"What? How can it be

Back chef of the barbecue shop, ekli listened to a waiter's report on the situation of the barbecue stand outside the shop and exclaimed in a startled voice, which attracted many guests in the restaurant to look in the direction of the back chef with some doubts.

"You mean that the barbecue stand just started to barbecue, and there were a lot of guests to eat immediately? Even a long line? "

The waiter nodded a little uneasily and said, "yes, his beef is sold in terms of grain, and a customer can only buy one grain, but there are still many customers waiting in long lines to buy it. After eating, the customers are begging him to buy another one."

Other chefs in the back kitchen are nervous. This bet is not just a notice, but the honor of Carrey's barbecue shop. If Carrey can't even compete with a roadside stall, how can Carrey call himself the first barbecue shop in lodu.

After thinking for a while, eckley shook his head confidently and said, "don't worry. The guests are not fools. What delicious beef can be roasted at a roadside stall? After they have tasted it, they won't be fooled. I want to see how many pieces he can sell. How can a person compare with our whole shop, Kari's the biggest barbecue in LoDo. "

The cooks' eyes brightened when they heard the words. Yes, how can he compare with their chef alone? The bet is about the number of guests.


The delicious effect of roast beef, like with wings, quickly spread to the outside world and attracted many guests.

However, the rule of one pill per person is like a fishbone stuck in the throat, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

Some customers are still trying to make the boss change the rules, while more customers have chosen to give up, but have not gone far, and even some help to promote.

They are not moved by the delicious food, so they take the initiative to help. What they want to do is to appreciate the expression of the customers who can't eat the second one after tasting the delicious roast beef.

Since they have fallen into the pit, of course, it will be more happy to let more people fall together.

McGonagall's face is still calm, calmly refused the guests' request, seriously do every piece of beef.

Cindy doesn't want to persuade McGonagall any more. Her mentality is changing. At the beginning, she was worried that McGonagall's high cold attitude would cause the loss of customers. It's better to sell more to the customers she already likes.

However, from the perspective of the queue outside the stall, this kind of worry is totally unnecessary. Even if a person can only buy one, the business is still booming.

This feeling of dominating the whole audience with delicious food is really very flattering. Even he is a little flattered.

Carrey's waiter, who is responsible for recording guests, will be in a state of complete ignorance. He holds the feather pen in his hand and keeps drawing vertical bars on the paper. I can't believe that this kind of thing happened under his eyes. His hand holding the pen is a little sour, but the guests and the beef on the grill don't stop at all.

"Kari won't lose, will he?" The waiter was a little uncertain and thought to himself, now even he couldn't be sure.

"What does this little stall sell? How can so many guests line up here? " The middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes came down from the carriage and looked curiously at the small stall surrounded by the crowd. The door of Carrey's barbecue shop was almost blocked.

"Duke, I'll see." A butler like man agreed and walked quickly. After a while, he squeezed out again, straightened his slightly messy clothes and said respectfully, "Duke, what's sold in this stall is roast beef, and the beef is sold by grain, one grain for silver, and it's stipulated that one person can only buy one grain at a time."

"Beef is sold by grain, and one person can only buy one. I didn't expect there would be such a thing in the world." The man, who was called Duke, was a little surprised. Looking at the barbecue stand surrounded by the crowd, he only saw one sign and said with a smile, "but look at the enthusiastic guests, the roast beef must be delicious. Ken, let's try it."

"Duke, in your capacity, eat this roadside stall..." the housekeeper, who is called Ken, wants to talk but stops, but the meaning of the words is very clear.

"I'm here to eat roast beef in Japan today. Although the beef in Carrey's barbecue shop tastes good, it may bring a surprise if I can open a small stall in front of it." The Duke didn't care what Ken said and went straight to the crowd.

"Duke..." Ken and a bodyguard with a knife quickly came forward, and surrounded him around, trying to show their identity and let them leave.

"We're here to eat. Don't crush people with identity." The Duke shook his head slightly, stopped the housekeeper, and consciously stood at the end of the line.

The guests next to him were surprised to see the Duke in gorgeous clothes. The nobles generally disdain to eat roadside stalls with civilians on the roadside. This kind of behavior is regarded as humiliating by them. However, the gentleman's clothes and temperament don't look like ordinary nobles, but it doesn't make people feel too much airs, and he also stands in the line like ordinary guests.

"This fragrance is really expected." The Duke took a deep breath of the smell of barbecue in the air, his eyes lit up and his face looked forward to it.

As the procession moved forward, the guests who had eaten the beef gave their heartfelt praise and scratched their hearts like feathers.

The Duke finally came to the stall and said with a smile, "boss, I want a piece of beef."

"All right." MEG picked up a piece of beef from the grill with a bamboo stick and handed it to the Duke.

Carrey, who was standing by the stall, made a mechanical stroke on the paper. He raised his eyes, but his eyes widened. He said in a startled voice, "Lord Abraham!"

"Yes, my Lord."

The waiter's exclamation immediately caused a commotion, and the guests around him quickly bowed their heads to the Duke.

"Even the Duke came to the roadside stall to eat roast beef. Is the boss a chef?"

"The Duke of Abraham's status is very noble. After a while, he still wants to eat. Should boss McGregor have no way to refuse?"

"Yes, this is the Duke! If the boss refuses, won't he be afraid that he won't see the sun the next day? "

"In this case, do we have a chance to have a second piece of beef?"

The guests murmured, their faces still a little excited.

Standing at the door of Carrey's barbecue shop, the clerk also changed his face and ran to the store in a hurry.

"The Duke of Abraham." McGonagall also raised his eyes a little unexpectedly when he heard the speech. The Duke, who has a very high position but no real power, has not much impression in Alex's memory.

The Duke of Abraham nodded to the crowd with a smile. He looked at the pale golden roast beef in his hand and took a bite.

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