"All right." The king raised his hand and the hall became quiet.

"Since master McGonagall doesn't want to stay in the dining hall, I'm not reluctant to, but the three dishes I offer today are still the most delicious dishes I've ever eaten today, and the Palace Banquet is undoubtedly the best." The king looked at McGonagall and said, "the Dragon coin is 1000, and a plaque of" the best Palace Banquet "can be hung in the dining room."

"Thank you, sir." MEG went to make complaints about the king, grateful, but he could not help but Tucao: "how can this ghost thing be hung up in the shop?"

The king nodded slightly and said, "master McGonagall, since he is the guest of Lord Michael, the father of master Krasu's apprentice, and the gifted mathematician that Byron said, he doesn't have to go down and give a seat."

"Thank you, sir." McGonagall said respectfully that the reward was quite pleasing to him. He had never seen the Palace Banquet before, so it would be interesting to watch it.

"Your Majesty agreed!"

The ministers were surprised, but the fact that a little chef could support him made them wonder what was special about McGonagall.

It is clear that McGonagall is the winner of this argument.

"Isn't he illiterate? Why did he become a gifted mathematician after three years' absence? In the past three years, apart from learning how to cook, he has secretly learned how to count behind my back? " Irina looked at MEG with a glance, more curious about what else he had learned that she didn't know.

Sean looked a little gloomy, but he sat back in silence. This time, he hit the iron plate, not only didn't embarrass Joe, but also pushed Crassus and the city of chaos to Joe.

Joe's eyes were full of joy. McGonagall was the one he recommended. He thought he was just a cook, but he didn't expect to have such energy.

The group of educationists and writers headed by Byron field were not low in official positions, but they regarded themselves as high minded. They never meant to stand in line. They were the most prosperous group of grass in the official circles of the Los empire.

If McGonagall can break into their internal, let them become his supporters, it is undoubtedly a big powerful help.

Byron sat down. Luna poured a cup of tea and put it in front of him with a happy smile on her face.

"I'm so happy to say a few words for him?" Byron took a look at the cup of tea, looking at Luna a little helpless way.

"Mr. McGonagall is a man who loves freedom. The city of chaos is more suitable for him. If her grandfather can speak for him, Luna will be happy." Luna nodded with a smile.

"I think it's more than that." Byron took a sip of the tea and said with deep meaning.

McGonagall bows to Byron to thank him. Then he goes to Amy and they have a waiter who has brought a chair and sits next to crassus.

As soon as McGonagall sat down, he said to the two men beside him, "thank you for speaking to me

Novartis looked at McGonagall and shook his head slightly. "I should thank Mr. McGonagall for his willingness to return to the city of chaos."

"Boss Mai, let's be polite." Krasu waved his hand a little indifferently.

"My father!" Amy happily got into Meg's arms. Although she hadn't seen him for only one morning, she still missed him very much.

"Good boy." Amy took Amy to her lap and sat down. She rubbed her hair with a smile and looked at Elena. After looking at her, she moved away a little nervously. The woman was really a little terrible.

The intimacy between father and daughter attracted a lot of envious eyes. It is every man's dream to have such a lovely and soft talented daughter. Of course, women also want to be the woman who can sit on such a perfect man's lap.

Amy lay down in Meg's ear and whispered, "father, I think sister Elena has fallen in love with you."

"Well?" MEG was slightly stunned.

"Because she ate the three dishes you cooked and looked like she liked them, she must have fallen in love with you. No woman can resist your delicious food." Amy is serious.

"Little one." McGonagall couldn't help laughing and poking Amy on the forehead. He's really a little guy who dares to say anything.

The king made a decision, and the argument ended.

"It's this guy who fooled tarus and Dracula, and made me lose the key Island, damn it." Gergill, the representative of the demons, looks at MEG with a slightly gloomy look. The dispute between the two ethnic groups ended peacefully a few months ago. They didn't get any benefits. It can be said that they went for nothing.

"Is he what kinks calls the man who can cook delicious food?" Bruno, the golden dragon, looked at MEG with an unexpected look on his face, thought about it, nodded his head and said, "what kinks said doesn't lie to me. The food cooked by human beings is really delicious, but the quantity is less, and it's not enough to stuff your teeth."

McGonagall was also a quiet and large number of people in the hall. It is needless to say that today's four portions of spicy grilled fish is a little revenge. Richard just saw it yesterday, and his gloomy face and eyes would like to kill him.

Orcs, demons, forest trolls, dwarves, goblins, elves, dragons and so on all have their own characteristics.

McGonagall's eyes stayed for a while on the strong man with golden armor and a dragon tail with fine golden scales behind him. How familiar is the dragon tail? Isn't it the same as the dragon tail that MIA changed after eating rougamo?!

"Is MIA really a half dragon born after the combination of the Golden Dragon and human beings? And there's a great chance that she will eventually succeed. " McGonagall thought in his heart unexpectedly that he would remember the appearance of the Golden Dragon in his heart. If he had a chance, he might be able to ask a question about the human form of the Golden Dragon.

If MIA wants to, maybe she can go to the Golden Dragon tribe and find her father.

Of course, if his strength has recovered at that time, he doesn't mind beating the slag dragon who abandoned his wife and daughter.

"The king's birthday is celebrated by the whole nation, and guests from all over the world. Now, please present your birthday present

The inner court manager's voice was loud, and the hall was quiet. Everyone's eyes fell on Joe and Sean.

On the birthday of a king, birthday gifts are indispensable.

How about other life gifts? That is to fight for face.

But the level of the birthday gift of the great prince and the second prince has attracted much attention.

"Fool, come on! If I can't catch up with the present, I'll be ready for nothing! "

Sean was about to get up, but there was an urgent voice outside the hall.

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