Outside the palace, in a dark room, three tall figures sat opposite each other.

"The hottest blood of ORC soldiers has been scattered on the border between the tribe and the Los empire. I hope you demons and forest trolls can show their sincerity, not just talk about it." The dark green Orc murmured.

"Don't worry, the most elite warrior of the Forest Troll clan has arrived in lodu. I will never come back this time." The Forest Troll twisted his neck and made a click sound, which was as harsh as squeezing out of his lungs.

The void devil grinned, flashed a cold light in his scarlet eyes, and sneered: "the pattern of the world will be redefined by our three Nation Alliance. Elves, humans, goblin, these weak and cunning things, should be obediently used as food. They don't deserve to own territory, and they don't deserve to be equal with us. Let them start from the internal fight..."


McGonagall walked slowly into the huge kitchen with a knife box. It was the first time he saw the kitchen, which covers an area of nearly the size of a football field. The rows were neatly divided, and there were almost no vacancies left. There were more than 1000 chefs in the kitchen.

More than 1000 chefs, the best chefs in Nolan, gathered here today to offer a delicious meal to the king on his birthday.

"More spectacular than you think." McGonagall said in his heart, looking at the devil chef waving three kitchen knives to cut vegetables like the wind, the Forest Troll holding the pot with his flaming head, and the elf chef who is cooking delicacies as elegant as magic.

Chefs of different races are showing incredible scenes. All kinds of wonderful fragrance diffuse and intersect in the kitchen. The sound of spatula interweaves into a beautiful music, which is probably the music that every chef will like.

McGonagall watched with great interest. This was the first time that he saw so many colleagues making delicious food with different cooking styles. It was like Grandma Liu who entered the Grand View Garden.

"Mr. McGonagall, your cooking position is here. We will start serving in two hours. I hope you are ready." The guard who led MEG in stopped, pointed to an empty seat and looked at him. "Are you alone?" he said

McGonagall put the knife box on the stove, looked at the guard puzzled, nodded and said, "yes, what's wrong?"

"It's just a bit of a surprise. Even kaluru, who only makes one cold dish, has two helpers." The guard took a look at the kitchen beside MEG and said with a smile, "well, good luck." Then turn around and leave.

"Thank you." McGonagall nodded slightly. As soon as he came over, it seemed that all the chefs had helpers. On the contrary, the chefs like him were more conspicuous.

"Let's just make a kalulu cucumber. We've all given three of us places. What does he do alone?"

"Can it be peanuts?"

"Shh, don't talk nonsense. Peanuts are on the same level as us."

The three people in the next booth whispered.

McGonagall glanced at the kitchen beside him. A round man in a white cook's suit was smiling at him with a simple and honest face. He was also smiling back at him politely.

This uncle's body shape looks a little similar to that of Dabai. Even his face shape is exactly the same, which is naturally attractive.

He also had two 15-year-old little fat men around him. Their size and appearance were all his miniatures. McGonagall didn't believe that they were not his own.

Uncle looked at MEG and asked curiously: "Hello, my name is karulu. They are karulu and rukaka. They are my son. But, brother, what do you do? How can you be alone? "

The two little fat men also looked at MEG curiously.

Today, they are the least number of cooks here. They can't look up in front of other chefs, but this man is alone, and he suddenly feels superior.

"Kalulu, kalulu, Luka..." McGonagall felt that his brain was going to turn dizzy. The name was obtained at random. Looking at the curious father and son, he said with a smile: "I'm McGonagall, because I don't have much to do, so I don't need any help."

According to Qiao Xiu's request, he only needs to do the weight of about ten people. This degree has no pressure on him, and he doesn't need any help at all.

"I understand, I understand." Kaluru's face I know you nodded. Although it's a boastful thing to be selected into the palace to offer food for the king's birthday, he can only make such a cold dish in such a gathering of chefs. It's still a bit hard to keep his face. He feels the same about McGonagall's mood.

"It's all right, brother McGonagall. Although we don't have as many people as they do, and the dishes we cook may not be able to be put on the king's table, we are more relaxed. Look at the trolls over there with a big pot on their heads. Their heads are all red. The little trolls around him are all around him. They are so involved." Karrou laughed and opened Meg's eyes.

"You said so." McGonagall nodded for no reason. It seems that the uncle misunderstood something, but he didn't mean to explain. He instructed the guards to put the kitchen utensils, "this one here, that one there. Just give me the seasoning..."

"Father, does he need so many kitchenware to make a cold dish? How can we just need a basin? " Rukaka asked with a puzzled face.

"He must have moved his whole kitchen. Although he can only make one cold dish, he still has to pretend that his cold dish is very tall. This is very worth learning. It's a miscalculation." KAKALU said decidedly, touching his chin.

"Don't talk nonsense. Every chef has his own pride. I can understand the McGonagall brothers' behavior very well. When I first entered the palace, I even brought the pickle vat with me. I was worried that others would say I was just a pickle. I just want them to have a look. Even if it's pickled cucumbers, not everyone can pickle well. Not everyone has such a big jar. "

"You see, he should be at my stage now. We should tolerate him and protect his psychology instead of laughing at him." Kaluru looked at the two sons and said solemnly.

"Yes, yes." The two brothers nodded.

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