When Sean said this, the hall was in an uproar.

The emperor was the master of the rejuvenation of mankind at the time of the racial war. When mankind was about to be destroyed, he led the human race to survive in the racial war, and made the human race continue to grow during the decades of his reign, which laid the foundation for the human race to become one of the big families in Nolan.

Because of this, he was also respected as the emperor, and his sword red flame sword once cut off the dragon's head, which is very famous.

After his death, it is said that the red flame sword was sunk in the flame pool. However, thousands of years later, countless people risked their lives to enter the flame pool and never found the legendary sword of the emperor.

All the masters of the human race in the past wanted to find this sword, but none of them succeeded.

Unexpectedly, Shawn found it and gave it to the king as a birthday gift. The weight and significance of this gift can be imagined.

The faces of the representatives of all ethnic groups are not very good-looking. Seeing this sword, many people think of the madman who was the emperor. If it wasn't for him, now human beings would only live in the mountains and forests.

"Red flame sword!"

The king stood up slowly from his seat, reached for Sean's sword, and his old face glowed with red light, as if he were younger all of a sudden.

At that time, he also wielded his sword at the border to kill the enemy. I didn't expect that he would get this red flame sword when he was old. The warm feeling came from the handle. It seemed that what he held in his hand was not a sword, but a fire. He even had the impulse to fight with someone.

Who doesn't want to be king?

In the past ten years, his favorite praise has been the king of equals.

Now, with the emperor's sword in hand, the human race has been on an equal footing with all ethnic groups. When all ethnic groups come to celebrate their birthday, Andre feels a sense of pride.

Andre held the sword in his hand for a long time, looked at Sean, nodded, and said, "good sword."

"Just like it." Sean's eyes flashed with joy. He took the sword, put it on the tray, and sat down again. Judging from his father's performance, it was worth the countless thoughts he spent on the sword.

Naturally, the ministers of the Shawn department took advantage of this good opportunity to praise him and tried to shape him into a filial son and ambitious man.

McGonagall looked at the red flame sword, which could sink in the pool of lava for thousands of years without any deformation. The sword was natural, and the king was obviously very satisfied. Looking at Sean, he said, "it's smart to pick the right point where the king cares about his name when he is old. This is probably the best one today."

"It's amazing, my brother." Yuri clapped his hands in amazement, but soon he was full of confidence and said, "no matter how special the red flame sword is, it's definitely not as special as the gift I prepared!"

"Mushroom head, what gift have you prepared?" Irina looked at Yuri curiously and asked.

"The secret." Yuri shook his head.

"I'm not old enough, but I have a lot of secrets." Irina looked at Yuri with a dangerous look.

"You'll know in a moment, so you can have a surprise!" Yuri said with a strong desire to survive.

Irina withdrew her hand and nodded, "well, if it's not fun, you know the consequences."

"It must be fun." Yuri was confident.

Joe Xiu's face was not very good-looking. He didn't know about the idea of renhuangjian, but there was no news. He never thought it would fall into Sean's hands.

I thought that with McGonagall's wonderful performance, the protagonist of today's birthday should be him, but now I have no confidence.

"Your Highness, the second prince, please present a gift!"

The waiter stepped back with the red flame sword in his hand, and the former waiter continued to shout.

Joe got up, and a waiter came into the hall with a tray covered with red cloth in both hands.

"What treasure will your second highness offer?"

"Your Highness took out the red flame sword. If the things your second highness took out were not special enough, they would be compared."

Ministers craned their necks and looked at them curiously.

Joe opened the red cloth, and a faint silver light came up from the plate. In the middle of the plate, there was a round ice hockey. In the middle of the ice hockey, a silver Ganoderma lucidum was floating, emitting a faint silver light, as if there was life.

"Father and emperor, this is the Wannian snow Ganoderma lucidum found by the children's ministers in the extremely cold area in the north. Snow Ganoderma lucidum only occasionally appears under the glacier. It can prolong life after taking it." Qiao Xiu a face solemn introduction way.

Common snow Ganoderma lucidum is extremely precious. It is said that after taking it, it can remove countless toxins and prolong life.

And ten thousand years Snow Ganoderma lucidum is unheard of, enough to see how precious the little Ganoderma lucidum in the ice hockey.

The eyes of the ministers are bright. They have been able to sit here for more than half a year. Who doesn't want to live a few more years? I'm afraid it's hard to eat this food without living a few more years.

The king looked at the ten thousand year old snow Ganoderma lucidum and nodded slightly, "Joe has a heart."

Without the red flame sword, the snow Ganoderma lucidum is undoubtedly an extremely precious thing, which is more advanced than the countless genius treasures in the palace.

Only after getting the red flame sword, the ten thousand year snow Ganoderma lucidum has become a lot more common.

Qiao Xiu nodded and sat down. This ten thousand year snow Ganoderma lucidum cost him a lot of money, but he didn't get any performance from his father. It was still hard for him to accept.

"I'd like to see, in my father's mind, whether a cook's weight is heavier or a red flame sword's weight is heavier." Sean took a look at Joe, and there was not even the slightest shade of satisfaction in his eyes.

The king's reaction was in the eyes of all the ministers. Sean was obviously better at this gift.

"Your Highness, the third prince

The waiter continued.

There was no expectation on the ministers' faces. The third prince's birthday gift didn't fall every year, but it was also a year. I didn't have any new ideas. Even with my eyes closed, you can guess that this time it must be his own woodcarving, and it's very possible to take it out of his pocket.

His royal highness, the third prince, who is addicted to wood carving, probably thinks that there is no more precious gift in the world than his wood carving, so his gift will never change.

Yuri stood up, a little solemn and serious.

Four bodyguards carried a big box one meter square and covered with red cloth with two thick wooden heads. Looking at the steps of the bodyguards, it seemed that the box was still a little heavy.

"What is this?"

The ministers are really curious. The volume of this gift exceeds the total volume of all previous gifts.

"Father, it took me half a year to make this birthday gift. I hope you like it." Yuri went to the box and opened the red envelope.

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