The fighting in wudaojie has attracted the attention of many residents in the north of the city, and the experts in Luodu city are also looking at the direction of the north of the city, but not many people go to watch the battle.

The battle between level 10 masters is good, but not everyone has life to watch. If you are not careful, you may not be able to come back.

The military and the city defense forces were also ordered not to attack.

This rainstorm is scouring the streets of Luodu City, and everyone is wondering who dares to make such a big noise in Luodu city.

Some people think of the rainy night three years ago, which was also in the direction of wudaojie in the north of the city. The movement of that day was even louder than that of today. On that night, Alex, the God of war of the Los Empire, was surrounded and killed, and the legend of a generation fell.

This night, there must be important people die, but I don't know who will die this time.

Ordinary people only think that there are a few more thunders in the rainy night, turn over and fall asleep again.

But many people lost their sleep and wondered what would happen after tonight.


In the second prince's mansion, in the small kitchen, Amy sits by the window and scoops a scoop of ice cream cake with a small spoon. The pink ice cream and the cream mousse cake are layered, and the sweet smell of the cake overflows all of a sudden. It blends with the faint strawberry fragrance, making Amy's eyes light up.

Open your mouth and feed the cake to your mouth. The delicate ice cream melts in your mouth and integrates with the sweet and soft cake. The ice, sweet and wonderful taste makes Amy's eyebrows bend into crescent moon. Her face is full of happiness. After swallowing it, she points her cerebellar bag and says, "father, ice cream cake is delicious!

Magic magic out of MEG stood aside, looking at her with a smile.

"It seems that master McGonagall made delicious food for his daughter again. It's really an enviable mother and daughter. I don't know why his highness just asked me to come and see them."

Not far away under the rain eaves, the steward stood on tiptoe and looked at the direction of the small kitchen. This position was just able to see Amy and MEG in the kitchen from the half open window. He scratched his head and hid under the eaves.

Under the rainstorm, the temperature was lower. He shivered in a thin gown, then looked at it on tiptoe and muttered, "they are eating delicious food in the warm kitchen, so I don't have to stay here. My highness will report to him when he comes back." With that, he shrunk his head and walked along the corridor.

"What will your father do? If you leave in a hurry, will you meet bad people? " Amy took a look at the direction where the steward was standing, looked at the heavy rain outside the window, and thought a little worried.

"However, the ice cream is about to melt. It's a pity... Let's eat it..."

Amy looked at the ice cream cake in front of her, nodded seriously and picked up the spoon again.


All over the sky, the eyes of the dead fish are full of faint green light, just like a group of sharks smelling the smell of blood, flying towards the Griffin crazily, dense, even the raindrops are blocked.

His face was also full of crazy color. His fat hands were open, and two discs appeared on his hands. They slowly overlapped in the direction of the Griffin below, and said harshly: "the void grinding plate! Wear out everything

The space directly below the virtual eye beast began to twist and deform, as if it had been squeezed by something. Countless cracks appeared in the space of tens of meters, a little even several meters long, just like a sword hanging in the air.

The dark green eyeball falls into the dark space crevice, immediately explodes into green juice, and then instantly disappears in the space turbulence.

This space is like a crystal being squeezed. Countless cracks appear on it, and it seems to break at any time.

In the middle of the crystal, on the Griffin's back, Meg's expression is still calm, and the Epee is horizontal in front of him. It seems that there is something ready to go.

Irina put her arms around Meg's waist, and she didn't have the slightest worry. As long as she nestled up to him, there didn't seem to be any danger, because he could always solve all the problems perfectly.

The purple Griffin, with a wingspan of more than ten meters, is flexible in passing through the cracks of space. The small cracks leave scratches on its body. The blood gushes from the wound, but it does not slow down its speed. The firm eyes are not afraid, and some are fearless!

The green and quiet eyes have been pouring up. It seems that they want to squeeze the Griffin. The space tears and makes people itch. The dense space cracks cover the whole space. It seems that there are two invisible hands closing slowly towards the middle, which are already on the edge of collapse.

The man in black at the corner of the Fifth Street opened his eyes wide, full of awe and fear.

Whether it's the huge beholder or the torn void, it's terrible and irresistible in their eyes.

The Griffin against the trend, like a moth to the flame, looks so weak that it seems that it may be killed in the void at any time.

"Alex... Go to hell..."

Riding a griffin suspended in the air, Joe also looked at the direction of wudaojie. In the torn space, the Griffin with two people flying up became visible. Seeing Elena holding MEG, Joe's face became crazy. He clenched his teeth tightly, whipped the Griffin on his back, sat down, and the silver Griffin immediately flew towards wudaojie, Wait for me to save you this time! "

"Your Highness!"

The magician's face changed. He looked at the void eyed beast and the void ancestor in fear. He hesitated for a moment. He looked at Qiao Xiu, who had already rushed out for tens of meters. He was also biting his teeth and kicking the giant eagle under his feet. The giant eagle immediately flapped his wings to keep up with him and followed Qiao Xiu to fly towards wudaojie.

If anything happens to Joe, he'll never live.

The second prince is very wise, but he can't get through Princess Irina. If she died here today, it might be a good thing for him.

Of course, he can only think about it in his mind.

The sound of crashing sounds like a cobweb, and the dense cracks almost instantly connect to form a piece. The whole space collapses instantly, and countless green and secluded eyeballs explode at the same time, just like green fireworks exploding in mid air, which accelerates the collapse of space.

A deep black hole appears, like a big opening of the void, as if even the light has been swallowed.

And at this time, MEG finally stabbed the sword out of his hand.

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