In the north of the city, in a remote courtyard, there are dim lights in a room.

A man in black looked solemnly at Hughes sitting behind the chair and said in a low voice, "Captain, we didn't get any information about Snell or any clues about them after we came back."

"But from the situation after we returned to the stronghold, we can see that there are many personal belongings and weapons left behind. Snell and his family should not have taken the initiative to leave the chaotic city. They should have been killed by the regiment when they were out looking for Alex." Another man in black was also in a deep voice, with a dignified expression.

"Did they find Alex?"

A man in black exclaimed in a low voice, then immediately covered his mouth with a look of panic in his eyes.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly dropped to the freezing point, and the silence of more than a dozen people in black saw the color of fear in each other's eyes.

Although they have been taking Alex as their target all these years, when he is really likely to appear in front of them, what they feel for the first time is not surprise, but fear.

The legendary man left an indelible record, but also left a deep shadow in his opponent's heart.

"It can't be Alex. He's disabled. It's impossible to destroy Nelson's team all by himself." Hughes shook his head, grinned and said, "no matter who dares to kill one of our black hawk teams, we have to pay for it. Blood for blood, tooth for tooth."

All the people in black looked a little slower and had confidence again.

"Although it can't be Alex who killed people, it doesn't have anything to do with him. Next, I will deploy Black Hawks from all over the country to the city of chaos, launch a carpet search, find out Nelson and their trace, and search for Alex." Hughes clenched his fist and said with a sneer, "I have a premonition that he is in this chaotic city, and the old forest in the mountains is not in line with his character."


All the people in black answered in unison.


After seeing off the city master and daughter, MEG takes Amy and Anna upstairs, buys Barbara with a black pepper steak, entrusts her to take a bath for Anna, puts on a beautiful pink Nightgown, and the two little guys lie on the cot.

"Meow, meow."

The ugly duckling screamed anxiously under the bed, scratched the foot of the bed and poked his head.

"Ugly duckling, I already have little sister Anna. I don't want you. You can sleep on the ground in the future." Said Amy, looking out at the ugly duckling.

"Meow ~" the ugly duckling's ears suddenly collapsed, took back the front paw at the foot of the bed, and looked at Amy wrongly. Tears were already in her eyes.

"Poor ugly duckling." Anna also leaned out her head from the bed, looked at the ugly duckling with some pity, thought about it, her eyes lit up and said: "let it sleep in the middle of us."

"Meow, meow!" The ugly duckling got excited and jumped in place. She looked up at Amy with a look of expectation.

"Since Miss Anna has agreed, I'll reluctantly allow you to go to bed, but you have to be good." Amy thought for a moment, nodded, lying on the edge of the bed, picked up the ugly duckling and put it between them.

"Meow, meow."

The ugly duckling found a comfortable position between them, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Good boy." Anna gently stroked the ugly duckling's hair and her face was full of smiles.

"But it's getting fatter and fatter. It doesn't take long for this bed to collapse." Amy pinched the meat from the duckling's face and sighed.

"Fat Dudu is more lovely. You see how fun it is to pinch it like this, just like it is made of water." Anna grabs the ugly duckling's face in her hands and kneads it gently. It turns into a round cake and a square.

"Wow! You can still play like this As soon as Amy's eyes brightened, she was very excited. She stretched out her hand to pull the duckling's face on both sides, and immediately changed her appearance, which made the two kids giggle.

"What a pity." McGonagall, who just got out of the bath, couldn't help laughing and shaking his head. Other people's cats are masters. No matter who comes here, the ugly duckling's family status is automatically - 1.

When the two kids had fun, Amy turned to MEG and said, "father, can you tell us a bedtime story?"

Anna Wenyan also looked at MEG, with bright eyes and some expectations. Before going to bed every night, her grandfather would tell her stories to coax her to sleep.

"Well, let's tell a story about snow white today." MEG came to the bed with a stool.

"Is snow white made of ice cream?" Amy raised her little hand and asked.

"No, snow white is called snow white because her skin is as white as snow white." McGonagall smiles and shakes his head. There's no brain circuit in her family.

"That's a pity." Amy nodded regretfully.

Although he didn't know what Amy was sorry for, MEG began to tell the story of snow white in a gentle and low tone

"In the severe winter, the goose feather like snow is flying in the sky. The queen sits by the window, looks at the white snow, and makes a wish..."

Snow White's miserable life began with this beautiful wish. Because of her beauty, she was envied by the new queen and kidnapped into the forest. She met seven dwarfs, but she still didn't escape from the Queen's clutches. First, she was almost strangled, and then she was almost killed by a poisonous comb

Amy and Anna are completely immersed in McGonagall's story, worried about Snow White's life and death, and their anger at the wicked queen fluctuates with the story.

However, when snow white ate the poisonous apple and died like a deep sleep, MEG stopped.

As a father, he really can't tell them according to the original story that a corpse fetishist prince fell in love with snow white's body, and spent money to buy her body, and finally with her.

This is not in line with his three views.

"Father, and then? Is snow white really dead? " Amy looks at MEG sad.

One side of Anna tears in her eyes, this snow white and her poor.

McGonagall thought for a while and got an idea: "at last, the seven dwarfs turned into seven gourds, which were made into a pill voluntarily. After taking the pill, Snow White came back to life again, and had seven magical abilities. She went back to the palace, locked the queen in the dry well, broke the magic mirror, and became the new owner of the palace."

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