This is the 45th year of the reign of the fourth imperial king, Andre Ewald.

Compared with the previous three kings, Andre has been in power for a very long time. He ascended the throne at the age of 15. His excellent ruling ability made the Empire of Los more powerful, and his tough political style made the Empire have a higher position in Nolan.

Even the powerful and populous orcs did not get any advantage in the border war. On the contrary, they vomited back some of the territories occupied in the earlier years. Even though the Empire paid a lot of imperial soldiers' lives for this, they also got the support of all its subjects.

When humans see trolls in the streets of lodu, they don't need to bow their heads. The soldiers who died in battle are smiling.

In the history of the Los Empire, he was destined to be recorded in the annals of history.

The age of sixty is like a baby in the eyes of a long-lived race.

But at this age, the king of Los Empire, it is a birthday feast worthy of the whole nation.

It is said that the king has been working hard, and his body is getting old. He may not be able to live up to his 70th birthday. Therefore, this birthday party is very grand, and the identity of the guests invited is also very high.

The palace, which is nearly 20 meters high, is resplendent. Guests of all ethnic groups are sitting on both sides. In front of everyone, there is a small table, sitting alone.

A king with gray and golden hair like a lion was sitting on the top of the table. The fine wrinkles and faint age spots on his face revealed his old age which did not match his age.

But the brown eyes are still bright, just like the Lion King staring at the prey, people dare not despise, even dare not look directly into his eyes.

On his left and right sides of the table were Joe Xiu in blue robes and Sean in gold, and on the bottom were Elena and Richard.

Richard looks at Elena sitting opposite. Her face is not very good-looking. The fact that Brent was beaten by Elena has made the magician of MAGE tower panic. But they have to break their teeth to swallow it.

How could he not know what Joe meant to Elena? That child was the real fuse for that event. He did such a crazy thing only when he completely ignited him.

Irina peels the melon seeds calmly, and doesn't look at Richard more. The corner of her eyes is always looking at Amy, who is sitting next to Krasu and eating a little cake happily. The little guy is just like a squirrel. It's so cute. It's worthy of being my baby. It's as lovely as me.

"But is he really going to serve the king today? Should not be recognized? " Irina looked in the direction of the door and felt a little worried.

Joe looked at Elena, who was sitting diagonally opposite. His mood was also a little complicated.

In the past, Irina must have been the first to know when she came to lodu. But this time, she bypassed him and went to the mage tower. She beat Brent violently and asked about three years ago. It can be seen that she no longer believes him and should have known something.

With a little concentration, Joe drew his eyes away from Elena and looked at Sean.

Sean also happened to look at him. They looked at each other, nodded with a smile on their faces, and then turned their eyes at the same time.

"After this birthday, my father should start to decide the successor, right? Sean, it's time we made a difference. " Joe clenched his fist, then slowly loosened it, his face smiling from beginning to end.

After Irina and Richard, there are representative envoys from all ethnic groups. In the past, it was enough for ambassadors to celebrate the birthday. But this year, all ethnic groups seem to have a tacit understanding. They sent people of high status to celebrate the birthday of the king of the lilos empire.

The only Royal Princess of the elves, the two elders of the orc tribe alliance... These people have a great reputation on the Nolan continent, which can be said to have given the face of Los empire.

Kelasu and novan sit behind the representatives of all ethnic groups. As the representative of the city of chaos, novan is also a powerful level 10 magician, so his identity is naturally noble.

As for Crassus, since Richard can sit opposite Elena, no one will doubt that he is sitting here.

Previously, the king asked him to come to the front and sit on an equal footing with Richard, but Krasu refused. It can be seen that Krasu's status is not lower than Richard in the eyes of the king.

Further down are the dukes, earls and ministers of the Los empire. Many guests are with their families. The spacious hall is full of tables and chairs, which is very lively.

The king raised his hand, and the hall soon quieted down. Looking at the crowd, he said with a smile: "I am very glad that you can come here today to celebrate my birthday. The Empire of LOS and all ethnic groups have coexisted peacefully in the past hundred years..."

Everyone listened quietly to the most powerful king on the continent of Nolan. The power of human beings has been able to stand on the continent of Nolan, and the huge population and smart brain make human beings have unlimited potential.

Other races have to admit that human weakness was a matter of many years ago.

The fierce magician who can jump up and knock the dragon's head with a magic wand is sitting down now. At least no one here dares to say that he can win a head-on fight with him.

As for Amy, this meeting is happily eating the delicate small cakes in the fruit plate in front of her, and from time to time secretly squeezing her eyes at Elena.

"Why! Miss Luna is here, too! No, in this case, which one should father choose? " Amy suddenly saw Luna sitting not far away, holding the mung bean cake hand stopped.

Luna is also smiling at her, the little guy is really a snack goods, no matter where can't stop his mouth.

But I think of the first time I saw that little guy in old clothes in Aden square two years ago. His face was a little dirty, and he even walked unsteadily. Now he was sitting in the palace of the Los empire in his luxurious purple skirt and beautiful braids.

What happened to Mr. McGonagall a few months ago? The change in just a few months made her a little unbelievable.

"Mr. McGonagall is a good man, and Amy is a good girl. They deserve it." Luna thought in her heart, the smile on Liang's face became more and more brilliant.

"It's nice to see Miss Luna smile, and she's nice to me, but sister Elena is also very nice... It's really a difficult choice." Amy took a bite of the cake and put the rest into the duckling's mouth. The duckling's face was a bit tangled.

"Luna, you said that Mr. McGonagall would also go to his Majesty's birthday party. Where is he now?" The old man with white hair sitting beside Luna looked at Luna and asked with a smile.

"He should be in the palace by now, but we may not be able to see him today." Luna shook her head and said with a smile, "because he's a cook today, not a mathematician."

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