"The taste... Is unspeakable!"

Irina doesn't know what words to use to describe this feeling. The extreme experience brought by unprecedented delicacy, the wonderful taste and the smooth tongue feel make her feel the vitality of the fiery chicken.

The most special is the taste of mushrooms, which is only occasionally seen in the forest of wind. After drying, the taste of cooking is so delicious and charming.

After swallowing the chicken, Elena took up a spoon and poured a spoonful of soup on the rice. The pale golden soup was absorbed by the moon fragrant rice, and the crescent in the rice became golden red. She scooped a spoonful and fed it to her mouth.

The soft rice absorbs the fragrant chicken soup. The sweetness of the rice is more fragrant with the catalysis of the chicken soup. It's refreshing and sweet. It's the ultimate delicious experience.

"What has he done in these three years? How can the man who can even bake sweet potatoes into charcoal make such delicious food! It's just... "Irene looked at the stewed chicken and rice in front of her face, but her face suddenly showed a sense of danger." does he think my food is not delicious? That's why I try so hard to learn how to cook, just to make me hand over my cooking position one day? "

"No, I can't waste my talent so easily." Irina shook her head slightly, ate a piece of mushroom again, with a happy and joyful smile on her face. She couldn't help but exclaim in her heart, "but it's really delicious!"

"In that case, I'll make him cook one meal a day, and I'll take charge of the rest two meals." Irina nodded her head firmly and looked up at Amy with beautiful pigtails. She was full of curiosity and thought to herself, "I haven't seen you for three years. It seems that I need to get to know him again. Cooking, hair binding... What else can he learn?"

Sitting still three meters high, the Forest Troll, holding a bowl about the size of his finger, ate a whole bowl of stewed chicken rice in one mouthful, smacked his mouth, and exclaimed: "this chicken is really delicious. The chef recommended by his Highness the second prince is really powerful, but it seems that this amount is a little less."

The representative of goblin took a bite of chicken, glanced at the Forest Troll, and said sarcastically, "it's a waste of such delicious food."

"Even women don't eat like you. Can you taste it?" The forest trolls also retorted. The two tribes had long been feuding. The intensity of the border war was not much worse than that of the orcs and the Empire of Los.

After all, it was in the Royal Palace of the Los Empire, and it was the birthday of the king. The two sides were restrained and did not have to fight.

The representatives of all ethnic groups are obviously very satisfied with the taste of stewed chicken and rice, and praise goes on and on.

And the ministers also echoed the smell.

If it's just an ordinary dish, no matter how delicious it is, it doesn't deserve the praise of so many big people.

But the cook was invited by Joe Xiu. He was not so much praising the delicacy of the dish as praising Joe Xiu's filial piety and wisdom.

"Is it so delicious? I can only smell and see, but I can't eat it. It's torture The Duke of Abraham couldn't sit still. He was looking and swallowing. His mind was full of how to rub some food. But even he didn't dare to make such a scene.

"It's so delicious?" Listening to those compliments and the chopsticks that the king never stopped, Sean's face was not very good-looking. He hesitated for a moment, and picked up the chopsticks and put a piece of chicken in his mouth.

Sean's expression became a little complicated, but his mouth was full of chewing.

This is not delicious, it is delicious to the extreme!

The fresh and delicious chicken absorbed the aroma of mushrooms, which almost made him chew his tongue. By contrast, the food Bilman made was really mediocre.

"It seems that he is not Alex. He can't cook at all, let alone become a cook. He comes to lodu to offer food for his father's birthday party." Sean put down his chopsticks and looked up at Joe.

His brother is not a fuel-efficient lamp. If he is really Alex, he should be the first one who wants to kill him.

But he may not be Alex's daughter. What about her? Could it be Alex's daughter?

It's a bit of a coincidence that half elves of the same age, magic genius girls, and also have silver hair and blue eyes.

It's not hard to understand that Alex, who had become a disabled person, would entrust his child to others. A disabled person who can't even take care of himself would kill her if he took the baby with him.

"If she is indeed Alex's daughter, maybe you can get information from the chef, dead or alive." Sean looks back and finds Alex. It's a fatal blow to Joe.

No one will support a prince who murdered Alex to become the new master of the Empire, because Alex is the hero of the Los Empire, a true national hero.

Even if the king has acquiesced in this matter, and will take it, but he will not let such an opportunity go.

There is only one throne, for which he will do whatever it takes.

He had to find Alex one step ahead of Joe and let him tell the person behind the scenes.

Of course, if he hadn't been carried away by jealousy, he wouldn't have done such a stupid thing.

You really can't give any sincerity to a woman, otherwise you will become a fool and a bad game of chess.

The waiter, who had been waiting for a while, walked away with a smile on his face. It seemed that his majesty and all the distinguished guests were very satisfied. His heart was finally put down, and his steps were light.


The dining hall is still in full swing. The chefs are busy cooking. The dishes on your table are constantly changing. As soon as the time comes, they will be replaced, because no noble person will eat only one dish. Rich dishes are one of the characteristics of the Palace Banquet.

However, many chefs pay attention to the corner of the kitchen by themselves intentionally or unintentionally. The news that the chef from the chaotic city offered food to the king has spread and caused a lot of discussion.

The city of chaos has only been built for more than a hundred years. There is no inside information. Even many chefs can't mix with other nationalities in Luodu, and then they go to the city of chaos.

For example, the head chef of Dukas restaurant, who ranked first in the chaotic city, had studied with the apprentice of chef Bilman for a period of time. He was still the apprentice of chef Bilman, so he might not be able to participate in the production of the Palace Banquet at his level.

So Norland mainland chefs have always discriminated against chefs in the chaotic city.

Now suddenly, an unheard of chef from the chaotic city came out and was invited by the second prince to offer food to the king. Naturally, the cooks were not happy.

"I think the second prince's highness is likely to be trapped by the guys from this chaotic city. What kind of chefs can be produced in that place." One cook said sarcastically, which attracted other cooks to follow suit, wondering if someone would come and take MEG away.

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