wrapped in orange red sauce, and there is a little chopped mustard on top. When you feed it to your mouth, it will melt directly without chewing. The sweet bean curd is perfectly integrated with salty mustard and sauce, and all kinds of flavors are rampant in your mouth. After swallowing, your mouth has a light bean fragrance, full of refreshing feeling.

After eating the steak, it's hard to say how it feels to eat the fresh and delicious salted bean curd.

When the porcelain spoon touched the edge of the bowl, a spoonful of tofu brain was fed to their mouth, spoonful after spoonful, and they couldn't stop at all.

"Sweet bean curd is the king of desserts. I've never tasted such delicious desserts. It's incredible! Irresistible delicacy Broca licked all the sugar in the bowl, put down the bowl, with a look of amazement and satisfaction, as if life had been sublimated.

Ian put down the bowl in his hand, looked at Broca, shook his head and said, "you should try salty bean curd. It's a blasphemy to treat bean curd as a dessert. Bean curd should be a delicious snack, not a sweet and greasy dessert."

"Master, although I respect you very much, dessert is my belief, and sweet bean curd has completely replaced the status of dessert in my heart. Please don't humiliate it." Broca looked at Ian with a serious expression, "moreover, the bean curd itself has a slightly sweet bean flavor. Adding syrup to give full play to this sweet flavor, I think this is the right way to open the bean curd, and salty is the thing that destroys the taste of bean curd."

"As your boss, I have to correct your wrong belief that bean curd should be salty!" Ian is also a face, solemn way.

"Master, although you are the boss, you can't shake my determination to eat sweet bean curd. I'd like to live and die with sweet bean curd." Broca's face looked like death.

Ian stares at Broca for a long time, puts his hand on the table, and Broca stands up, but his face is still not half soft.

"Then I'll stick to my position, too." Ian snorted, got up and walked in the direction of the kitchen.

"I respect your position." Broca relaxed a mouthful, suddenly feel legs a little soft, with the master side for decades, this is still him

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