"No way!"

McGonagall and Crassus got up almost at the same time, looking at Yuri's eyes became a little dangerous.

Euryton felt his neck chilly and subconsciously stepped back. These two people looked terrible, as if they were more terrible than Elena.


The eyes of the ministers fell on Amy in McGonagall's arms one after another, with a kind of thoughtful look on her face. Although the little girl is still young, she is destined to become the top strong man in Nolan in the future because of her unfavourable talent.

What's more, the little girl is so delicate and lovely now. When she grows up, she will definitely become a great beauty. The third prince doesn't look very smart, but now she seems very smart.

But half elves are half elves after all. Whether the king will allow the third prince to take a half Elves as his wife is the biggest problem.

Now, of course, MEG and Crassus have a lot to say.

McGonagall can be ignored, but Krasu's identity can't be ignored. Although there is news that he has quit the mage tower to settle in the chaotic city, he didn't say that he would launch the Los empire.

If he is not willing to give his apprentice to the third prince, his majesty will have to consider the advantages and disadvantages.

"Or not? This big head, dare to beat Amy's idea, should be chopped up and thrown into the moat to feed the fish. " McGonagall looks at Yuri coldly. No one in the world can take Amy away from him, otherwise, he will die.

Krasu also looked at Yuri coldly, "this big son, he even put his ideas on my apprentice. Are you worthy of my apprentice? Is there anyone in the world worthy of my apprentice? "

"So fierce? I'm just worried that sister Elena wants me to marry her daughter, and I want to find a fool to stop me. Although this little fool is a little silly, he's still very agreeable. " Yuri looked at some fierce MEG and Crassus, thinking a little in his heart.

"Did you take what I said seriously? How did he know Amy was my daughter? " Irina looked at Yuri with a look of examination, full of incomprehension.

There is a strange silence in the hall. MEG holding Amy and Krasu holding the wand confront Yuri, who is a little flustered.

"Father, does mushroom head want me to marry him?" Amy asked, looking up at MEG naively.

Yuri's eyes lit up. If the little fool agreed, it would be useless even if the big fool and the frightening grandfather Krasu didn't agree?

"Yes." MEG looks at Amy with a slightly complicated expression and nods, just trying to instill in her the idea of resisting arranged marriage and puppy love.

Amy looked at Yuri's face and said seriously, "I don't think I'm worthy of your big head. Besides, I can take my own umbrella when I go out."


The hall was quiet for a while, and finally someone couldn't help laughing.

"My God, this little girl is so cute, isn't she?"

"And the mouth is so poisonous, but it still makes people feel cute and cute."

"Can the head of his Highness the third prince protect others from the wind and rain?"

The atmosphere of joy began to spread in the hall, especially watching Amy's serious little expression, clearly saying such hurtful words, but people felt that she was the one on their hands. This feeling is really very interesting.

"I... I..." Yuri also opened his mouth wide, looked at Amy and touched his head. It was really a little big, but he also wanted to take an umbrella when it rained!

"I didn't expect that even a genius like me would be rejected." Yuri looks at Amy's serious expression and shakes his head. It's not a pity for Amy. It's just a pity that there are people in the world who can't see his talent, only his head.

"What's wrong with your head? Can I decide? I... "Yuri sighed, feeling of being rejected was inexplicable.

"It's my daughter." Irina nodded with satisfaction.

"My daughter." McGonagall was suddenly pleased and touched Amy's hair with a smile. As long as Amy didn't agree, everything would be easy.

"I'm going to marry my father. My father is the best." Amy whispered in Meg's ear.

"Little one." Meg's heart was warm. When he was young, he didn't know what to marry and love, but he knew who was the best to her and wanted to stay with him for a lifetime. The feeling of being trusted and relied on touched the softest place in his heart.

In the face of the three refusals, everyone's eyes turned to the king again. The final result of this matter still depends on the king's decision.

McGonagall looked at the king with firm eyes and said, "Your Majesty, please forgive me for being rude and unreasonable, but the little girl is still less than four years old. She is still babbling and a toddler, so she is not suitable to talk about marriage. I hope you can have your opinion."

"EEE, EEE, EEE, EEE..." Amy blinked her eyes and sang with a soft voice.

Krasu also said seriously: "Your Majesty, my apprentice has just started to learn magic from me. I can't be a teacher in ten years. I don't have the spare time to play wood carving with the third prince."

The king looked at MEG and Crassus, then at Yuri. "Yuri, do you really like this little girl?"

Yuri folded his hands in front of his chest and said with a proud face: "I don't like it now. I only like people who like me, and people who don't like me don't deserve to be liked by me."

"Unless she likes me, too." Finally, I added another sentence.

"How could there be such a fool?" Amy asked curiously.

When he was dejected, he looked at the king and said, "father, I don't want this reward. I'll ask you for it when I think of something next time."

There was a glimmer of disappointment in the king's eyes, but he nodded: "well, in that case, when you think about it, you can tell me what you want, I'll give it to you."

Both Joe and Sean were relieved at the same time, and their vigilance to Yuri also relaxed a lot. A fool is still a fool after all, and they can't grasp the opportunity in front of them.

"Master Krasu, Mr. McGonagall, please take a seat. Yuri is abrupt. Don't take it too seriously." The king pressed his hand on Crassus and MEG, motioned them to sit down, and said with a smile, "if Mr. MEG wants to, he can open a restaurant in lodu. Master Crassus' original magic room is in the wizard tower, so the teaching effect is naturally better."

"Xiaomin will think it over when he goes back." McGonagall nodded seriously. There was a flicker of vigilance in his eyes. The longest serving king was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

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