The woodcarving bird man who appeared in front of the carriage was kicked three meters away by Amy, and crashed to the ground, making a big hole in the garden beside him, overwhelming a chrysanthemum.

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness, are you all right?"

"Get your highness out of here!"

A large group of people came to the front, pulling the bird's head and shouting in a panic.

MEG and Amy were a little stunned to see the tall woodcarving bird man lying on the ground. The golden wood carving wings are lifelike, each piece is independent, and there is a bit of metal luster in the sun.

The bird's beak and eyes were also wonderful, just like a golden Mirs. McGonagall was amazed by the exquisite workmanship. If he saw it at the first glance, it was really hard to tell whether it was true or not.

However, such a big bird stood upright without waving its wings, and it was still in the palace. No wonder Amy just stepped out of the carriage subconsciously.

If it's MEG, I guess it's too much for me.

But McGonagall's eyes picked slightly as he looked at the flustered guards. "Your Highness? Woodcarving... Is it the carpenter's Prince in the woodcarving

The third prince, who likes wood carving, rarely appears in Alex's memory. The noble prince, who is obsessed with carpentry and carving, has no interest in seizing power.

If it is not a necessary occasion, he basically does not participate.

Many people even forget that there is a third prince in the Los empire.

"This talent is really not the material to be a prince." McGonagall looked at the exquisite wood carving and couldn't help admiring it.

"Stop, stop, stop! Which fool is pulling my head. If you pull it again, it will fall off! "

There was a tender voice.

The two knights grabbed the bird man's head and were about to work hard together. Hearing this, they let go and banged it. The bird's head fell to the ground again.


There was a painful sound in the bird's head.

"Your Highness!"

In a panic, they quickly picked up the bird's head.

"Forget it, help me up first, all fools." There was a helpless voice in the Birdman.

The guards quickly helped the woodcarving bird man stand up.

Amy's kick was not light. The feather on the bird's chest broke a few pieces. The feather behind him also had some broken places and was stained by the juice of chrysanthemum. It was like a damaged handicraft. It was a pity.

"Arrest them!"

With a wave of the leader's hand, five or six guards with swords surrounded Meg's carriage, ready to come forward and catch people.

With McGonagall, the steward was a little nervous and said, "chief, this is the chef who was invited by his Royal Highness the second prince from the chaotic city to offer special dishes for his Majesty's birthday. If there is any misunderstanding, I hope I can forgive you a lot."

It's not stupid to be in charge of taking McGonagall into the palace. There are only three people who can be called his highness in Los empire. Naturally, the eldest prince and the second prince can't be in the wood carving. Naturally, the only one who is kicked by Amy is his highness.

Although his Royal Highness the second prince is in a high position and deeply loved by the emperor, it is a crime to attack his Royal Highness the third prince in the palace.

And his Royal Highness the second prince will definitely draw a clean line between himself and this matter, and then he may become an abandoned son.

This kind of thing is taboo.

The leader of the guard stepped forward, looked coldly at the steward and said, "do you know who you just attacked? Even the people in the second prince's family should be arrested today. Let's see who has the courage to attack his Highness the third prince! "

"This... This..." the manager was submissive and didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

"Catch it for me!" The leader of the guard waved his hand and said in a cold voice.

The guards gathered around and came forward, half of the knife in their hands had been drawn out, and they watched MEG and Amy warily. They were able to kick the third prince in the woodcarving suit with one foot, which was comparable to the second level knight.

"You should see the Yellow calendar first when you go out today. This kind of thing can happen." MEG sighed in his heart, protecting Amy behind him, thinking whether to move Crassus out of the town, but he didn't know whether his name would work well in the palace.

"Every fool, step back!"

There was an angry voice in the Birdman wood carving. He spread his wings and patted his belly twice. He was as clumsy as a penguin. He seemed to be trying to press something, but his wings couldn't reach him. He looked a little cute.

The leader of the guard hesitated for a moment, but he waved to the guards to withdraw temporarily.

"Meow, meow."

The duckling stares at Amy for a while, rolls in Amy's arms and laughs.

"Father, you see, although this Birdman is ugly, he laughs well. I feel a little ugly."

Amy was stunned and giggled.

McGonagall's expression is also slightly strange. The ROC, who used to be in a powerful and domineering style, now looks funny. "It's really... A little cute."

Even the guards were forced to smile and blush.

The bird man jumped in place for a while, and said in a hurry: "fool by fool, what are you looking at? Come here quickly and help me press down the slightly protruding feather on my stomach. My wings are crooked, and I can't reach them myself."

"Ha ha ha, that's funny." Amy almost threw the ugly duckling out of her hand.

"It's coming, it's coming." The bodyguards rushed forward and pressed the right feather with all hands and feet.

"Click! Click... "

With a burst of noise, Birdman's head and body split a crack from the middle, and then slowly fell toward both sides. A big headed boy covered his red nose and jumped out from inside.

"Are you all right, your highness?"

The leader of the guard came forward and asked with concern.

"You fool, what I can do is bump my nose." The young man stretched out his hand and pushed away the big head of the leader of the guard, which came up to him, and burnt his blood.


"Your Highness is bleeding!"

"Go and get the doctor!"

The guards were shocked, and they were in a hurry.

"It's a bunch of idiots. They won't die with a little nosebleed." The young man took out a white silk scarf from his pocket, rolled it up casually and put a corner in his nose. He looked at MEG and Amy in the carriage with great interest, frowning and saying, "you two fools are good at face, are you coming to the palace for the first time?"

Then, his eyes fell on Amy again, with a strange look on his face, and he said, "and you little fool, although you are small, your eyes are very powerful. You can see the ugliness of my wood carving?"

"Little mushroom head, although your head is big, your eyes are very bad!" Amy looked down at the boy and shook his head.

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